30 Something Ladies, Check In Here!


I am 31 yo and my hair is in the best condition ever! I have learned so much on here and I cant thank y'all enough. I have realized that cowashing is the key and no heat is the best. I love this place!:yep:
I'll be celebrating my 31st tomorrow. I have been on this board for a few years and the most important thing i have learned is less heat, MOISTURE, MOISTURE, MOISTURE. I have grown and chopped my hair many times and i'm currently shoulder length (after cutting to ears in February). I love my coconut oil and i'm no longer afraid of getting my hair wet :). I have been air-drying and taking supplements since i started on this board, and i must say my hair is as healthy as it was when i was in high school.

Well, in that case, let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday!:yep:
I am 32...

Status of my hair
SL and hoping to be halfway to APL in 2 months...short term goal, APL by December 2008. Long term goal, MBL

What I've learned
  • Water is not your hair's enemy...LOL
  • co-washing works
  • protective styling works
  • I need to comb and brush my hair GOOD at least once a week
  • supplements work
  • MN definitely works
  • positive thinking, prayer and patience is imperative
  • you will drive yourself crazy if you check your length more than once a month
  • Give every regimen 30 days to start working...some take up to 6 months (that's why you have to have patience)
  • Diet and exercise has as much to do with hairgrowth as healthy hair practices
Aggie here and I am 39 years old and going on 40 in less than 4 months. What I have learned form being on the board is that one product/method of care doesn't necessarily fit all and you have to know your hair's likes and dislikes in order to have great progress. For example, texlaxing simply just did not work for me, very long relaxer stretches - :nono:, not for me, it caused too much breakage, my hair loves baggying while others hair hates it.

FM ya'll!! I too am 39, will be 40 next April. :spinning: I am APL and plan on staying here throughout my transition. My goal is just to get through a successful transition without a severe BC. (been there, done that and there was a very awkward period for me around a year after the BC...:lachen:)

I am coming off a PJ high, so I definitely agree with Aggie in that you have to temper your excitement with just keeping it simple and stay with what works for you and your hair... If it ain't broke...:grin:

...ain't no miracle products out there...just some things that work really well and some that don't...

I'm 32 and currently at SL. My goal is to be at APL by the end of the year. I've learned so much since joining LHCF. When I first joined I didn't know what moisturizing the ends and sealing meant. Once I found out what to do it changed my hair world. I've really learned how to fend off major hair setbacks, like knowing when my hair is breaking as opposed to shedding and what to do when it happens. Also, figuring out that my hair is fine has helped me understand that keeping it simple is the best practice. I don't post a lot but I love this board, the information is priceless and it's great to belong to such a supportive community of beautiful black women.
Right now I am probably skimming the top of BSL, I will know better in a couple of weeks after a touch up. I will be ending a hopefully 13 week stretch soon.

my length goal is mid back, but b4 that I really want full, bouncing BSL

I have learned that my hair needs moisture, whether it is DCing, co-washing, leaving in conditioner in my hair overnight or throughout the day. moisturizing my ends 2x/daily. Protective styling and rollersetting are my best friends. my hair is so soft and shiny and is really thriving. Too much heat is bad and the reason my hair always looked so yucky before LHCF is because it was dry and overworked and undernourished. Treat your hair like fine silk, be delicate with your strands and they will truly be your crowning glory!

I am 36 soon to be 37 and my hair is the longest and healthiest it has ever been!
32 here.

Just became a member as of this month, so I'm still learning ALOT!

Current hair status: last perm was in either late April or Early May. It's thin, w/damaged alopecia'd temples :sad: Grows fast, but with perm it has no body.

What I've learned: there may be hope for my hair :yep: & That there's a world of growth and health for my daughters hair, now that I have all this knowledge. She's only one, but I'm so excited about her hair much in part because of this site.
I've also now been very tempted to go natural (transition thru braids) because of this site.
Again, I'm new but the biggest thing that I've learned is about co-washing and the denman brush. Drinking lost of water and taking my vitamins, eating a well balanced diet and sleeping w/a satin head cover.
36 here!

I am sooo glad I found this site. I wish I would have seen it in my 20s. I was doing so many things wrong in my 20s. THis site taught me about: stretching relaxers, moisture/protein balance, protective styling, taking care of ends, co-washing, product recommendations, vitamins, etc.

My hair has never EVER been as long as it is now (SL), but is the heathiest its ever been. Although BSL is a good goal, I actually would be content reaching APL.
I'm 34. What I learned from this forum is that protective styling is extremely important if you want to retain length. Daily moisturizing for me is a must to keep my hair healthy. DCs make a huge difference in your hair. Balancing moisture and protein is a must to keep your hair in tip top shape. Stretching relaxers are great for the hair, but you must listen to your hair when it tells you it is time to relax. I am transitioning from relaxed to texlaxed right now and will eventually slowly start to cut off the bone straight ends. My current length is about shoulder length now and my ultimate goal is BSL and beyond. Great thread!
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OK, I guess it's my turn now, 36 year old checkin in here.

What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member.
For this question I'll start by echoing what most of the ladies here have already said about consistency and patience being key, I've also learned a few other things:
It takes time to build a good solid regime`...it comes through trial and error :ohwell:
It's OK to mix things in with your conditioner
Prepooing with oil is ish :drunk:
It's not a bad thing to wash your hair often (2-3 times a week)
I've learned the difference between plain conditioning and deep conditioning
That the best time to trim hair is when it's dry because you can gage it better.
That it's important to maintain a moisture and protein balance, -- the difference between the 2 and what products have which
When moisturizing it's best to seal in the moisture with a light oil
That scalp massaging is good
Alternating wrapping helps to stop thinning the hair
and very recently that DISTILLED WATER RINSES ARE THE BOMB :lick::lick:

What is the status of your hair?
I'm 4a/4B and currently teetering between SL and APL.

What is your length goal?
My goal is to be APL by the end of the year and my ultimate goal is BSL by this time next year (however that is very likely to change :grin:)
Age: 34

Hair Status:
Relaxed 4a/b-APL from NL. Striving to be BSL by Dec. 2008

What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member?
I've learned too many things to actualy name right now. Key ideas:
1. Moisture is a necessity.
2. Protein-Moisture balance must be checked constantly.
3. Shedding is NOT breakage.
4. Vitamins,exercise, water, and healthy eating improve hair quality.
5. You don't have to have specific DNA markers to have long hair :rolleyes:.
6. Growth Aides do work.
7. Protective styles help retain length.
8. Relaxed hair can grow healthy long, strong, and THICK!
Hey there,

I'm 34 and I've learned a ton of info being on this site! My hair is healthier then it's been in my entire adult life.

I've learned not to fight my natural curls and to embrace them.
Ayurvedics are awesome for healthy hair growth
Dominican Hair products will keep your hair moist, silky, and well conditioned.
Patience is key. Your hair is always growing - Protect your ends and you will see progress.
Maintain a routine and stick to it. Your hair needs your love and attention. Without proper maintainence and TLC you won't have progress.

Most important - Moisturize then seal your ends at least once daily.

I'm a 3c/4a hair type and I was waistlength in 1999. I cut my hair to my just below my shoulders in 2006 after a horrible self-hair dying experience.

My hair is now slightly below bsl but only the rear - the top/front is sl and sides are apl. My ultimate goal is waistlength hair (all over -one length)- however my priority is healthy hair - regardless of the length.

:wave: Caribgirl, it's been a while - I miss you.:grin:
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Checking in, I am 31 and I have learned that being natural is not for me. I was natural for a hot minute and know I will not travel down that road again:nono: I do not regret doing it but I feel I lost my momentum of growth. I have also learned that moisture is key to hair growth.

:hug2: I miss you too!!! How is my niece doing in your tummy? :babyg:
:grin:she's keeping me up late at night. I've got 6 weeks and she'll be here.:yep: Time really does fly. You're hair's looking fly girlie - you have eight weeks then I'm coming to you for my new work out routine.:yep:
OK, I guess it's my turn now, 36 year old checkin in here.

What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member.
For this question I'll start by echoing what most of the ladies here have already said about consistency and patience being key, I've also learned a few other things:
It takes time to build a good solid regime`...it comes through trial and error :ohwell:
It's OK to mix things in with your conditioner
Prepooing with oil is ish :drunk:
It's not a bad thing to wash your hair often (2-3 times a week)
I've learned the difference between plain conditioning and deep conditioning
That the best time to trim hair is when it's dry because you can gage it better.
That it's important to maintain a moisture and protein balance, -- the difference between the 2 and what products have which
When moisturizing it's best to seal in the moisture with a light oil
That scalp massaging is good
Alternating wrapping helps to stop thinning the hair
and very recently that DISTILLED WATER RINSES ARE THE BOMB :lick::lick:

What is the status of your hair?
I'm 4a/4B and currently teetering between SL and APL.

What is your length goal?
My goal is to be APL by the end of the year and my ultimate goal is BSL by this time next year (however that is very likely to change :grin:)

hey bign...co-signing on the distilled water rinses...:yep:
Just turned 32 last week

Things I've learned:
  • Co-washing is great for the hair.
  • Moisturizing and then sealing with an oil.
  • Learning to read ingredients on product lables to stay away from products that are not good for our hair.
  • Different EOs/Raw butters for our hair.
  • Takes some time to come up with a solid regimen.
  • You have to go through trial and error to find what your hair really likes and stick with it.
  • Using food products (ie. avocados, eggs, mayo, honey and etc.) is good for our hair!
  • Raves on the board from others DOES NOT mean my hair will like it too!
  • Doing a cold distilled water rinse to close my cuticles after washing my hair.
  • Baggying can become your friend when you're suffering from dry hair or just simply keeping your hair or ends moisturized.
Status of my hair:
3c/4a Type currently sporting a TWA, approx 3.5-4inch all over and colored. Did a recent trim on my ends.

Length Goal:

Short Term Goal: NL hopefully by end of Dec 2008
Long Term Goal: Aiming for BSL, but no set time constraints. I'll get there when I get there.
This is a spin-off from the 40 something thread. What have you learned since you've become a LHCF member. What is the status of your hair? What is your length goal? Share any tips and feel free to ask questions as well. Don't forget to include your age.

I'm 35. I'm newly relaxed (just ended a 25 week transition :grin:) neck length now and I hope to make it to SL by December 2008. My ultimate goal is "Waist Length".:yep: I don't have any tips because I'm still learning.

Anyone else?

I'm 31. Relaxed hair. Current length is past waist somewhere. Goal length is however long it wants to grow!:drunk:

LHCF has taught me about CW and plenty of products that I would never have known about before.
Hey there,

I'm 34 and I've learned a ton of info being on this site! My hair is healthier then it's been in my entire adult life.

I've learned not to fight my natural curls and to embrace them.
Ayurvedics are awesome for healthy hair growth
Dominican Hair products will keep your hair moist, silky, and well conditioned.
Patience is key. Your hair is always growing - Protect your ends and you will see progress.
Maintain a routine and stick to it. Your hair needs your love and attention. Without proper maintainence and TLC you won't have progress.

Most important - Moisturize then seal your ends at least once daily.

I'm a 3c/4a hair type and I was waistlength in 1999. I cut my hair to my just below my shoulders in 2006 after a horrible self-hair dying experience.

My hair is now slightly below bsl but only the rear - the top/front is sl and sides are apl. My ultimate goal is waistlength hair (all over -one length)- however my priority is healthy hair - regardless of the length.

:wave: Caribgirl, it's been a while - I miss you.:grin:

Totally cosigning! I only use Dominican products (except for Suave or VO5 cowashes) and my hair thanks me kindly. :yep:

I'm 32.

Relaxed - neck length

I have finally learnt to listen to my hair and not to jump on every bandwagon.

I'm trying to Keep It Simple.

Goal is to just let it grow.
Age: 33 (Just Turned June 22)

*I had Healthy Hair before coming to LHCF*
Things I've learned:

  • Co-washing is great for the hair with the right conditioner
  • Stick to a simple Routine
  • Don't jump on every Bandwagon
  • Some "Bad" Ingredients work for me and my hair
  • "Natural Ingredients" doesn't exactley mean better for my hair
  • Do what works for my hair
  • Stick to one or 2 product Lines
  • Don't be a Product Junkie
  • Use A Good Leave In Conditioner
Status of my hair:
Shaved my Texlax off to go back Natural in May, hair is growing Lovely!

Length Goal:
I just want my hair to be Unstretched Shoulder length, anything longer is too much of a Hassle for me:yep:
I'm 33...will be 34 TOMORROW!

Since I have been here on LHCF, I've learned that there are many beautiful AA black women with long beautiful hair.

I've learned that everything aint for everybody.

I've learned that less is more.

I've learned that someone will always have something to say.

I've learned not to care what people say and not to tell everybody what I'm doing with my hair.

I've learned that there are thousands of products that I'll never buy or use.

I've learned that although my hair doesn't define me, it accentuates my beauty.

I've learned to show my big ole 8-head! :grin:

The status of my hair: It's progressing nicely. I have very little dryness or dandruff since joining the board (since I've learned to properly moisturize and seal). I'll probably be SL by the end of the year, if not before then.

My length goal: I just wanna be able to do a rollerset without looking like a grandma. Right now, my short term goal is SL. Long term I'll be happy with APL.
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I'm 33...will be 34 TOMORROW!

Since I have been here on LHCF, I've learned that there are many beautiful AA black women with long beautiful hair.

I've learned that everything aint for everybody.

I've learned that less is more.

I've learned not to care what people say and not to tell everybody what I'm doing with my hair.

I've learned that someone will always have something to say.

I've learned that there are thousands of products that I'll never buy or use.

I've learned that although my hair doesn't define me, it accentuates my beauty.

I've learned to show my big ole 8-head! :grin:

The status of my hair: It's progressing nicely. I have very little dryness or dandruff since joining the board (since I've learned to properly moisturize and seal). I'll probably be SL by the end of the year, if not before then.

My length goal: I just wanna be able to do a rollerset without looking like a grandma. Right now, my short term goal is SL. Long term I'll be happy with APL.

Have a happy birthday tomorrow!
Age: Mid 30's.

Current length: BSL-ish

Goal length: MBL

Tips: No heat, stretching, protective styling (twist-outs/braid-outs), everybody can't self relax. :nono:
I'm 32. Since joining LHCF I have learned that moisturizing, using little to no heat, and low manipulation hair sytles are the best for my hair. My hair type is 4b and somewhere between sl and apl. I'm currently on a long stretch or I just might transition(haven't made up my mind). Anyway I hope to be full apl by Dec. and ultimately have healthy bsl hair in the near future. :yep:
My age: 31

I have learned so much since I've been on LHCF. My favorite hair care method is doing a pre-poo using coconut milk, EVOO, jojoba, honey and conditioner. It is awesome and helped to revive my dry hair. I have been able to share knowledge with many women who are looking to improve their hair care methods who I am sure will be joining soon.

I am also in the process of doing more co-washing.

In general, this website has helped to break some mindsets about african-american hair care. Things like:
- dirty hair grows
- washing your hair too much will dry it out (not if you are co-washing and avoiding shampoos with sodium lauryl sulphate)

I have also regained a new found excitement to take care of my hair. The photo below is about 3 days after doing the prepoo above (slept overnight), washing with Elasta QP conditioning shampoo, and then deep conditioning with Design Essentials Stimulations Conditioner. I then roller set my hair, sat under the dryer for a little bit. Removed the rollers but kept the shape of the curls and let it air dry. Then wrapped. Before this, my hair looked like straw because I accidentally fell asleep with a protein conditioner in my hair. But it is now back to normal.
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Wow, I am so proud there are quite a bit of aged 30 something ladies on this board and still growing:yep:.
My age: 31

I have learned so much since I've been on LHCF. My favorite hair care method is doing a pre-poo using coconut milk, EVOO, jojoba, honey and conditioner. It is awesome and helped to revive my dry hair. I have been able to share knowledge with many women who are looking to improve their hair care methods who I am sure will be joining soon.

I am also in the process of doing more co-washing.

In general, this website has helped to break some mindsets about african-american hair care. Things like:
- dirty hair grows
- washing your hair too much will dry it out (not if you are co-washing and avoiding shampoos with sodium lauryl sulphate)

I have also regained a new found excitement to take care of my hair. The photo below is about 3 days after doing the prepoo above (slept overnight), washing with Elasta QP conditioning shampoo, and then deep conditioning with Design Essentials Stimulations Conditioner. I then roller set my hair, sat under the dryer for a little bit. Removed the rollers but kept the shape of the curls and let it air dry. Then wrapped. Before this, my hair looked like straw because I accidentally fell asleep with a protein conditioner in my hair. But it is now back to normal.

Hmm, interesting.:yep: I may have to try this because my hair has been really dry lately.