A Question for my Mom


Well-Known Member
Well my mom currently has a curl and on top of this, she also gets color because she is completly gray.

She doesn't like her hair anymore and wants it to be straight again. I told her IMO she should basically let her natural hair grow out to a length she is comfortable with, cut it and then relax. Well she's doesn't want to go through all that.

SHe called her current hair dresser who told her that they can use some product to "reverse the curl" to make her hair straight. Sounds like BS to me.

She called another who apparently said that she would have to let her natural hair grow about and inch or two and then the hairdresser said she would apply the relaxer to the new growth only. Which to me sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I told her my opinion and said I would ask you guys. I just want her to be careful because she has thin, fine and and has color also.
Have you ever heard of a product to reverse a curl? I can't stand hairdressers in San Antonio they lie so much and I want her to be careful. I really don't want my mom to end up bald-headed.

All though I think I already know the answer, I will show my mom everyone's opinions here.
I stay pretty in tune with what's going on in the Beauty biz and I have never heard of this. It must be made by the same folks that make "natural" relaxers and the formula that takes the relaxer out of your hair.

The healthiest and best thing your Mom can do is to cut all of that chemical out of her hair and start over and let a new healthy head of hair grow in.

I had come to the point where I had to decide between having a relaxer in my hair and dyeing it. The combination together is a recipe for disaster...chemicals on top of chemicals eventually it will catch up with you no matter how well you try to take care of your hair.

I would suggest that your Mom seriously contemplate going natural and then maybe once her hair grows out a couple of inches, which will take no time if she leaves the relaxer alone she may be able to dye it and press it if she doesn't like the natural look.

I hope she finds the solution that will best suit her, I feel her pain.
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