Having Dandruff issues- Some possible solutions


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Dandruff is an itchy, annoying and persistent skin disorder of the scalp. A dark shirt and dandruff just simply don't go together! There is nothing more embarrassing than to have someone brush white flakes off your new black sweater or denim jacket .Dandruff can happen at any age but is most commonly found in people between the ages of 12 and 80. (A form of dandruff known as cradle cap occurs in newborns and infants). Dandruff can affect many different people in every age group. There is still controversy over whether dandruff is caused by fungus or by excessive sebum production of the scalp. Dandruff can manifest as either very dry and flaky scalp or very oily scalp with flakes. There are many different retail shampoos that are designed to combat dandruff today. Whatever type of solution you select, take your time and understand that every treatment works differently for every situation

Home Treatment for dandruff
>>Heat coconut oil with 100 gms.of neem powder and apply to your hair once a week.

>>Mix soap nut with water and apply once a week.

>>Mix Kapoor with coconut oil and apply.

>> 1 teaspoon soybean oil ,2 teaspoons castor oil , Combine ingredients then warm on low heat. Massage mixture into the scalp and hair. Wrap hair in a hot towel for 15 minutes. Shampoo & rinse out.

>>A mixture of 2 tbsp of curd and a few drops of honey is rubbed on the scalp half hour before bath and then the hair is washed.

>>Onion juice is massaged on the scalp half hour before bath and then the hair is washed.

>>aloe vera dandruff cure - with aloe vera gel . About 10-15 minutes before you wash your hair, rub a lot of aloe vera gel into your scalp. leave it on for 10 minutes, and shampoo your hair like you regulary do. if you do this everyday the dandruff will stay away.

>>Using lime juice to wash hair.

>>Soak 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leave for ½ an hour. Wash with mild shampoo.

>>Ingredients: Olive oil and almond oil
Instructions: Mix the olive oil with the almond oil. Leave it on about 5 min.s after it starts to burn. Rinse well to clear dandruff.

>>Massage your hair with warm coconut oil and apply the juice of 2 lemons, steam your hair and leave the oil on for about 2 hours. Shampoo with a mild shampoo. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

>>Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair.

>>Boil 7 heaping tablespoons dried thyme in 2 cups water for 10 minutes. Strain and cool. Pour 1/2 mixture over clean, damp hair. Massage into scalp, do not rinse. Use the rest of the solution another day.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.