I WANT WAIST LENGTH HAIR NOW...but I know it takes patience... In the meantime...Give us some TIPS!!!
What was your starting length for growing your hair? My starting point is just above bra-strap length
How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point? It took me about 1 year.
Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural
What was you regime as you grew your hair out? My hair grew the best when I just left it alone and eliminated direct heat. I washed it at first whenever my scalp itched, I have a detailed regimen now but I don’t think it’s what really grew my hair, I think most of all it was a healthy diet and eliminating heat.
What products did you use? Any moisturizing conditioner, I now like V05 moisture milks. I want to mention part of my hair growth was b4 I knew about LHCF so I wasn’t doing much and it grew but to get me to inch past the mid-back length and into waist-length I really feel ACV rinses helped, as well as deep conditioning, and OIL which my hair loves now that I have moisture down I need to get my protein down as well so my strands will be that much stronger.
What styles did you wear? I got the most consistent growth with braid outs over the summer. I also did protective styling buns, and stuffing all of it under a straight wig. Hehehe
Any other hair growing tips??? For me keeping my scalp clean and not messing with my ends much while retaining moisture and seriously limiting heat is the best option to gain length. Diet is also important; also little changes like changing to a satian pillowcase and remembering to moisturize my hair daily is what helped me to finally retain the length.
Thanks for sharing!
What was your starting length for growing your hair? barely touching shoulder length

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
counting 1 major set-back, 3-4 years

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
dusting trimms I did myself, every 3-4 months, baggying nightly at one point, regime link in siggy

What products did you use? suave coconut conditioner, S-curl no drip activator, monoi, avocado, coconut, masqueti oils-diff times, silicon mix, aphogee for a time( I don't use it now) my updated regime link is in my siggy, products in my fotki.

What styles did you wear? braided weaves, phonytail baggie, baggying nightly at one point ( I had some dryness issues)

Any other hair growing tips??? I would say if your braiding or braid/weave, you have to moisturize daily most times moisturize extra, that's why I baggied so much at one point. Also I think I should have given up the braided weave when i was mid-back approaching WSL cause the weight of the weave I had to wear to cover my real hair was getting too heavy, and it was too hard to get inbetween to moisturize and oil like I used to. Also, keep your products to a minimum, simplify your routine as much as you can, and give up heat when trying to reach a goal, then you can find a healthy balance with heat usage. hth
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What was your starting length for growing your hair? barely touching shoulder length

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
counting 1 major set-back, 3-4 years

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
dusting trimms I did myself, every 3-4 months, baggying nightly at one point, regime link in siggy

What products did you use? suave coconut conditioner, S-curl no drip activator, monoi, avocado, coconut, masqueti oils-diff times, silicon mix, aphogee for a time( I don't use it now) my updated regime link is in my siggy, products in my fotki.

What styles did you wear? braided weaves, phonytail baggie, baggying nightly at one point ( I had some dryness issues)

Any other hair growing tips??? I would say if your braiding or braid/weave, you have to moisturize daily most times moisturize extra, that's why I baggied so much at one point. Also I think I should have given up the braided weave when i was mid-back approaching WSL cause the weight of the weave I had to wear to cover my real hair was getting too heavy, and it was too hard to get inbetween to moisturize and oil like I used to. Also, keep your products to a minimum, simplify your routine as much as you can, and give up heat when trying to reach a goal, then you can find a healthy balance with heat usage. hth

Alright, Lucia! :grin:
bumping for more success stories. Congrats to all you "WL Hair Hall of Famers!" Are there more who've made it? Tell us.
What was your starting length for growing your hair? Broken shoulder length

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
3 years

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Relaxed

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
Protective styling,keeping my hair moisturized

What products did you use? S-curl no drip activator, Proline softner moisturizer, coconut oil,Castor Oil Hairveda green tera butter hairveda whipped ends hydration
What styles did you wear? Ponytails Always

Any other hair growing tips??? I would say keep hair protected and moisturized
What was your starting length for growing your hair?It was always long MBL-WSL but i had to cut it Above ear (Boot camp Haircut)

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
2 1/2 -3 years

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural

What was you regime as you grew your hair out? Washing 2 times a week. Deep Co once a week. I flat ironed once a week and had my mom trim every 3-4 sometimes 5 months.

What products did you use? I have branched out a bit but before i only used Frederic Fekkai Shea Butter Moisturizing Shampoo, Shea Butter Moisturizing Co , And the Shea Butter Hair Mask, Bedhead Ego Boost, Natural Coconut Oil, Burts Bee's Avocado Butter Pre-Shampoo, EVOO.... there are so many others I can't begin to list I am a terrible product junkie :)

What styles did you wear? During this time my navy donut bun, down on the weekends, ponytails, single braid, french twists

Any other hair growing tips??? Try different things and see what works best for your hair and don't be afraid to spend a little on products. My experience was seeing what works for others doesn't always work for me (ie) trying lusters pink lotion for the first time and having HORRIBLE hair loss.
What was your starting length for growing your hair? shoulder length

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
2-3 years for thickness

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
Protective styling, moisturize, low to no manipulation, deep conditioning weekly, rare heat (every 3 months)

What products did you use? Gold Activator or cheap leave in conditioner, Infusium hair strengthner, hair gel lightly, Creme of Nature Shampoo - diluted, Cholesterol Deep conditioner, Pink lotion - straight style with flat iron, air dry
What styles did you wear? individuals, flat iron, mostly natural wash and go

Any other hair growing tips??? Always condition hair...always! Seal ends, and comb it no more than one time in a day, and no more than one heating tool per week (flat iron, that's it...bun waves, braid outs, chopsticks, or wrap it)
What was your starting length for growing your hair? shoulder length

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
2-3 years for thickness

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
Protective styling, moisturize, low to no manipulation, deep conditioning weekly, rare heat (every 3 months)

What products did you use? Gold Activator or cheap leave in conditioner, Infusium hair strengthner, hair gel lightly, Creme of Nature Shampoo - diluted, Cholesterol Deep conditioner, Pink lotion - straight style with flat iron, air dry
What styles did you wear? individuals, flat iron, mostly natural wash and go

Any other hair growing tips??? Always condition hair...always! Seal ends, and comb it no more than one time in a day, and no more than one heating tool per week (flat iron, that's it...bun waves, braid outs, chopsticks, or wrap it)

Congrats! Now that you reached WSL, are you still on a low mani reggie or do you still comb?
I WANT WAIST LENGTH HAIR NOW...but I know it takes patience... In the meantime...Give us some TIPS!!!
What was your starting length for growing your hair? My starting point is just above bra-strap length
How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point? It took me about 1 year.
Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural
What was you regime as you grew your hair out? My hair grew the best when I just left it alone and eliminated direct heat. I washed it at first whenever my scalp itched, I have a detailed regimen now but I don’t think it’s what really grew my hair, I think most of all it was a healthy diet and eliminating heat.
What products did you use? Any moisturizing conditioner, I now like V05 moisture milks. I want to mention part of my hair growth was b4 I knew about LHCF so I wasn’t doing much and it grew but to get me to inch past the mid-back length and into waist-length I really feel ACV rinses helped, as well as deep conditioning, and OIL which my hair loves now that I have moisture down I need to get my protein down as well so my strands will be that much stronger.
What styles did you wear? I got the most consistent growth with braid outs over the summer. I also did protective styling buns, and stuffing all of it under a straight wig. Hehehe
Any other hair growing tips??? For me keeping my scalp clean and not messing with my ends much while retaining moisture and seriously limiting heat is the best option to gain length. Diet is also important; also little changes like changing to a satian pillowcase and remembering to moisturize my hair daily is what helped me to finally retain the length.

How often and for how long do you wear wigs??
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Re: WAIST LENGTH HAIR Ladies!!! PLEASE Check In!!!


Originally Posted by LoveLongLocks
What was your starting length for growing your hair? shoulder length

How long did it take you to achieve waist length hair from that starting point?
2-3 years for thickness

Are you relaxed, texturized, or natural? Natural

What was you regime as you grew your hair out?
Protective styling, moisturize, low to no manipulation, deep conditioning weekly, rare heat (every 3 months)

What products did you use? Gold Activator or cheap leave in conditioner, Infusium hair strengthner, hair gel lightly, Creme of Nature Shampoo - diluted, Cholesterol Deep conditioner, Pink lotion - straight style with flat iron, air dry
What styles did you wear? individuals, flat iron, mostly natural wash and go

Any other hair growing tips??? Always condition hair...always! Seal ends, and comb it no more than one time in a day, and no more than one heating tool per week (flat iron, that's it...bun waves, braid outs, chopsticks, or wrap it)

Congrats! Now that you reached WSL, are you still on a low mani reggie or do you still comb?

- I am on low manipulation, I only comb if when necessary or cannot finger comb. This is especially true if it is curly due to tangles that can form.