Anyone get to the magical land of no breakage???

moisturize and oiling my ends every day, i mean EVERY DAY helps me to seriously minimizing breakage.

^ this message was in end of July, and I wanted to give a new feedback.
It still be the same.
-moisture & sealing hair and ends every day
-moisture protein balance on point !!! choose your right frequency : I add phytokeratin(hydrolysed wheat protein) in my deep treatment every other week. and others week(every other week, do you see that I mean LOL) i spritz my hair with an homemade aphogee keratin green tea leave in(it's very light, there is hydrolysed rice & silk protein) and then I baggy)
always follow with a moisturizing condish or leave in(in the morning in the baggying night).
and I try to not exposing my ends at the maximum.

of course there can be some little pieces of breakage, but I will only be from manipulation, or comb or heat.. and I try to also minimize these(no comb for one year and twists as a low manipulation style)
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wow! I need to wrap my head around "no breakage"! I had lots of breakage earlier this year before joining LCHF. That was due to dryness and lack of moisturizing DC'ing. Now that I have better hair practices, I have 4-20 small pieces each time I comb/brush. I'm getting ready for a dusting this weekend because I think my hair is saying it's time.

I'd like to be a tourist in magical land of no breakage ... maybe consider living there!
wow! I need to wrap my head around "no breakage"! I had lots of breakage earlier this year before joining LCHF. That was due to dryness and lack of moisturizing DC'ing. Now that I have better hair practices, I have 4-20 small pieces each time I comb/brush. I'm getting ready for a dusting this weekend because I think my hair is saying it's time.

I'd like to be a tourist in magical land of no breakage ... maybe consider living there!
^^^i'm glad you bumped this, because i was thinking about this thread and a few other posts from various threads that stated they don't have breakage at all.
I have noticed far less breakage now that I've gone back to cowashing with conditioner and olive oil. Now I just see the normal shedding for the most part. Maybe like one broken hair.
i'm jealous of people who can actually count the number of broken hairs. i would be all day.:nono:
I think it's possible to have no breakage. During the summer I didn't get any breakage. I kept it moisturized and all was well. But now that it's colder, I have been noticing a little breakage and I'm convinced that it's because my hair gets really thirsty in this dry air. I've been moisturizing multiple times a day. That has helped. Sometimes I slack and only moisturize once a day, but for the most part I do it two to three times a day. Its not a complicated process for me at all. I just spritz with water till slightly damp, put on a leave in moisturizer or conditioner, and seal with castor oil or burnt sugar pomade. My hair is always twisted or braided so the process takes less than 5 minutes.
Well it is painfully obvious that I have no sense of direction I keeping getting lost on my way there and I often am waylaid at Tangle junction with my fine strands.
Nooooo, don't use Bigen, that stuff is bad for your hair and scalp... I know everyone is different, maybe some people can use it..but there are too many horror stories, i had my own..that particular dye is bad for the hair.. I went natural because of using that mess..

I agree with the other posters, try Henna and indigo.. Much healthier for the hair..
If I get to the 'magical land of no breakage' I'm only an occasional guest for a couple days lol.:giggle: My hair's been retaining like crazy for the past month but I still get a couple broken hairs from styling and I've made a point to watch how much I handle my hair.:ohwell: I think all you can do is minimize breakage, not completely eliminate it.
Hey ladies!!!! I just started back on healthy hair care about 2 months ago and I still have maybe 3-4 broken hairs on my head :perplexed when i moisturize. My question is, is there always going to be some breakage or do i have to get my hair to the point where not one hair is on my hand when i moisturize or DC??? I cant really remember because the last time I was on the road to health was about 2 yrs ago I made it to BSB..not sure if i still had a hair break here and there.

Also I was trying to figure out where this breakage is coming from (im natural) And im thinking that it is either the brown box dye I put in my hair before I started back up on my journey or the fact that I have been sluffing on putting on my satin cap at night. I have been moisturizing faithfully everyday since I restarted. Im thinking about putting some oriental black Bigen in my hair today in case my breakage is from the color i did...might i add it only made my roots brown and steaked a little of my hair because my hair is naturally really dark. Any advice or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Hi, hair isn't indestructible so no matter what you are going to get some type of breakage. As long as it isn't excessive (same with shedding) you're good to go. A couple strands sounds normal to me.
divachyk said:
@lamaria211, ok so you're saying you've absolutely, positively lost zero strands? Impressive. For me, that's impossible even on my most gentle and careful wash day.

No I have no breakage I keep my hair in minis or celies mostly and I wig 100% of the time. I had some PP shedding recently but thats it I never have hairs laying on the bathroom floor or my shoulders or anything like that
the only time my shedding and breakage drastically decreases is if i do a hard protein treatment with aphogee 2 step
I have breakage but it is a samall amount. The reason why is that I am natural and I only comb my hair on wash days and I don't use heat, I don't flat iron, and when I style my hair I normally wear the style for at least a week or two. Low maintanence works wonders for me.
When my hair is balanced, I can run my hand through and get no hair. When I comb, I might get 2 or 3 hairs. That's about the best it gets for me.
No I have no breakage I keep my hair in minis or celies mostly and I wig 100% of the time. I had some PP shedding recently but thats it I never have hairs laying on the bathroom floor or my shoulders or anything like that
lamaria211, thanks for clarifying. See, that's important to note. When I hear of the question regarding breakage, I'm thinking the question is referring to those that handle their hair daily - hair that's accessible and loose. I can see where if you're in a long-term protective style such as minis or celies, you wouldn't see any breakage until the take-down phase, if at all then. I don't long-term protective style. I handle my hair daily for a minimum of moisturizing and sealing and even with that, I sometimes see strands of breakage especially if I'm rushing.
I have breakage but it is a samall amount. The reason why is that I am natural and I only comb my hair on wash days and I don't use heat, I don't flat iron, and when I style my hair I normally wear the style for at least a week or two. Low maintenance works wonders for me.

Same except, I'm relaxed
divachyk said:
lamaria211, thanks for clarifying. See, that's important to note. When I hear of the question regarding breakage, I'm thinking the question is referring to those that handle their hair daily - hair that's accessible and loose. I can see where if you're in a long-term protective style such as minis or celies, you wouldn't see any breakage until the take-down phase, if at all then. I don't long-term protective style. I handle my hair daily for a minimum of moisturizing and sealing and even with that, I sometimes see strands of breakage especially if I'm rushing.

Are you waiting until your hair is dry dry before you moisturize? What moisturizer are you using? Do you use shampoo?
divachyk said:
I typically roller set not air dry.

On air dry days ---
1) LIs while wet/damp
2) Bee Mine Luscious
3) Yes, use shampoo

I noticed my hair was much more moisturized after I quit poo. And I never let my hair get bone dry I M&S once a day. If your moisturizing and sealing more than that you need a better moisturizer
Thanks for the info lamaria211. I use sulfate free shampoo (CON Argan). What do you us? I'm not interested in WEN though. I read a several reviews on the internet (not LHCF) about some experienced increased shedding.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with my moisturizer. I simply think that breakage is absolutely unavoidable (for me) to the degree that some suggest. When I get breakage, it's a strand here or there unless I use a product that doesn't agree with my hair. On the regular, I'm not losing tons and tons of strands.
divachyk said:
Thanks for the info lamaria211. I use sulfate free shampoo (CON Argan). What do you us? I'm not interested in WEN though. I read a several reviews on the internet (not LHCF) about some experienced increased shedding.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with my moisturizer. I simply think that breakage is absolutely unavoidable (for me) to the degree that some suggest. When I get breakage, it's a strand here or there unless I use a product that doesn't agree with my hair. On the regular, I'm not losing tons and tons of strands.

Right now im using Hair One for dry hair, theres also Curls line Cleaning condish and many more other than Wen to try:)