The Official Sew-In Thread!

Ugh I need to leave this thread. I was weaved up for almost 4 years of my life straight and finally got out of them by making my own clip ins. They have definatly been working and my hair is getting healthier day by day. The sew ins ruined me. Let me leave before I see some pretty pictures and want to get another one. *RUNS*

What about the sew-in "ruined" you?
Ugh I need to leave this thread. I was weaved up for almost 4 years of my life straight and finally got out of them by making my own clip ins. They have definatly been working and my hair is getting healthier day by day. The sew ins ruined me. Let me leave before I see some pretty pictures and want to get another one. *RUNS*

Sorry that the sew-in's didn't work for you. I wore them for 2 years straight and my hair flourished, even though my hair is now a healthy MBL...I still like to wear them :yep: I think that maintenance before during and after a weave is key.
Man, I wish my DIY sew-ins looked as good as PrettyPuff1's. :look: Those pics were amazing... like a supermodel. Sigh. I guess if you shell out some money for quality hair and pay to have it installed by a professional, then you end up with better results.

My weaves always look a HAM and never last longer than a week before I take them out in disgust. :sad:
I want to get a weave in May. I want a full sew in.

I need human hair in the price range of 80 to 100 dollars. Can someone post some good hair websites?

Thank You!
I have a full head sew-in; my first ever. I'm still adjusting and trying to make it look more natural. First it was long, then I went back and had it cut short. The hair has a body wave in it, but I decided it looks better straight.
One question: I wanted to use BT on my hair during this period. But that, or any oil really, makes the weave hair shiny and fake looking. Like plastic baby doll hair. I don't even use very much! When the hair is matte looking it looks totally natural. So my question is, how (or with what) do I moisturize my scalp so I can avoid oily looking hair the next morning? I'm sick of having to wash my hair every day!

ETA: One more question: Why is this thread so wide? This is the only thread that I have to scroll left to right to read.
What is the proper way to wash your weave? I have micro's in the front and a sew-in in the middle. I will use a an applicator bottle filled with shampoo and water to wash the scalp in the area that is braided. But how do I go about washing the sew in portion of wet and wavy hair? Should I braid that whole area up into sections and to a light misting of shampoo? I heard that washing BSS hair is a no no so what are your experiences?
Hey ,

I just finished stretching for 6 months and now I'm going to let my hair breathe for while and get a sew-in from Aug - Dec. I been wearing weave for years and I wanted to post because I think that Ediese's post about Ateeya's distaster should definitely be noted on this thread. If you're a first time weaver :grin: you should really read her post because it has valuable info about how to treat, care for, and take out a sew-in. There some other good tips in there too. Check it out!

Hope it helps!
What is the proper way to wash your weave? I have micro's in the front and a sew-in in the middle. I will use a an applicator bottle filled with shampoo and water to wash the scalp in the area that is braided. But how do I go about washing the sew in portion of wet and wavy hair? Should I braid that whole area up into sections and to a light misting of shampoo? I heard that washing BSS hair is a no no so what are your experiences?

I think what you were saying, washing the weave in braids, would be a good idea, especially with wet and wavy to avoid tangles. With BSS hair it really depends on the grade of hair you buy. Ive washed BSS hair before and had it return to basically the same state as I bought it. HTH
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bumping this thread.....I know one girl had a question about what u do with the extra hai after you've braided all....i would like to know too.
How do you maintain your hair underneath a weave(e.g. washing, dc, moisturizing)?

I moisturize my hair with my spritz bottle some days and an application bottle others....let me explain
My spritz bottle consists of (glycerin, pure aloe juice, rosewater, coconut oil and vitka oil). I keep it refrigerated and when I need some moisture I would lift up each row and spray it.
When I don’t feel like spraying I would us my application bottle which consists of MN, castor oil, aloe gel and peppermint oil.
I grew my hair to the length it is now by wearing weaves (relaxed straight, wet and wavy, and kinky curly). Check out my fotki which has "some" of the styles I’ve done.
Yes I’ve had problems with the hair being weighed down with oils, so when I wear my weave relaxed straight I would limit (to twice a week) the amount of oils to my scalp.
It never bothered me when I had my wet and wavy weaves or the kinky curly. It actually made it look better because of the shine it had.
Usually I keep my weaves in for 3 weeks and then re-install it.
Hope this helps! :yep:

Because the hair i use is good quality (lugo's), i'm able to wash and dc my hair on wash days. I would warm up my EVOO, Honey and Emergencia in the microwave for 30 secs and apply it with an application brush to my braids under the sew-in....i would DC and rinse as usual and then moisturize with any of my above options.
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I have a reusing hair question...It took me a couple of hours to detangle my Laniks KK2 hair that I would like to reinstall in a couple of months. When I was done, I left conditioner on it, braided it and put it in a ziplock. I was wondering how long can I leave it like that (is was wet /damp when I put it in the ziplock)? Will the hair start to mold? or it is it ok to leave it?
I have a reusing hair question...It took me a couple of hours to detangle my Laniks KK2 hair that I would like to reinstall in a couple of months. When I was done, I left conditioner on it, braided it and put it in a ziplock. I was wondering how long can I leave it like that (is was wet /damp when I put it in the ziplock)? Will the hair start to mold? or it is it ok to leave it?

Im sorry this reply is a bit late, but I would say that you shouldn't place wet/damp hair in plastic for extended storage.

You should maybe open the bag and smell for staleness(sp?). I would think that mold would be very possible. If it smells old or waterlogged you should just rewash it and airdry it completely before storing it in plastic bags. hth.

So I've been in the sew-in roughly 4 wks now Im so ready to take it down.

My biggest problem has been that my sew-in got really loose after just the very 1st wash and it feels and looks like it around 8 wks old:( At first I couldn't figure out what went wrong....but I now know for a fact it was the BKT I did back in April.

My hair prior to the BKT was still somewhat textured despite me being relaxed. After the BKT my hair is bone straight whether I use heat or airdry. I honestly have no problem with that except that it made my braids slip and ruined my sew-in. Now I'm having to seriously reconsider my plans to stay in sew-in until the end of December.I will stretch my relaxer until then, but it's unlikely I will do the BKT again until I reach my hair goals and I'm finish wearing sew-ins.

(Also posted this in the BKT Thread)
I think I'm gonna try to install my sew in tonight or tomorrow.
I only plan to put it in the back.
I got a pack of Milky Way 8" indian yaki, thread, a curved needle and a straight needle.
I don't braid very tight so I shouldn't have a problem there. Hopefully I'll pull the thread just right.
Just gotta get my nerves up.
This is a great thread. *subscribing*

I am taking down my braids this week and getting my sew-in installed on Saturday. I am doing a kinky straight install. Will post the pics!

I have a question: My scalp usually gets really dry and with braids its normally no issue as I can use WGO and my Avocado Mist spray with no problem.
However, oils normally weigh my weaves down and I would like to know what other ladies are using on their scalp underneath the weave to keep the hair and scalp in good condition without weighing down weave. I want something that smells good and is non-greasy.

Do you think ORS Olive Oil hair lotion would be too heavy? Elasta QOP Mango Butter?? Or one of the creams from shescentit? KBB? I am lost... HELP :)

And yes, I will wash and DC every two weeks.
i need to take my hair out. I have had it in way too long and i'm kinda scurred what state my hair will be in :look:. It still looks good though. :look:
I tried to install my first sew in yesterday but I NEED MORE PRACTICE. Later this week I think I'm going to take it our and reinstall.


^^^^ This is why I need the sew in. For some reason, the back of my hair does not take to relaxing well. Everytime I put relaxer in the back, my ends break right off. :wallbash: As you can see my ends are nearly all gone in the bottom section of my hair. That 2 inches or so of new growth is what has sprouted since my last relaxer back in April.


^^^^ Thank GOD the upper portion is in better health.



^^^ It looked kinda stringy and ragged so I curled it vvvvv


^^^^ I need some help with blending. I'm not used to wearing extensions and I felt funny wearing it down so I put it up in a clip.
I had my sew-in installed on Saturday. Its a kinky straight install. I didnt want to have issues with blending so I looked for a coarser texture.

I am going to try and keep this install in for 8 or 9 weeks. I normally can only go till 6 weeks. But this time I will try.

Off-Topic (because I know you ladies will understand the horror I felt)
My stylist is my friend and she did a good job but I only go to her for braids or sew ins and I say exactly what I want. I DIY when it comes to hair care, DCs, relaxer touch-ups etc.
And when I was in her shop on Saturday I was reminded why I would never trust her with a touch-up or trim or anything like that.

There is a lady who came in and she wanted the braids taken down. So My friend did this. The lady had about 1 inch of hair and it was quite thin and very fine and with really bad edges in the front.It did look like she had obtained some growth with the braids though.
So she looks at my hair and says she wants a sew-in like mine next week. I told her what hair I used and etc. So I thought it would a good idea because she could protective style and let her hair grow and thicken up.

So my friend gives her an appointment for next week and then lo and behold...she proceeds to relax her hair directly after the braid take down... and then she rinsed off (the lady was bone straight), blow dried her hair and then she flat ironed this lady's hair and slicked it back with gel...

I was too shocked for words. The ladies hair was so thin it was stuck to her scalp.:nono:

So when the lady left I told my friend, that I think an sew-in next week would not be a good idea because her hair is just too weak now, and my friend said, no it will be ok.

Yes, the sad thing is that my friend is a licensed stylist. But clearly she doesnt really care about her clients hair health.:ohwell::sad:

Her male cousin came in as she was finishing up with the lady and he just stared at the hair. I think he was shocked too. It really looked bad.

Anyway, point is, with stylists we just have to know what we can and cannot trust them with. I wash my hair etc at home and have her braid or install as per my directions. But it stops there.

Sorry for the long post
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