Dominique Blowout after 4+ months post relaxer

Maa Maa omo mti

New Member
Dominican Blowout after 4+ months post relaxer help!!

Ladies, after seeing all the hide your hair challege pics, I'm very curious to see how long my hair is. So far I've been doing my own rollerset and once in a blue moon blowout. I haven't been to the dominican salon in 10months. I need to be reasured that everything will be ok. For some reason I'm freakin out. I keep thinking that I could loose all the progress I have. I've seriously conditioned myself to the no heat regimen, and don't see myself needing to go back to it. But I do want to see some length :( What should I do? Will everything be ok?
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While I'm not on a not heat reggie... I'm about 4 months post too and just as scared to get my hair done. Any advice ladies??
I'm 4 months post, too, and I'm really SCURRED to relax or get my hair done. It looks and feels very thick right now and I'm afraid that it'll go back looking dull, fine and limp after my relaxer. That's why I'm thinking about going to Lye relaxers.
Abey, check out JenniferMD fotki. She stretches her relaxers to 4 months and get blowouts. Her hair is beautiful. She will answer any questions you have.
I would say go for the blowout and make sure that you tell them to blow out the roots only! AND STICK TO IT!!!
I'll be 7 months post in a couple of weeks and I've been going to the DS since 4 months post. I only get the roots blown.

I totally understand your heat concerns. Is there anyone particular salon that you've been too and really like, or where you trust the person to blow your roots only? It doesn't hurt to ask. At the very least, I think they do very tight rollersets. You could have your hair set, and flat iron your roots on your own (using heat protectant, etc.)