Anyone get to the magical land of no breakage???


New Member
Hey ladies!!!! I just started back on healthy hair care about 2 months ago and I still have maybe 3-4 broken hairs on my head :perplexed when i moisturize. My question is, is there always going to be some breakage or do i have to get my hair to the point where not one hair is on my hand when i moisturize or DC??? I cant really remember because the last time I was on the road to health was about 2 yrs ago I made it to BSB..not sure if i still had a hair break here and there.

Also I was trying to figure out where this breakage is coming from (im natural) And im thinking that it is either the brown box dye I put in my hair before I started back up on my journey or the fact that I have been sluffing on putting on my satin cap at night. I have been moisturizing faithfully everyday since I restarted. Im thinking about putting some oriental black Bigen in my hair today in case my breakage is from the color i did...might i add it only made my roots brown and steaked a little of my hair because my hair is naturally really dark. Any advice or suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Just styling can cause some breakage but there is shedding too not necessarily breakage.
You can increase moisture DC more and be gentle when detangling like detangle with your hands first then comb and while wet or loaded with conditioner or oil.
If you minimize the breakage and shedding then you can retain more length and thickness
Also keep the ends healthy PS and dust when needed. HHG :)
Have you considered trying Henna and Indigo? Henna is great for filling in damaged areas on the hair strands. Indigo, if applied on your hair after a Henna treatment can give you a nice black color.:yep:
There will always be minimal breakage from everyday manipulation. Your hair strands are made of keratin, not steel. They are not invincible...
I didn't know I was in the land of no breakage until I left it! When I switched from using Aussie Moist to shea butter to moisturize my hair after I spritzed it, I started getting breakage -- little bits of hair. I was so upset. But I ALWAYS document when I change up my reggie, so I was able to pinpoint that it came from the shea butter. I immediately switched back to Aussie Moist (which I now add hemp seed oil too also) and I'm back in the land of no breakage.
By no breakage, I mean I see one to none broken hairs on my hands when I manipulate it.
When I was relaxed, I had the worst breakage. My hair would be all over my clothes and it would be broken off all in my comb. I had more breakage than shed hair it was that serious.

Ever since I have been natural, breakage is a non issue for me. My hair never breaks off. I contribute that to good haircare practices and being more gentle, learning what products work for me, and patient with my hair. I haven't used heat in 5 years, and I no longer color my hair.
it is a mythical land...there will always be some breakage. if there is a teeny bit every once in a while then that is okay. the advice given thus far is good.
I'm trying to get there... by adding more protein into my regimen. I have fine type four strands.
My hair is very porous and I'm starting to think I need to do something weekly to help with the breakage; either henna or protein treatment with DCing. We'll see how that works...
My hair is porous too. And my strands r fine. And I'm 4b. So yea, break city. I really do think this may possbly be a magical mythical place for me.

My last relaxer was almost 2 years ago. And for the entire first year of my transition I flat ironed on a weekly basis. So I wonder if that's why I still have breakage, leftover from my heat it up days. Or if just given the nature of my hair, breakage is just inevitable.

I've tried protein, just dries my hair out and doesn't really help much. For now my hair is still progressing. Just wearing it braided up and keeping it trimmed and not really stressing on it too much.

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I didn't after my last wash for the past couple of weeks, but I only manipulate my hair once a week when I wash it. I also wash in braids and detangle each one with The Detangler and my good detangling brush
My hair is porous too. And my strands r fine. And I'm 4b. So yea, break city. I really do think this may possbly be a magical mythical place for me.

My last relaxer was almost 2 years ago. And for the entire first year of my transition I flat ironed on a weekly basis. So I wonder if that's why I still have breakage, leftover from my heat it up days. Or if just given the nature of my hair, breakage is just inevitable.

I've tried protein, just dries my hair out and doesn't really help much. For now my hair is still progressing. Just wearing it braided up and keeping it trimmed and not really stressing on it too much.

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@Imani - you just wrote my story. Infact i really don't know how i have retained so much length over the years - i am/was so used to breakage (i've only ever had short hair when i have deliberatly cut it)
Now the only thing that works to dramatically to reduce the breakage is no heat and braiding it up and heavy sealing.
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I think breakage will happen no matter how careful you are. I only become concerned when it is excessive or occurs too frequently. Otherwise, I consider zero breakage (for me) impossible.
@Imani - you just wrote my story. Infact i really don't know how i have retained so much length over the years - i am/was so used to breakage (i've only ever had short hair when i have deliberatly cut it)
Now the only thing that works to dramatically to reduce the breakage is no heat and braiding it up and heavy sealing.

Thats exactly what I'm doing. Its in braids under a half wig 100% of the time. And I try to remember to wet it, moisturize, and seal with oil every few days. For someone who used to wear their hair DONE as in silky straight with feathers every day, this has been a drastic change. But I had to come to terms with the nature of my hair and if I ever want it to be long this is what I have to do. I'm now almost APL for the first time in my life.
Kimmaytube says she doesn't get breakage. I always wondered about that given that her strands seem to be on the fine side. I must be missing something.
I believe that you'll always have some breakage however, since I've begun finger detangling my breakage has greatly reduced.
Each of us had to find what gives us the least amount of breakage.

For me it was 1. using more protein and 2. no more sealing 3. easing up on how much moisture I use. 4. Using a different comb to detangle. I

Changing these things took me from always having 10 broken strands in my hand everyday to having a 2 or 3 less than 2 days a week. Once I get this self relaxing thing down pat I am sure I will have less.

I honestly can deal with that.
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Kimmaytube says she doesn't get breakage. I always wondered about that given that her strands seem to be on the fine side. I must be missing something.

My DD's hair is on the fine side as well and I always had breakage when doing her hair. I realized that she needed more protein.

You just have to find the right combination of technique and product for your hair
Kimmaytube says she doesn't get breakage. I always wondered about that given that her strands seem to be on the fine side. I must be missing something.

I guess those 4 hour detangling sessions may have something to do with it.
Thats exactly what I'm doing. Its in braids under a half wig 100% of the time. And I try to remember to wet it, moisturize, and seal with oil every few days. For someone who used to wear their hair DONE as in silky straight with feathers every day, this has been a drastic change. But I had to come to terms with the nature of my hair and if I ever want it to be long this is what I have to do. I'm now almost APL for the first time in my life.

Exactly this. We really do have similar hair. I too have always worn my hair straight and flowing and this was fine whilst relaxed. Being natural and trying to keep to healthy and straight was a no-no. The breakage was out of this world with blowdrying/flat ironing.
It's harder for me as i just can't find a half wig that matches my braid out hair to blend at the front so i'm feeling quite unattractive now - in plaits and wearing a beanie hat with hair left out in the front.
I've really tried not to depend too much on the comb in between washes and actually now use a decent protein treatment to protect my fine strands, the protein I was using before wasn't strong enough. Just by implementing these little changes is helping me to retain more.
I've really tried not to depend too much on the comb in between washes and actually now use a decent protein treatment to protect my fine strands, the protein I was using before wasn't strong enough. Just by implementing these little changes is helping me to retain more.

Lushlock, wich protein do you use? thanks
Kimmaytube says she doesn't get breakage. I always wondered about that given that her strands seem to be on the fine side. I must be missing something.

i don't get that :perplexed, we alaways have at least 1 broken strand in a month!! no breakage at all, never!!!!!!!!! even a teeny weeny piece? wowwww!