Brush for growth


New Member
Does anyone know of a way to brush hair for growth? The reason I'm asking is because my sister told me that when she had waist length hair, her stylist recommended brushing the hair to stimulate the scalp. When she moved here (Midwest) the water was too hard, and she shed so much that she cut off all her hair! She says that she's not worried about hair loss because all she has to do is brush it and it will grow. She cut her hair off about three weeks ago, and she already has a fro! Has anyone experienced this? Btw, she uses a Denman-like brush with the white bristles to brush her hair.
I think it definitely works ... kinda like a massage. But my hair couldn't take a brush, it would probably just break (well at least that's what I think anyway, I haven't tried). Cathy Howse has a bit in her book about this ... she thinks it better to stimulate the scalp through a conditioner (she includes menthol in hers, I think).

Maybe you can ask your sister what she does and let us know too.
She was over here this past weekend and when she saw the brush I had, she wanted it! I was not about to give her my brush but I asked her what the big deal was. She brushed a small section of my hair pretty vigorously, and it felt like my saclp was marching! After my scalp calmed down a bit, it had a tingle to it--if that makes since.

She told me that's how her hair grew so fast, since she cut it off, and she said that her former stylist was the one who hipped her to this method. It obviously works because she went from a fade to a fro, in three weeks. I'll try it and see if it works but it's hard to measure my growth; two weeks after a relaxer, my hair "buches" in the back (I wear half-wigs and braidouts most of the time) and I can't see growth unless I wash it.
I do use a brush............BUT not for stimulating my scalp for growth.

I use my denman after i have detangled with a shower comb to get rid of shed hair.......

I also use it when i tie a bun to lay my hair flat.......

i suppose anything to stimulate the scalp would be good although i wouldnt be using my denman on my growth unless i have made it super soft/manageable.....

i think there are better ways to stimulate your scalp that are not as damaging as brushing......

each to their own though......i love my denman but it doesnt come anywhere near my scalp.....
I don't know if it actually does stimulate hair growth but I realized by accident that I could stimulate my scalp with it. I ended up going over my scalp while brushing the sections with my Denman and it felt sooooo good and tingly.

So since then I've been parting in sections and just running the Denman over that part of the scalp and about the first inch from the roots I don't go down my hair with it because I think all that brushing for no reason would cause breakage. I've been doing this like every other day it just feels good lol.
You can get the same kind of stimulation with a comb. I use a Jilbere comb through my scalp at night after putting in my daily moisturizer and I see rapid growth from this. I just got a touch-up 4 weeks ago and I already have an inch of newgrowth!
I remember using a brush in my early teen years. I loved how it made my scalp tingle and I believe that it really helped with growth. I stopped using it because the stylist that I went to says it was causing split ends. I wonder if it was because I didn't moisturize or DC back then.:ohwell:
Does anyone know of a way to brush hair for growth? The reason I'm asking is because my sister told me that when she had waist length hair, her stylist recommended brushing the hair to stimulate the scalp. When she moved here (Midwest) the water was too hard, and she shed so much that she cut off all her hair! She says that she's not worried about hair loss because all she has to do is brush it and it will grow. She cut her hair off about three weeks ago, and she already has a fro! Has anyone experienced this? Btw, she uses a Denman-like brush with the white bristles to brush her hair.
i used to brush my hair 100 strokes every night as a teen...i had hair past bsl, back then, i didn't have a mother said brushing from the scalp down would distribute natural oils in your hair, so i did it because of that...i tell you one thing, my hair always had body and shine, and i didn't use a lot of hair greases back then...i was only washing and pressing my hair once a week, using an acv rinse for dandruff hair was gorgeous!!!
You can get the same kind of stimulation with a comb. I use a Jilbere comb through my scalp at night after putting in my daily moisturizer and I see rapid growth from this. I just got a touch-up 4 weeks ago and I already have an inch of newgrowth!

That's great MM! I think I'll keep with this brushing thing for a minute and altenate the "stimulus" w/ a comb, occassionally. I dont think I should be brushing from root to ends though. How bout this: comb hair to detangle and start stimulation, then brush to really set it off?! Btw, I gotta get one of those Jilbere's :)