"Get Your Hands Outta Your Hair" 2009 Edition

I am so used to low manipulation that styling my hair scares me! I know, I know...get a grip. I will be blow drying & flat ironing on May 1st for an assessment. I was plannning to relax on this day but will relax on July 1st instead. I will change my avi pic if happy.
I am so used to low manipulation that styling my hair scares me! I know, I know...get a grip. I will be blow drying & flat ironing on May 1st for an assessment. I was plannning to relax on this day but will relax on July 1st instead. I will change my avi pic if happy.

I can't wait to see your results! I will be relaxing on May 1st (or sometime in early May) and will also trim about 1/2 inch off of my hair. I'll be happy if it made some progress, but I'm more concerned about the appearance and the health of my ends, because I believe if your ends are brittle it causes your hair to break off. I'll post some pictures some time in May of the results, then it's back to the old routine :grin:.
I am so not happy with my ends. I'm still trying to decide if I will trim once I get to goal or trim after my relaxer. Well let me relax on July 1st and go from there.
I am so not happy with my ends. I'm still trying to decide if I will trim once I get to goal or trim after my relaxer. Well let me relax on July 1st and go from there.

I'm not very happy with my ends either, but I'm also afraid of trimming them. I don't trust myself to trim my ends because I have a tendency of cutting assymetrically, but everytime I let someone else trim them they trim too much. The last "trim" I had was around 3 years ago, and the guy cut my hair up to my ears. I'm trying to get over that fear. I just want 1/2" of my hair trimmed--an inch at most. I'm not trying to lop off 3 or 4 inches. But my hair was very damaged back them, so maybe they felt cutting it up to my earlobes was necessary.
I was doing sooo well this week--until Wednesday. That was when I had the bright idea to put my coconut cream mix on my head undiluted as a DC :nono...big mistake! Took me FOREVER to get that gunk out of my head. And my hair felt very coated and yucky when it dried so I had to do a corrective DC with my AO Honeysuckle Rose conditioner. And there was a lot of sheddage, more than usual. But on the bright side after that whole fiasco ended my hair felt much more moisturized than normal. So next time I'll be using about a teaspoon of the coconut cream mixed with a portion of one of my Aubrey conditioners and DC with that. Oh well, lesson learned. Hopefully I didn't break off a lot of my hair. It didn't look like it, but when I saw all that sheddage I was like :eek:.
I was doing sooo well this week--until Wednesday. That was when I had the bright idea to put my coconut cream mix on my head undiluted as a DC :nono...big mistake! Took me FOREVER to get that gunk out of my head. And my hair felt very coated and yucky when it dried so I had to do a corrective DC with my AO Honeysuckle Rose conditioner. And there was a lot of sheddage, more than usual. But on the bright side after that whole fiasco ended my hair felt much more moisturized than normal. So next time I'll be using about a teaspoon of the coconut cream mixed with a portion of one of my Aubrey conditioners and DC with that. Oh well, lesson learned. Hopefully I didn't break off a lot of my hair. It didn't look like it, but when I saw all that sheddage I was like :eek:.

OMG I'm sorry that happened. Seeing a bunch of breaking/shedding sure is scary. I hope you and your hair are doing okay:sad:
OMG I'm sorry that happened. Seeing a bunch of breaking/shedding sure is scary. I hope you and your hair are doing okay:sad:

Thanks for the sympathy, sis :bighug:. I hope it's okay, too. Trust me, I've been paranoid about it. I've been looking at my hair in the mirror, trying to see if the sheddage/breakage has made it look thinner or uneven, but so far it doesn't look any different. I guess I'll be able to truly tell when I relax my hair on May 1st. But I'm getting about an inch trimmed off anyway, so that will help with evenness. Hopefully it was mostly sheddage since I don't comb my hair often. I probably comb my hair 2 or 3 days out of the week.

P.S. Can't wait to see your flat iron pics in May ;).
After a small setback, I have rebraided my hair into cornrows for the month. I have been taking chlorella and keeping my hands out of my head.
Wasn't doing so well last week. It was the week of my relaxer and, ashamedly, I was playing around a lot with my hair :(. This week I've been doing better. Haven't been combing my hair as much (only about once a day) and my hair has regained all of it's softness so I'm not as concerned with it. I've been wearing braids and buns as hairstyles and I'm loving the simplicity :grin:
Just wanted to welcome sxyleogrl to the challenge :).

As for me, I should be ashamed of myself. Been combing and bothering my hair a lot, but I've been trying to fix that. I will only comb my hair once a day, in the mornings and keep my styles simple through-out the day.
I forgot to post hey yall I am committing to keeping my hands out of my head for the rest of the year. I currently twist my hair at night then untwist it in the morning...I know some of you maybe like well why do you have to twist it everynight...I go to water aerobics M-W and Sat. Plus I work out everyday...gotta get it tight for the summer that is already here. So point being I sweat it out or get it wet. As of right now that is not too much manip on the hair but we will see. Hopefully when school is over which will be 6 days I will just wear my hair in twists for a week...IDK its 430 in the morning...OY :)
I've been trying so hard to be good, you guys, but this underprocessed hair is driving me crazy! I'll never use the relaxer I used last month ever again. I used S&B Botanicals. Normally I use S&B Ultimate Protection and experience no problems. This bogus relaxer, however, underprocessed my hair but burned the heck out of my scalp! That's the last time I switch up for the sake of cheapness.
Been so lazy when it comes to posting here, lol. I've been doing okay with no-manipulation. I had to change my hair routine for summer because my hair was feeling dry, but now it's much better. I have my hair in two braids air-drying from co-washing right now. Since it's now nearly the end of Spring and Summer is rapidly approaching, who's planning on hiding their hair via braids, extentions, lace fronts, etc. to help them with low-manipulation styles?
I just joined and I'm already doing bad lol I put my hair in natural hair braids and... I can't stop touching it I might try to start wearing nice satin scarves even when I'm home so I won't touch it
I was actually just playing with my hair. I'm a mess. 5 months worth of new growth is tempting.
I'm definitely going to be paying more attention to the protein/moisture balance of my hair. Having strong, resilient hair will make it less prone to breakage. That coupled with protective styling should help me reach my goals. So far I've only been combing my hair once per day and co-washing about every other day. I've definitely noticed an improvement in my hair.
I was actually just playing with my hair. I'm a mess. 5 months worth of new growth is tempting.

Leave that NG alone, girl! :grin:. I know, it's so tempting. There's nothing wrong with touching your NG, it's just that it's not good to rake our fingers through our hair afterward, which is what I used to do constantly. I'm trying really hard not to do that.
In about 1 1/2 months more I'm going to be posting some comparison pics. I really have a positive feeling about my growth and retention this time around. Hopefully I will have gained some noticeable length. Looking forward to seeing comparison pics periodically from you ladies too, if your comfortable with that :).
I am doing a new protective style. I have braided the back of my hair into cornrows and up into a bun. This should be very low manipulation. I am excited about this. I had another relapse and started messing with my hair too much after the last time I did cornrows. I hope this last longer.
I'll join this challenge :yep:

My coils are addictive. I always like to touch em. I have to stop that.

I'll commit for the rest of the year! 8/1/09 - 1/1/10 4 months

Gonna try to do:

No Heat
No Touching
Low Manipulation (detangle 2x per week)

Twist outs and wash n' gos only.

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Been so bad at posting on this thread, but I've been trying to follow the rules, especially since it's the week before my relaxer. I planned out all my protective styles. Today I'm wearing two low pony-buns with a cute scarf. I will be posting pics of the results of my relaxer sometime next week after my trim :yep:.
I'll join this challenge :yep:

My coils are addictive. I always like to touch em. I have to stop that.

I'll commit for the rest of the year! 8/1/09 - 1/1/10 4 months

Gonna try to do:

No Heat
No Touching
Low Manipulation (detangle 2x per week)

Twist outs and wash n' gos only.

Welcome aboard! The members of this challenge aren't regular in posting (including myself), but at least try to post once per month to kind of examine how you did for the month and what styles you relied heavily on. I'm going to report every last day of the month or every time I experiment with a new protective style.
Muffin-I gotta tell you....your thread asking if you are a natural at heart pushed me nearer and nearer to making a decision. I've decided to transition. Thank you!
I'll join this challenge :yep:

My coils are addictive. I always like to touch em. I have to stop that.

I'll commit for the rest of the year! 8/1/09 - 1/1/10 4 months

Ditto for me...I have a touching problem.:lachen:Rest of the year as well.:) The once a month minimum really works for me, too.
Muffin-I gotta tell you....your thread asking if you are a natural at heart pushed me nearer and nearer to making a decision. I've decided to transition. Thank you!

Aww, you're welcome. It's a very brave decision you made. Do whatever makes you feel happy. You might get some nay-sayers along the road, but you'll get a lot of support here. Enjoy your transition and let us know what protective styles you utilize :yep:. I'm excited for you and your journey :grin:.
:pullhair:Me Too Muffin! Can I sign Up? I'd like to join for the remainder of the year as well 08-01 through 12-31? Thanks