Dr. Oz: Hair Secrets from India

I was going to say the same thing, it's like a poisonous rancid peanut butter....but it works!! I have a bottle and I dab it on mosquito bites in the summer.

I had a neem and tea tree soap that works GREAT on my skin also.

@empressri what brand is the soap?
Idk how yall can use something that stinks that bad. Unless that product ia giving me an inch a month...i wouldnt even bother. I cant do smelly products
I've opened that bottle twice. I keep saying maybe I'll use it on my scalp before shampooing but that smell...

That Jay Z.... :lachen:

What I find interesting is that the expensive luxury brand hair oil, which uses neem leaf extract rather than neem oil, gives the same results as using straight neem oil on your hair and scalp.

Neem oil can relieve dry and itchy scalp, dandruff, the symptoms of scalp psoriasis, as well as giving you silky, shiny, stronger hair and encourage growth. It really makes a big difference, and it does so seemingly over night.

People who have already tried everything to help their thinning, dry hair are besides themselves when seeing the immediate improvements after using neem oil hair products.

Neem oil can even help with hair problems like hair loss and premature graying, where loss of hair or loss of color is caused by imbalances and health issues, rather than normal aging. (Sorry, even neem oil won't stop the aging process...)
How Does Neem Hair Oil Work?

Healthy hair is the result of a healthy scalp, and your scalp is part of your skin. Everything that's been said about the use of neem oil for skin care is also relevant to using neem oil for your hair. But don't focus only on the neem oil.

Traditional Indian hair beauty treatments use neem leaf.
A watery extract, basically a tea made from neem leaves, is used as a rinse to prevent hair loss, and neem leaf pastes are used like conditioning packs. Those neem hair treatments soothe any irritations, prevent dryness and flaking, nourish the scalp and improve its general immunity and health. Exactly as they do for the skin on the rest of your body.

So where does neem oil come into it?
All parts of the neem plant have the same ingredients, but in different amounts. The oil has the highest concentration of Azadirachtin, the substance that's responsible for the effect of neem oil on insects and other parasites (like mites).

Problems with hair lice? Neem oil is what you need. And as you solve the hair lice problem you notice that the neem treatment also leaves your hair shiny and silky, soft but strong. Neem oil does have the same effect that the leaf extract has, but it is less pleasant to use. It stinks. On the other hand it is certainly easier to get hold of for most people than fresh neem leaves.

Most people's skin/scalp is dry from too much exposure to harsh chemicals, environmental toxins, not to forget the stuff in your average shampoo... Oil is good. Oil is a rich, nourishing treatment. Regular warm oil treatments, say with for example olive oil or coconut oil, are beneficial for your hair in any way.
How To Use Neem Oil On Hair

A neem hair oil based on other oils and enriched with neem leaf extract is probably the ideal way to use neem on hair. You have the benefit of an oil treatment and the benefits of neem, combined with ease of use and a beautiful scent.

But if you already use neem oil in your household or garden, then you can also use just that. (I'm talking about pure, organic, raw neem oil). Add some of it to your shampoo to make your own neem shampoo, or dilute it in a light carrier oil to make your own neem hair oil. (Olive, almond, coconut or jojoba all make great hair oils.)

For an intensive treatment massage neem hair oil into your hair and scalp, leave it for 30 minutes at least, up to over night, and then wash your hair with neem shampoo. You'll love the difference.
what does Amla oil smell like? and vatika?
which one has that curry smell? i'd rather have dry hair than smelly hair.
Amla has a strong smell I can't take it gives me a headache after awhile. But not so stink. I heard certain brands stink more than others.
Vatika don't smell bad its like coconut mixed with herbs not bad
But that neem will make you gag......it works but i mixes it with oil and essential oils. I use this every week.
And yes neem is a good insecticide in the summer good for flys it stank so bad they don't come near where the neem oil is put down.
And i never heard of one with a curry smell.
I like sweet almond oil - it's inexpensive.
I hate neem oil - I got a bad reaction to it when I used it. AND THE SMELL. LAWD.
Coconut oil is my fav to prepoo and oil rinse with. Love it.
I've opened that bottle twice. I keep saying maybe I'll use it on my scalp before shampooing but that smell...

:lol: at that gif!!! Oh man, y'all had me really curious about the neem oil, but I find I'm becoming sensitive to smells now. I can barely stand WhGo and this stuff is supposed to smell worse? :perplexed: I still want to try it though.
@empressri what brand is the soap?

chagrin valley


How has it changed/helped your skin?

i use it in the winter, it kept me from breaking out. plus it's moisturizing so my skin stayed moisturized and supple.

OH! it's also great to use after getting your eyebrows waxed. And after your SO (or son or brother lol I gave my brother a bar) gets a haircut they can use it afterwards to prevent ingrowns.
what does Amla oil smell like? and vatika?
which one has that curry smell? i'd rather have dry hair than smelly hair.

amla alone smells....it's so hard to describe. it's not terrible but not really pleasant either but it doesn't really linger, not to me at least.

vatika is the curry-ish weird scented one and there is nothing that masks the scent of it (beware it is NOT cuddle friendly! i dont even wear it when i know SO's nose is going to be planted next to my head) but it works so well.

im used to the scent though, i just picked up the bottle and sniffed it to try to explain it to you. but really amla and vatika have a scent that i cant compare to anything else.
amla alone smells....it's so hard to describe. it's not terrible but not really pleasant either but it doesn't really linger, not to me at least.

vatika is the curry-ish weird scented one and there is nothing that masks the scent of it (beware it is NOT cuddle friendly! i dont even wear it when i know SO's nose is going to be planted next to my head) but it works so well.

im used to the scent though, i just picked up the bottle and sniffed it to try to explain it to you. but really amla and vatika have a scent that i cant compare to anything else.


If that's you and your hair in your avi, I need to smell like whatever you are using :lachen:
Yep I totally second this stuff... I bought it after your first video on it. I use it on my scalp and it doesn't itch or get red. I also use it on my eczema prone spots on my skin and it makes them smooth out and fade away. Keeps bugs away too.

chagrin valley

i use it in the winter, it kept me from breaking out. plus it's moisturizing so my skin stayed moisturized and supple.

OH! it's also great to use after getting your eyebrows waxed. And after your SO (or son or brother lol I gave my brother a bar) gets a haircut they can use it afterwards to prevent ingrowns.


Yes it does... You can research about it and it will tell you but to give an example my hair had lost a lot of protein just from me shampooing even with my water filter. It was so bad I couldn't hold a braid out once I took the braids out my hair was limp and frizzy now I can and I'm getting less shedding. I can even baggy with it and I can't baggy with anything without my hair getting mushy and over moisturized.
It's also helping with my breakage. The kind I use is just a vitacost brand but it only takes a little bit. I baggied with it one night and then cowashed. I also use it to seal. I can feel it getting stronger and its visible in my braidouts.
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Is Neem powder as effective as the oil? As far as I can tell it doesn't have a smell. I bought it at the suggestion of an Indian man I ran into at a store similar to Trader Joe's called Sevananda. I mix it with my shea butter mixture but I haven't really but using that on my hair.. more so on my body.

I used the Neem powder when I could not tolerate the oil. But WARNING be very careful with it because if you get it in your eye it is going to burn like FIAH!!! :spinning::drunk:

Please be very careful with it!
I use all 3 oils...

*Neem oil is a great addition/for scalp pre-poos....
Its also great in treating acne & other skin issues...Taking neem caps 500mg 2xs/keeps colds away...

*Coconut oil...I love it on my scalp & under my eyes..I take it internally/helps with weight management/colon issues....Gives a youthful glow on the skin...I put it around my cuticles at night/keeps my hands moisturize & young looking...

*Almond...I sometimes add it to my dc/for extra conditioning...

Happy Hair Growing!
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Maybe that is why Shea Moisture products have so much fragrance in them because the Neem oil in it stinks so bad. Most of there products contain Neem Oil
luv oils..but cant walk around with a stinky odor lingering around from my head..and dh aint havign ti at all so...

ive found myself strategically putting in certain indian oils in my hair when im gonna have a low profile day--as in limited interaction with ppl...lmaooo

now i just **** with grapeseed oil...problem solved

but them damn indian oils r so great for the hair...
Woo ya'll. I bought some neem oil. It stanky dank fo sho. I'll put it in rotation and see if I notice a difference.
I use amla oil and it has a very pleasant smell. It is actually very sweet smelling. I make it myself though so there are no added fragrance ingredients. I usually use avocado oil or olive oil, heat to almost boiling then add some powdered amla and allow to simmer for 15 minutes or so. After I allow it to cool I add in some essential oils. It always works wonders on my new growth :grin: and I think i have been getting some extra hair growth too
Lawd I just opened the neem oil and took my nose to the bottle and inhaled. *GAG* It's honestly not as bad as I imagine like the pits of stinky heck were opened but it does smell like peanut butter poison. D: :lachen:
ITA with Nonie.
I bought neem oil during an ayurvedic phase I went through. Mine smelled like the sewer threw up in my apartment. And it would NOT go away until I tossed the bottle down the trash chute.
I LOVE vatika oil and I just checked the ingredients...the first is coconut (of course) and the second is neem! :) then Brahmi then Amla. I wonder if adding pure neem, just a few drops, will be masked...