****End of the year Vitamins/Supplements challenge****

Checking In!
Vit E
Iron- 2x daily
Simply One multi-vitamin

Ladies is there anything else you can think of? my hair is very thin especially at the hair line.

Checking in. I've been terrible about my vitamins since Thanksgiving. So off and on. :(

I took my Vit C, NAC, multi, Iron, Biotin.
Thanks Lovelili,
What exactly is the egg shake? Your hair is soooo beautiful! and healthy looking. I will post some pics of my hair. I think I will put them on fotki. I'm trying not to get discouraged and slap a relaxer in it. I dont have many choices of styles because the lenght of it. Wish me luck to say no to creamy crack:)
This is my last day with the Challenge before I travel for the holidays. I have no before or afters to post but I can definitely tell the difference in my energy level and my nails are growing like crazy. This has been a great way to get rid of my stash.

Have a merry Christmas LHCFers!
Checking in! Ladies when are we doing the pic comparisons? I relax 2mrw after a 13 wk stretch not much by LHCF standards but it's a step :grin: