2010 Lose Minimal/No Hair While Detangling Challenge

I had a really good detangling session today. Instead of relying on my M&T detangler, I made sure to really detangle while I was in the shower. I used La Bomba Rinse as my final step and detangled in sections and once more under the running water to make sure I did a good job. After getting out, I made sure I used light hands when applying my leave-ins as to not mess up my previous efforts. I then pulled into a wet bun and but it under a silk scarf. I barely lost any hair! I will definitely keep this up and I'm glad I found a use for the La Bomba Rinse cause I was on the fence about whether or not I liked it. Also, I was careful this week not to touch my hair at all except to moisturize and seal nightly so this was the first time a comb touched it. I'm happy with the results.
Happy Near Year everyone! Hi Firstborn2, I detangle once a week with a seamless or shower comb. :yep:

Thanks Sheryl for responding, I was just wondering because if I blink I would miss that lil ball you call shedded hair:lachen:. I'm trying to go for an 8wk detangling stretch, I hate to see all the hair I'm going to lose after that, but I'm hopeful. I've been deep conditioning 2x wk and tea rinsing 2x wk, I hope it's going to pay off for me.
@lolasmane, if I could only lose that amount after a 6wk stretch I would be happy. I expect to lose a certain amount since I only detangle every 6wks, I just don't want to see enough hair to make a wig with once I'm done.

For now I'm going to continue with the tea rinses 2x/wk

I've decided tea rinses are the way for me to go too. I tried co-washing mid-week and I just found it was too much manipulation (even after havingmy hair in 4 braids)! Tea/coffee rinses will be my go-to for now for added moisture and detangling benefits!
Hi Everyone!

I'm mad! :wallbash: I just finished completely detangling my hair 100% after washing and dc-ing my hair last night. Here's what I did:

1) Pre-pooed all week with Caster Oil since last wash/dc Saturday.

2) Made DIY DC with a mixture Creme of Nature Moisture Extreme Condition, EVOO, Organic Plain Yogurt, Honey, and a bit Various Natural Oils (Jojoba, Carrot, Coconut.

3) Made DIY Clarifier with Bentonite Clay and Organic ACV.

4) Sectioned hair into four sections and then divided those section in half. Finger detangled each section a bit before adding bentonite clay. Added clay in smooth unidirectional motion. the Bentonite seemed to stretch out my kinks to the length of pressing. Let it sit for 30 mins on hair.

5) Went in show washed Clay out completely. Undid each section and added DC in unidirectional motion.

6) Used Jilbere Shower comb from Sally's I detangled each section if the comb did not go through a bump with gentle force. I used my fingers to get out the knot, added more Conditioner until comb slipped completely through from root to end. *Note: I detangle from end to root* I did this until each section was done. This step took a total of 1.5 hours! :ohwell:

7) I washed the conditoner out after 15 more mins.Lastly I did an ACV rinse to make sure all the clay and condition were out. I undid each section and re-combed hair with shower comb to make sure it was still detangled and BY GOLLY it was!

8) So I added In some Infusium 23 Moisture Formula each section while still damp, sealed with Castor Oil and re-braided each section tightly while pulling to stretch my hair a bit.

9) I went to bed happy knowing that I had completely clarified (I've never clarified before!), DC, cleaned my hair w/o shampoo, detangled, moisturized, and sealed my hair all in a span of 4 hours! Before I have never even done anything nearthat much only shampoo, condition, dry, and detangle but the process would take me 8 hours! Mostly 6 hours of straight pointless detangling, pointless because I would think I did a good job, but then someone else would comb through my hair the day after and it would be darn near MATTED! :wallbash:

10) Ok here comes the ANGRY part. :grin: this morning, I was so in shock about how well I did the night before I pulled off my silk scarf that was tightly wrapped around my head and I noticed that my braids were a bit shrunken! Grrr! So I keep hope and think well at least they must be detangled. :rolleyes: LO and Behold I try to comb through a section that I so painstakingly dentangled the night before and the comb doesn't even move an inch! Not even with moderate force with a VERY WIDE TOOTH COMB at that! ROOOOAAAARRRR! I was so mad! The only thing that saved me from tearing through my hair in anger was the fact the my hair was extremely moisturized. So MY DIY DC did work! YAY! :grin:

So here I am up tonight at this late hour 12:40 am EST just finished detangling hair for sure with a D3 Denman brush and a generous helping of Jane Carter N&S Sealer + Moisture and Water-based Moisturizer Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier. I KNOW it better to be truly dentangled now because that Denman has so many hard bristles, it seems really impossible that it would miss a tangle! In the whole process, I collected the hair lost one whole palm full. Some shed and alot of little broken pieces. Hey it's a gain though my detangling process b4 I started using LHCF last month I was losing almost 4 palm fulls. I would still like to see less than a palm full though. Any tips ladies?

ETA: I will let my mom test my hair and I will report if my hair is still dentangled tomorrow. It HAS to be I'm going to get my hair in cornrow extensions tomorrow and I don't want to give that lady any extra reason to tear out my hair. If my hair is not detangled, I'm busting some random car's windows! J/K
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I have recently changed my regime and I lose half (maybe even less) the amount of hair in 2 weeks than what I used to lose in a day. It's crazy,I hardly lose hair anymore and most of what I lose is shredded hair. I am so happy cos that means big time retention for me. I have already noticed a huge difference in hair length after 2 months.

I am natural. There are three main things I think I do that help me lose less hair and you all know one of them is incredibly important- moisturising.The other two is the way I comb and the comb I use and the way I detangle to get rid of knots and tangles.

Fisrt I wash and DC. I use Cathy Howse DC and Tresemme shampoo for dry hair. I also do an ACV rinse mainly cos I am in a severe hard water area but this may also be helping me lose less hair, who knows.

I towel blot my hair, so it is damp. I moisturise section by section concentrating on the ends. First I spray the section with filtered water and I oil the ends with either jojoba/olive oil. I finger comb to get rid of tangles then I use a comb which I have filed down the seams(the comb was also a reason I used to lose hair. I hated hearing those clicks each time I combed so I had to do something to stop the single curls at my ends ending up on the floor. Now I see 3-5 of those. each time I comb rather than 20 or more everyday.

I comb starting at the ends to avoid causing knots. I do it gently and if the comb won't go through easily then I use my fingers to detangle. Adding more oil and water if necessary. If I find a knot I use a safety pin to gently undo it.....I still can't believe how this works for me.....So happy about this honestly.

After sectioning I baggy. so my hair is always moisturised. and wear a fake pony. (when my hair gets to APL, I want to wear it out so I am not sure how I'll keep it moisturised then...maybe I'll carry a water and oil spray mix)

I only comb/ detangle my hair in sections after a moisturise using the method as detailed above and not everyday. I add water and /or oil to my hair everyday making sure I concentrate on ends but not in sections.

I have managed 99% of the time to keep my hands out of my hair. This way I do not find a knot when I have no time to deal with properly and end up ripping it out, causing more damage or cutting it.

Hope this helps others. It sure has helped me.!!!!:thumbsup:

I am thinking APL is well in my sight now. I really really hope so.
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I only need to detangle on wash days, I've had two of those since the challenge started, week one left me wanting to cry, week 2 (today) was a huge improvement! I'll post the pics as soon as I find the charger for my camera, hopefully sometime this week.

I must say I have been a lot gentler with detangling since I started on this challenge
I wanna join if it's not too late...I really need to find the right method for detangling my hair...I'm tired of losing clumps of hair!!
ok so I washed my hair today only doing my protein treatment. I did not follow it up with a moisturizing DC as my hair felt really soft after using my protein treatment. Here is what I discovered:

+Instead of washing in sections like I always do..I opt to just wash with my hair all back.
+I did my protein treatment for about 20-30 minutes
+Rinse it out completely
+Did NOT use a leave-in....I opt to use my lotion-type moisturizer and airdry...Moisturized again when hair is completely dry.

This for me = less hair loss....then what I orginally posted a few responses back.


  • Hair loss jan 12 2010.jpg
    Hair loss jan 12 2010.jpg
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I forgot I was in this one. Checking in for the first time. I'm in the twisting for growth challenge also. The following is how I will lose minimal hair in 2010:

Twist hair
Wear twist for 5 days
Wear twistouts for 2 days
Wash hair with shampoo(no sulfate)
Take out one twist
Remove Shedded hair
Retwisted with hair butter
Moved on to the next twist until whole head is retwisted.

I'm very gray so I tried something new. I applied henna to my new growth for one hour, rinsed, applied Indigo for one hour and a half, rinsed, and did the above steps. It covered my gray fairly well. I like this process because I get less tangles.
Washed my hair today...took forever detangling but I got through it...lost a lot of hair but I haven't been detangling before washing like I should...I've been doing twistouts for a few weeks now and I know that plus me being 14 weeks post played a big part in my hair being as tangled as it was...I washed it in the shower today...I usually wash my hair in the sink but I'm gonna wash it in the shower for now on (at least that's the plan)...I put a lot of conditioner in my hair and let it sit for a while, detangled, clarified, herbal rinsed, DC, detangled again, then put it in two cornrows to air dry.
I am not official in the challenge but I have found a great way to detangle.

I just took out my sew in and am 3 months post and detangle was easy (as far as detangling goes)

This is my process.

I divide my dry hair into 4 sections
I apply EVOO to my roots using an applicator bottle.
I apply ORS to all my hair
I than go back and rub evoo on the length of my hair
I put a shower cap on and sit under the dryer for 15 minutes.
My hair is really soft now and easy to detangle. I use a cricket silk comb (it is seamless).
I detangle and wash my hair in the shower. I am careful not to scrunch my hair
I add DC and sit under dryer (sometimes with the homemade steam treatment) for at least 30 minutes.

Works wonders for me.
I'm in. I lose so much hair when I wash; I almost cried last week. The middle of my hair gets so tangled. I wash it upside down in the sink which I know is a NO NO. I'm going to start washing in the shower.

^Last year I started washing in the shower and I did find that this helped my hair to start thriving. It's just that lately I've been going through some other hair trial and tribulations so I need to figure out what the issue is. I'm going to add the pure garlic powder to my pre poos and see if that makes a difference. Also I've been thinking of ways to start to KISS my regi and hopefully that will help. I'm going to also go back to washing in braids.

I'd like to join this challenge if it isn't too late, because this is a real problem for me. When I detangle I've been loosing so much hair that it makes me not want to wash it at all. I usually save the lost hair from week to week to compare. So I'm going to become diligent in recording what I do to my hair to get it back into shape. I did notice that when I washed this week it was the first time in a long time that I lost less hair.
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ok ladies so I've washed my hair again today following what I said in my last post the only difference was instead of using a Protein DC I used a Moisturizing DC....EVERYTHING else stayed the same. I discovered that I had a drastic decrease in hair loss....attached is a pic of today's hair loss...compare it to pics in my other post....


  • Hair loss jan 14 2010.jpg
    Hair loss jan 14 2010.jpg
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I'm going to try some of the techniques mentioned because I'm still losing mad hair. This week I loss nearly twice as much hair as the previous week. I did henna this time but I made sure I was extra gentle in applying it and thoroughly detangled prior. I'm getting really frustrated that this may start messing with my retention.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Hey Ladies,

I just wanted to share with you that for the first time in my natural hair journey, detangling is no longer a challenge or an intimidating process. I loose less than 20 hairs when I detangel which is every 2 or 3 days. It took me 4 mos. of trying various methods to figure out what works for me. Here is what I do.

1. Being super gentle and loving to my hair, I start with dry hair.
2. I spray on a little Mane and Tail detangler
3. and gently section off a little for a medium to large sized twist.
4. I smooth alot of the DC onto the hair and -if my hair will allow it, I detangle with my fingers (otherwise I wait for the DC to work) and
5. repeat until the hair is twisted and detangled where possible.
6. Then I sit under a warm dryer for 20 minutes and
7. leave the cap on for another 40 minutes or more.
8. Gently, rinse the twists out and while using my fingers to detangle a bit more.
9. follow up with more mane n tail, shea butter and/or qhemet detangling ghee for pinned up bun, twist out.

Note: I add oils to my DC as necessary. I'm so impressed with my hair right now because m alot of the time, my fingers glide through my hair so effortlessly. This can only get better when I get my steamer...I wish I had known years ago that my hair would respond this way to a dry DC. Heck, I would probably be WL by now!
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I forgot I was in this one. Checking in for the first time. I'm in the twisting for growth challenge also. The following is how I will lose minimal hair in 2010:

Twist hair
Wear twist for 5 days
Wear twistouts for 2 days
Wash hair with shampoo(no sulfate)
Take out one twist
Remove Shedded hair
Retwisted with hair butter
Moved on to the next twist until whole head is retwisted.

This is frequently what I do. I'm going to do it now.
^Last year I started washing in the shower and I did find that this helped my hair to start thriving. It's just that lately I've been going through some other hair trial and tribulations so I need to figure out what the issue is. I'm going to add the pure garlic powder to my pre poos and see if that makes a difference. Also I've been thinking of ways to start to KISS my regi and hopefully that will help. I'm going to also go back to washing in braids.

I'd like to join this challenge if it isn't too late, because this is a real problem for me. When I detangle I've been loosing so much hair that it makes me not want to wash it at all. I usually save the lost hair from week to week to compare. So I'm going to become diligent in recording what I do to my hair to get it back into shape. I did notice that when I washed this week it was the first time in a long time that I lost less hair.

This is a great idea - maybe I will start to taking a picture of the shed hair after each detangling session!
I just washed, undid each twist, moisturized, removed a bit of shed hair, and retwisted. I know I didn't get all the shed hair, but I'll save that for next week. I'm leaving the twists in to air dry this week. But wow, it was so much easier than usual. I am definitely going to keep up this blow dry and flat iron thing every 2-3 weeks. Assuming I don't see damage. It's so nice to feel like I have normal hair that can be done in a normal amount of time.
I just washed, undid each twist, moisturized, removed a bit of shed hair, and retwisted. I know I didn't get all the shed hair, but I'll save that for next week. I'm leaving the twists in to air dry this week. But wow, it was so much easier than usual. I am definitely going to keep up this blow dry and flat iron thing every 2-3 weeks. Assuming I don't see damage. It's so nice to feel like I have normal hair that can be done in a normal amount of time.

I think this is one the easiest methods for our hair. I'm glad it worked out for you and I'm working on getting a skilled as you with the flat iron.
I just washed, undid each twist, moisturized, removed a bit of shed hair, and retwisted. I know I didn't get all the shed hair, but I'll save that for next week. I'm leaving the twists in to air dry this week. But wow, it was so much easier than usual. I am definitely going to keep up this blow dry and flat iron thing every 2-3 weeks. Assuming I don't see damage. It's so nice to feel like I have normal hair that can be done in a normal amount of time.

I think this is one the easiest methods for our hair. I'm glad it worked out for you and I'm working on getting a skilled as you with the flat iron.

When you do this method...how many twists do you have in your hair? How long does it take? When you are removing the shed hair are you combing (finger or wide tooth) or just "pullling" it out as your retwist?

I'm not doing so good with this challenge so far.:nono: My problem is that I need to exercise patience. This past friday I took my twists down, prepooed with brahmi oil and cowashed using Hello Hydration condish (I had my hair in plaits when I did this).

I STILL had what felt like a lot of shedding. :wallbash:I'm hoping that this was just the usual shed you get with twists and braids.:perplexed
Quick Check In

:grin:I did an henna treatment and I washed in braies, I actually applied henna in braids! This technique (washing in braids) is awesome!
I'm not doing so good with this challenge so far.:nono: My problem is that I need to exercise patience. This past friday I took my twists down, prepooed with brahmi oil and cowashed using Hello Hydration condish (I had my hair in plaits when I did this).

I STILL had what felt like a lot of shedding. :wallbash:I'm hoping that this was just the usual shed you get with twists and braids.:perplexed

After realizing how long (no a bad thing) time-wise some women took detangling their hair properly- I'm still trying to learn how to slow down!

I used to be impatient and just RIP out a knot! Now, TAKE MY TIME to figure how to detangle with my fingers or a pin.

I also discovered that detangling WET hair just does not work for me. :nono:
This weekend I did the following:

Clarify & Protein Regimen

  1. Prepoo w/ 1 cup conditioner, 4 tsp garlic powder and oils overnight
  2. Clarify with KeraCare 1st Lather
  3. Shampoo with Silicon Mix moisturizing shampoo
  4. Apply Miss Key 10 en 1 protein conditioner for 30 mins
  5. DC with Silicon Mix Avanti moisturizing conditioner w/ heat for 45 mins
  6. Detangle in shower with lots of conditioner
  7. Final rinse with Roux Porosity Control for one minute
  8. Towel dried hair w/o disturbing position of detangled hair
  9. Apply Chi Keratin Mist & Nexxus Humectin
  10. Airdry and use caruso steam rollers
  11. Pin curl to keep style
  12. Moisturize roots as needed with Nexxus Humectin

This is how much hair I lost.......

Hey Sheryl...on the part noted in red...after you rinse the SM are you adding additional conditioner to your hair so you can detangle?
Okay, I took my twists down this morning and I'm going to mak another attempt to wash and detangle. I'm hopeful that this time around there will be less shedding.

I plan to prepoo with Amla oil and cowash with Hello Hydration condish. I'll let you know how it turns out.:look: