Ruth or Orpah? Which One Are you?

Are you talking to me? I really resonated with the message.

YEP! That's why God sent you in hurr. :grin: There are no coincendences...just Jehovah doing what He do...oooh I love Him so. That He would even take the time to reach us through a hair board is simply amazing.

Great thread. I am loving the commentary. I reached for the bible this week. I felt something was missing. I pray everyday but I wasn't in the word. I started reading my daily bread.

Good for you, girl. I find that if I don't get the word in me everyday then I'm pretty much a wreck. Challenge yourself to feed yourself everday with His word (even if it's just a scripture) and see if that month won't be one of great peace, fullness, joy, and direction.
Ruth is my favorite Bible character. She has been so for the entirety of my Christian journey. Her life is very much like my own. I too have a mentor, who is very much a Naomi in my life. I am truly thankful for this God connection. If it weren't so, I would not be the woman I am today. She is my very best friend, my confidant, a woman of God who walks the walk as well as talk it and has taught me so much about God and life in general. By no means would I be the woman that I am today. Every woman needs either a Naomi or an Elisabeth in their lives. Mentors are important. It makes life so much easier. Parents are wonderful but parents cannot do everything.

Yep. I agree. I was just contemplating starting a thread about mentors because I sense that I need one. Thanks for the confirmation. God must be preparing one just for me now. :grin:
Good for you, girl. I find that if I don't get the word in me everyday then I'm pretty much a wreck. Challenge yourself to feed yourself everday with His word (even if it's just a scripture) and see if that month won't be one of great peace, fullness, joy, and direction.

You are so right. I also feel so much peace when I make it to church too. I just feel like it is my spiritual therapy.
He clothes the 'Lillies of the Field'...

...and no finer linens will be known than those bestowed upon you. For you shall be clothed in His Love and Glory. :heart2:

Think you about to have me crying up in here, don't you? Nope. Not today. You are truly blessed with the gift of love. I hope your family realizes how blessed they are to have you Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
Think you about to have me crying up in here, don't you? Nope. Not today. You are truly blessed with the gift of love. I hope your family realizes how blessed they are to have you Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
:kiss: Thank you for sharing 'YOU'. I love Starbucks, so that makes 'YOU' very easy to love... :yep:

You are a true blessing to all of us here. :grouphug:
Mocha this is a really good post. I had to think a minute before deciding to answer.

I'd say Ruth. Sacrifice, life is all about sacrifices. Jesus gave his life on calvary cross (sacrifice). It is my constant prayer that my faith will remain strong so that if God calls on me to make the sacrifice I can without complaining.

Where the Lord is I will follow.
Mocha this is a really good post. I had to think a minute before deciding to answer.

I'd say Ruth. Sacrifice, life is all about sacrifices. Jesus gave his life on calvary cross (sacrifice). It is my constant prayer that my faith will remain strong so that if God calls on me to make the sacrifice I can without complaining.

Where the Lord is I will follow.

Wow, Shalom! That gave me chills! This is what I say all the time. I say, Kim, it's about the sacrifice. Get yo' butt up at 5:30/6:00AM so you can study, pray and hear from Him or else the kids, and cleaning and cooking and running errands will get in the way. It's just something about the stillness of dawn...when everyone is asleep and it's just you and Him. As Juanita Bynum would say, it's the " morning glory." I tell DH...get up and go to church even if you just got in at 3:00 or 4:00AM Sunday morning from work. IT'S THE SACRIFICE! God honors the SACRIFICE! Whew! Don't get me started in here, girl. I gotta do betta! :yep: He's so amazing...
Great post!!! I can say that I am Ruth...I have to admit though whenever God has pushed me out of my comfort zone, I would resort back like Orpah because although I didn't want to go backward it was what was familiar. God is calling me to go higher and I want all that God has for me..gotta move forward.
I agree and feel the same way about my life. Thank God he gives us chance after chance to change and come back home to him.
I agree and feel the same way about my life. Thank God he gives us chance after chance to change and come back home to him.

I know, right?!? And you know why? Because He says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will last." John 15:16