Do you or don't you trim?

Do you trim your ends?

  • Always

    Votes: 35 18.8%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 73 39.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 29 15.6%
  • I just dust

    Votes: 62 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No more trimming! The last time I went in for one, the stylist (and I use the term loosely) chopped off 3 inches that I am now trying to recover!! I will only trim now if my ends are absolutely jacked up and thanks to my DC's and baggying..they are fine.
In the past I tried to avoid cutting my ends and as a result I had major set backs. Now, I let my stylist dust my ends at every relaxer to avoid major trims. This strategy allows me to retain length with nice ends.
Once in a blue (every other relaxer or so) I dust, but other than that, no trims. I will only trim when I reach MBL. . .maybe BSL. Haven't decided yet.
I had my BC in February 2008 and had a dusting once and a trim once. Thought I'd not need a trim till Feb '09 at my nappiversary but my hair was in need of a trim - partly because I wasn't quite handling it as gently as I should have. I'm new to all this but if all goes well I'll trim twice a year, maybe more if need be. Don't know what to vote so have not voted :perplexed.
I trim every 10-12 weeks. My hair has been doing well so it is usually a very small amount to trim. I just think my hair looks fuller when it is trimmed
I don't trim often unless it's really necessary, I just try to keep my ends moisturized enough so it won't have split ends. So far so good:yep:
I have been getting a trim (though, ahem, I have only been asking for a dusting) with every relaxer (about every 6-8 weeks). I tried stretching my trims to much longer and found it more disheartening when I saw all the hair that needed to be/was trimmed. I am thinking of going 12 weeks and then trimming?

My ideal would of course be learning how to trim my own ends because I am never quite sure WHAT my stylist is doing back there...Sometimes it seems like I have an entirely NEW (and whack) cut. With the low manipulation, winter protective styles and roller sets hopefully 12 weeks will be fine. Amen.
Now that all of the old icky parts I started off with are gone, I have my hair trimmed 1/4 inch every other relaxer. I don't lose any progress, and it keeps the nice even, blunt ends that I like.
thank you for this topic.. im thinking of starting over and its crazy because my hair is almost apl or i would say just now coming off my shoulders.. but my ends are disgusting.. i feel like im having a set back behind my ends..

i have researched the site on the importance moisturizing and baggy methods and daily care as well as making sure i do a month to a month and a half trims and i think im ready. ladies what do you think???
my personal opinion and i do mean my personal opinion i just think unless you have scraggly ends or its uneven or your trying to make your v into a blunt or whateverkind of cut its stupid to just cut your hair just because its been like 3 weeks since the last time you did it so i just dont cut my hair at all and my hair is just fine...chacha:spinning:
I only trim as needed. It's been a year since I last trimmed my hair. I've been doing a really good job of taking care of my ends so a trim hasn't been needed since then.
i trim twice a year which means i prally will not be due to trim until mayish/ june
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i just did my first trim since my BC in june. my ends were a mess and i ended up having to take off a lot, so i think i will start to dust/trim more often, like every 3 months or so if needed.
So far I have gotten trims/dustings every six months I think I will get one in March and not get another until next year.
I voted sometimes because I don't have a regular trimming schedule. About two or three times a year, I get a trim. I am trimming more regularly now, because I am transitioning and slowly getting rid of the relaxed ends. I got four inches cut in Dec.
I voted "sometimes" as in 1 to 2 times a year. My hair is in a bun most of the time so my ends are protected. I think this has yeilded the best results for growth retention for me.
I trim my hair quite often because I like neat, blunt ends. I think neatly trimmed hair makes your hair appear much healthier. And my hair is much more manageable when I do regular trims.
i dont trim because i have a fear of scissor happy stylist. (no I can not trim myself) I think Ive had one trim since my first mini chop in 2007 and that was part of my big chop... i hate to cut...

yep im in this boat its no long enuff for my to self trim yet...s o unless i find sumone i trust no trims for me, until goals have been met
I trim my ends like Twice a year...since i am on a new relaxer schedule. I get one four times a year,,,every four months I only trim my ends every other relaxer. I only use direct heat on my hair like every three months or so, i usually have a wig on or i have it up in some twists and a ponytal, or bun. So , i dont see the need too get a trim every relaxer.Some people what until the have reached their goal length and then get a trim....that could work too i think as long as you take care of :look:your hair.