Any Updates on Glovers or Sulfur 8 users? ....

Hey welcome Chocolate01, it is used as a anti-itch and for dry scalp, if u go to search type in sulfur there should be alot of post with that topic,
I brought the sulfur 8 everyone' I had to my hair has been itching alot and since I have a sew in I can only wash once a week. My only problem is clogging my pores. I really don't want to clog my pores. I think I will try to use it twice a week and see what the results are.
How do u know when ur pores are clogged, I apply S8 everyday for a week now, and I wash with CW every 3 days, and some days I clean my scalp with Seabreeze but I dont know how do u tell if it cloged any updates
I've been watching these posts for a while and am wondering if you ladies are aware that Glover's has a formulation that is FLORAL FRANGRANCE? The scent isn't quite floral but it's VERY MUTED in comparison to the traditional scent of that stuff. I wouldn't use that myself!

The ingredients are EXACTLY THE SAME with the exception of the scent.
I have been Sulfur 8 for a couple of weeks becasue my scalp is very dry and itchy. it has definitely been working.
I just use a little on my scalp after I wash,it is thick and does have a strong odor so i wouldn't recommend using alot.
I brought the sulfur 8 everyone' I had to my hair has been itching alot and since I have a sew in I can only wash once a week. My only problem is clogging my pores. I really don't want to clog my pores. I think I will try to use it twice a week and see what the results are.

If I'm not mistaken, Sulfur 8 has a line for weave wearers as well. I'm going to see if I can find on line. Haven't seen it in any of the stores. If you can you should try Boundless Tresses. It's really good for itching.
I've been adding S8 to my OCT/MT mixture and using it on my scalp every other day. I have a 4oz. jar and i put half OCT and half MT in and mix. I then melt down my S8 and pour a thin layer (maybe a TBSP) on top of my mix, put the top on and shake it up. It mixes well, and it thickens up the OCT mix. The OCT/MT kinda mutes the sulfur smell a bit, and I like the tingle the S8 adds. I am in braids and I have been using this mix since I put them in Nevember 1st. My hair has grown nearly and inch in the "mohawk" area of my head, and nearly a half an in on the sides and perimeter. I am already having to take down and redo braids (sooo glad I know how to!). I am planning to get them redone profesionally January '09, but with this unexpected growth I might have to break down and do it sooner. Gonna try to keep redoing them myself for as long as I can!

PS: I was getting good growth with the OCT/MT by itsself, but for some reason, I think the S8 may have kicked it up a notch. We'll see in January when I post my "starting point" for the APL in "09 challenge....trying to make shoulder lenghth by January, "09!
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the only time i use sulfur 8 is with my mn for growth. don't know if that really applies to this thread. but oh well.
Yes, I do! As a matter of fact I prefer the sulfur 8 than using Bee Mine!

I used the Bee Mine the other night, and it made me so sick bc of the smell!

I have 2 bottles of it and can't use them.

I also seem to get better results using the sulfur 8! Which I will continue to use.

But since my hair is in braids I can't give an accurate progression of it! But down the line in a couple of months I will let you know how I'm doing!:grin:
I've used Glovers before, and currently use S8. You don't have to use either everyday to see results. Too much of a good thing isn't always a good thing, which may be why some are complaining of scalp dryness despite the use of a pomade on the scalp. I've used S8 off and on for years, never every day, just applying every 3 days or so, or whenever it's been absorbed, and I see good results.

I am aware that Glover's has a floral scent, and Sulfur 8 also has a new line of sulfur products called "Sulfur 8 Fresh," which has a light, fresh scent with the same benefits and sulfur component. I saw it being sold at Wal-mart about a month ago. You ladies should check out the "Sulfur Challenge" thread, as there are plenty of sisters there using sulfur-laden products including S8 and MTG.

I am thinking of picking up some Glovers soon to add a bit to my homemade MTG mix. I usually apply the MTG mix and S8 to my scalp every 3-4 days, and I see no dryness in between or due to using sulfur products on my scalp.
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Cool beans. Thanks for the update.

I'm running out of a couple of things and I noticed this in my stash, so I figured I'd use it on my hair for a week or so, until other items came in, but it had me wondering if indeed it is helpful on not (considering it has Petroleum)

Thanks again!