4 a/b Naturals Do You Still Have Breakage No Matter What?


I don't know what it is but no matter how many times I deep condition, moisturize or do protein treatments I still have breakage. I check for the white bulbs and most of the hairs don't have them. I try to stay out of my hair everyday so I don't know what it is. Are there any 4 a/b's out there experiencing this and if so do you still retain length from it.
Hi neighbor :) I think dealing with hair like ours is no easy task. Just when you are at optimum level things like this (breakage) happen. Could it be that the products that you are using are not the right things for your hair? Also, are you using heat in any capacity?
I think no matter what I do, some hairs are going to break. It's just the nature of highly textured hair. Usually I see a few when I detangle or style but it doesn't worry me. I'm still retaining length and my hair is healthy. I'd only be worried if I saw a significant amount of broken hair (more broken than shed hair) and was not retaining any length.

I just make sure to use moisturizing and strengthening products and my hair is just fine. :)

eta: If you are seeing mostly broken hair then something in your routine isn't right. It could even been diet or health related too.
. . . are you protecting your hair at night, by using a silk/satin scarf or pillowcase? Do you have any color in your hair?
I still get occasional breakage even with gentle handling. Over time natural wear and tear is gonna occur naturally and breakage does happen. As long as you are not having combs full of broken hair and you are not noticing a drastic difference in lenght and thickness it shouldnt be a problem.
The only time I notice breakage is when my ends need a trim, and that's rare. I always pay attention to what's going on with my hair when I comb it. If I don't notice large amounts of hair in my comb then I usually don't worry.
I wear a satin scarf at night. I guess I will not worry as much about mininal breakage. But it just gets so frustrating because all of this hard work I am putting into my hair and I am getting no where in length. :confused:
Wat ttype of comb do you use? Ive noticed when i use a wide tooth comb or a rubber comb i do not get that much breakage...if any at all. My hair usually only breaks when i need a trim...Maybe you have product build up? oryou've used too much protein?
Yes, I still have breakage, but I wouldn't say "no matter what". I find that leaving my hair alone prevents breakage for me. When I say "leaving my hair alone", I am talking about excessive styling, combing, washing, and just manipulation in general. My hair does best when I leave it in twists or in a fluffy shrunken fro. My hair also doesn't break when it is straightened, but I rarely wear my hair straightened...I've only worn it straightened 2-3 times since being natural. ;)
Crissi said:
You may have split ends that are causing your hair to break
I agree. Split ends make your hair weak and prone to breakage, tangles, and knots. Cut them off and you'll noticed a big difference in how your hair feels and how the breakage stops. Once you get a trim, work on ways to prevent split ends as much as possible.
mkstar826 said:
I think no matter what I do, some hairs are going to break. It's just the nature of highly textured hair. Usually I see a few when I detangle or style but it doesn't worry me. I'm still retaining length and my hair is healthy. I'd only be worried if I saw a significant amount of broken hair (more broken than shed hair) and was not retaining any length.

I just make sure to use moisturizing and strengthening products and my hair is just fine. :)

eta: If you are seeing mostly broken hair then something in your routine isn't right. It could even been diet or health related too.

I have to agree. I think it just goes with the territory of highly textured hair, you are always going to see some breakage. I think that is why a lot of naturals wear styles that they don't have to manipulate daily.
Sometimes I notice a couple hairs when fingerstyling. It used to really bother me, but now I just take it for what it is. With kinky hair, it's bound to happen, and it may be somewhat "normal." As long as it isn't excessive breakage, then I won't really worry.
Poohbear said:
Yes, I still have breakage, but I wouldn't say "no matter what". I find that leaving my hair alone prevents breakage for me. When I say "leaving my hair alone", I am talking about excessive styling, combing, washing, and just manipulation in general. My hair does best when I leave it in twists or in a fluffy shrunken fro. My hair also doesn't break when it is straightened, but I rarely wear my hair straightened...I've only worn it straightened 2-3 times since being natural. ;)

I agree with this. This is the same thing that happens to my hair. I was doing the phony pony and cowash thing and it just did not work for me. My hair is the weakest when its wet and when I am manipulating my hair to get it into a ponytail or even combing it. I get so much shedding and breakage.
The sheeding and breakage also stops when it is straightened or when I where 2 strand twist and puff. Profective megagrowth also has helped reduce my breakage.
I am going to wash my hair every 2-3 weeks and Now I am just going to to twist outs, braids, braidouts, half wigs or striaghtening my hair at the hairdresser with a rollerset and flat iron. My hair thanks me when it is left alone.
Yes. Especially if I leave my hair out in a puff for more than 2 days. I get major tangles that lead to breakage when combing. Because of this I leave my hair in twists 99% of the time....I rarely even wear twist outs anymore.
i am begining to think this as well i was puting my hair in a bun and my denman brush had gobs of hair in it and i was being gentle not just ripping through i am seriously thinking about a perm
I shed when I come out of braids after about 2 months. But my hair doesn't really break unless it's handled too roughly.
I used to get alot of breakage. When I would put my hands in myhair I would end up with little ends all over my shoulders. It wasn't cute. But then I really upped my moisture level. I used moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, and started applying cd's hair milk in the morning and at night with castor oil to seal. I haven't had the problem since. I sometimes brush or comb on dry hair, but I spray with leave in, and I don't have nearly the amount of little hairs as I used to. I think doing more protective styling has also helped alot.
Yeah, I get serious knots and tangles now that my hair is reaching APL. I thought that my hair was falling out after a bad henna experience. But, I just got my hair straightened for the first time in 5 years and my hair isn't breaking anymore. Still don't know what accounts for this, but I am thinking about getting a perm too.