Dandruff does not mean dry scalp


New Member
I had always thought that having dandruff means that your hair is dry. And I would subsequently slather oil on it to relieve it in the past. But is means the contrary, your scalp is shedding its top layer/oily and you need to wash it more.

What is Dandruff?
Dandruff is the term used to describe the simple scaling of the scalp. The top layer of skin is constantly being shed and renewed. Normally this goes unnoticed on the rest of the body, however, on the scalp the hair traps the scaling skin so that the scales become more evident.
About 50 per cent of the population suffer from dandruff. It can be treated by regular washing of the scalp with a medicated shampoo. Sometimes prescribed creams and lotions are necessary to bring it under control.
Dandruff is a chronic scalp condition that causes scaling and flaking of the skin. The skin on our scalp sheds more than any other area. Flakes get trapped in the hair and mix with oil, causing dandruff. What causes this increased shedding of scalp skin is still unknown. Some experts believe it is caused by a yeast or fungus, which irritates the scalp. The body's reaction to this irritation causes increased shedding of dead cells. Others believe factors such as stress, weather, oily skin, diet or hormones cause dandruff.
Dry scalp and dandruff are not the same thing. Dry scalp is caused by a lack of moisture or natural oils on the scalp, which results in small, dry flakes, and itchiness. Dandruff is caused by the shedding of skin, which results in medium-to-large size, white, oily flakes. Having dandruff does not mean your scalp is too dry. It means you need to wash your hair more often.

Dandruff Treatment

Although dandruff can't be cured, it can be controlled. Early treatment is the key. If you have dandruff, follow these guidelines:
  1. Use a dandruff shampoo, such as Head & Shoulders, Sebulex, or Tegrin. Wet your hair and rub the shampoo into your scalp and hair. Leave it on the scalp for at least 5 minutes or as directed. Then rinse it out. Use it every day until the dandruff is gone.
    stop using hairspray and other hair preparations
  2. Continue to use the medicated shampoo 2 or 3 times a week to keep the dandruff away. Or alternate the dandruff shampoo with your regular shampoo.
  3. Contact a dermatologist if the dandruff persists, even with continued treatment, or if other skin problems arise.
Don't use that shampoo 2-3 times a week. It will dry your hair out. I have two types of dermatitis(irritant contact and seborrheic) and I can verify that dandruff really doesn't equal dry scalp. Mine is too oily. I started using a prescription shampoo twice a week and now I use it every other week because they are soooo drying. I now use dry and itchy scalp conditioner too and it has been working great.
Can someone seriously help me because seborrheic dermatitis has plagued me most of my life!!! I don't know if I want to wash more because of all the manipulation but if I could get rid of this it would make my life a lot happier
Can someone seriously help me because seborrheic dermatitis has plagued me most of my life!!! I don't know if I want to wash more because of all the manipulation but if I could get rid of this it would make my life a lot happier

I was told I have to deal with it for life and I have a pretty bad case of it. But I have found the hydrocortisone creme has worked better than some of the prescrpitions. I put some of the hydro on every day
Can someone seriously help me because seborrheic dermatitis has plagued me most of my life!!! I don't know if I want to wash more because of all the manipulation but if I could get rid of this it would make my life a lot happier

I used to have this problem, but I started doing 2 things and it has disappeared. I haven't seen it in over 4 years. I stopped greasing my scalp and started taking flaxseed oil. If I had to guess, I would say the flaxseed is what did it. I take a tbs a day.
I was told I have to deal with it for life and I have a pretty bad case of it. But I have found the hydrocortisone creme has worked better than some of the prescrpitions. I put some of the hydro on every day
You put the hydrocortisone cream in you hair? I have been told about this but I am afraid to use it.

I have dermatitis too and and I swear I am going to scratch my hair out again sometimes. ( I did this once before when I had no idea what was going on. Big bald spot in the front of your hair, not cute). Tea tree oil helps, but I always seem to forget about it.
I used Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree line for years with no results. I've taken flaxseed oil for a long period of time with no luck. I stopped greasing my scalp a long time ago (ever since I got a relaxer). Hmmmm... hydrocort on the scalp... we'll see. The only thing that used to work was Olux foam but I went through it too quickly to keep up with the insurance. Maybe I'll go back to flaxseed again. :ohwell:
I think I'm going to try the hydrocort 1% on the scalp after washing my hair tomorrow night. :yep: I'll give an update next week.
I used Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree line for years with no results. I've taken flaxseed oil for a long period of time with no luck. I stopped greasing my scalp a long time ago (ever since I got a relaxer). Hmmmm... hydrocort on the scalp... we'll see. The only thing that used to work was Olux foam but I went through it too quickly to keep up with the insurance. Maybe I'll go back to flaxseed again. :ohwell:

I had the same problem and I tried many things. With Tersa-Tar shampoo (Walmart or drugstore with Nizoral shampoo, but less pricey than Nizoral), my dermatis is under control, gone! I used it 2x/week, then 1x/week or every other week. Now, I prefer to use it 1x/week for growth. Pert plus fresh 2 in 1 (with mint) is also good : cheap, but good. It's my second shampoo. With the two, no dermatis!