2011 Prayer Challenge-WWWW!

Which do you love the most and why?

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"The great people of the earth today are the people who pray. These are the people who are doing the most for God; in winning souls; in solving problems; in awakening churches..." ~S.D. Gordon

This is a challenge to begin and end 2011 with a praying spirit. The challenge is to start your morning (before 10 a.m.) and as God leads/awakens you with prayer. WWWW..Weeping Women Will Win!

Feel free to post your experiences, thoughts, encounters, and direction from God.

Happy Praying,:yep:
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This is my first time visiting the Christian Fellowship portion of the board. I would like to joining this challenge.
I did not vote.

For me prayer, worship, and praise are essential for my Christian walk. I cannot live one without the other. This year I plan to increase in both prayer and praise/worship.:yep:
I definitely want to join in this challenge. The Lord has stripped me of something I valued dearly. I know this is God's way of getting my attention. This morning I realized a lie I have allowed the devil to have me believe for many years.

I have believed that prayer is of no real prayer. I have believed that regardless of my prayers, life will unfold the way it is intended to unfold. Even when I would pray and God would answer, I would ask myself, "If I didn't pray would this have happened anyway?" And the answer subconsciously would be YES, it would have happened anyway.

So the Lord convicted me of the wrong thinking this morning. In Jesus Name, I repent of my unbelief and help me with any unbelief I may have in the power of prayer. Prayer is effective and neccessary. Without it, you can not be a Christian because you are starving your relationship with Jesus Christ. Prayer is the life-giving blood of your faith in Christ Jesus.

So I will take this challenge and post results. I am praising the Lord right now for what he is going to do in my life.
God bless you,

It is so amazing the lengths that the enemy would go through to allow us to stop believing in the power that the Lord has granted us through prayer. The bible says that we will be filled with amazement when we see who has been doing all this tormenting, lying and destroying, "the devil".

I welcome you to this challenge, even as the orchestrator of this challenge, I have been under immense attacks...but Glory Be To God, who has given us the victory!

Prayer is the one thing that stifles the enemy in his tracks, yes people do have their own choices, but we can stifle the influence of the devil through prayer, allowing people to hear the voice of God.

That is why we pray..For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ..

I look forward to your updates....

Your partner in prayer,