Recommended Hair Brushes(kinda long)


Healthy Hair Quest..
Hey ladies!

Since I've been preparing for the grow out challenge I have been reasessing my products and tools. Changing some habits formed years ago that may be damaging and hindering the growth and health of my precious glory.

I've noticed some of you using a brush called the Denman? I've also heard mentioned a Boars' Hair Bristle Brush?

I was in Walmart and happened to pick up a paddle brush by Revlon. The one I used to call a baby doll brush. The one with the little balls at the end of the "bristles"? I almost put myself to sleep using this brush! It felt so good. I didn't pull out more of my hair than I wanted like my other hard bristles brushes. I got a lot of my shed hair out in one brushing and no broken pieces! I even used it in the shower with hardly any hair removal and it was a great massager and distributed the conditioner well!

Anyway, this morning I was curious about this Denman brush, if maybe, just maybe they were almost the same except the Revlon was a lot cheaper. In my search this is what I found:

Now, is this brush about like the Revlon brush I describe or is the Denman brush bristles different? What's so great about it?

Now the Boars' Hair. Is this brush like those soft bristles brushes my boys use? I need to know how does one brush their hair with bristles so soft?

Please give me the steeze on these.......the pros and cons and uses of these brushes.

Thanks alot!


The Denman brushes that I think most people here talk about are the D3 and D4 brushes. They have either a black or white handle, a red, cushy base, and white nylon bristles. I think they are supposed to be good for detangling and stuff.

Not all boar bristle brushes are the same. Some are softer than others. They are meant more for smoothing than detangling. You mainly use it as a finishing brush. It's just better for your hair than a finishing brush with nylon bristles. I have one I bought at Sally's for $7 or $8 that I love :)
Well the Denman brush I am familiar with is this one:


The bristles are different to me from other brushes, but I am not 100% sure about the difference with it and the one you recently purchased. When I was in sally's the other day, I noticed that Denman also makes boar bristle brushes.

As for the Boar's hair brush, it probably is pretty similar to one that your sons use. HOWEVER, some are a little better quality than others. I had one that the bristles were hard and seemed to pull more and the one I have now the bristles are softer. I honestly don't remember the brand as I have had it for a few years.

Personally, Id rather pay the extra for a Denman brush cos I love the quality. I have a D4 and a round boar bristle one for blow outs. I might also buy the paddle brush that you posted. (My SO has adopted the D4)

It just comes down to personal preference. Go to Sallys and check them out.
Thanks ladies for you replies.

Are the Denman brushes mainly for detangling and Boar's for smoothing? I'm going to hit Sally's or one of the BSS's and check them out.....

I don't know much about Denman's, other than the high quality reputation.
With regards to boar's hair brushes, they vary in firmness. I have never seen a soft one, personally, but I hear they do exist. Baby brushes, are not usually made of boar's hair, as it's a very coarse, rough hair, which can scratch and irritate a child's scalp.

I use a very firm boar's hair brush only when I blow dry. Other than that I use combs, preferrably wide-tooth seamless combs at all other times.
I recently purchased a denman paddle brush (*d84) as recommended by GrowAfroLong. I was really surprised it seems to polish your hair as well as distribute hair oil. Before I used to use the denman d3 for detangling but the paddle brush does both and is great for shine. It detangles very well and is very gentle on your hair.