Man...for some dumb reason I fell off the fenugreek bandwagon. But now I'm back and my hair is super happy. Right now I'm using the powder and mixing it in with my pre-poos (which are mainly various DC's I'm trying to use up as I attempt to find a staple product). I've been eyeing the Nature's Ego Deep Conditioner as I would like to get away from the DIY stuff so I don't fall off of my regimen.
I tried first the spray a few times and noticed no difference. I then tried the goop made from the powder as a treatment 3 times. I didn't notice any reduction in shedding. I did notice greater elasticity in my hair after the treatments, so I could imagine it decreasing breakage. But I don't like making it or the goopiness of it, so I don't think I'll be using it again.
I don't know if any of you ladies have seen this, but apparently there is a cold-pressed fenugreek carrier oil

Eden's Garden Fenugreek Oil

It's kind of pricey $13 for 4 oz, but it might be something to look into for those of us who don't want to really mess with DIY (like me in my last post :look:). I'll probably check this out later myself once I get through more of my fenugreek powder I just bought (trying to not be wasteful with products).
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I don't know if any of you ladies have seen this, but apparently there is a cold-pressed fenugreek carrier oil

Eden's Garden Fenugreek Oil

It's kind of pricey $13 for 4 oz, but it might be something to look into for those of us who don't want to really mess with DIY (like me in my last post :look:). I'll probably check this out later myself once I get through more of my fenugreek powder I just bought (trying to not be wasteful with products).
They do small sales sometimes. Very nice oils. I was using the tamanu oil for a bit.
So, I'm currently 3 weeks into 6 weeks of planned hair treatments. Every week I'm applying the amla, fenugreek and aloe vera gel. So far my curls are popping more than it has in a long while. My ends seem to need another dusting so I may dust again soon. My scalp is itchy so I hope it's all about stimulation of the follicles.

I need to get back to taking pictures to track my progress.
So I'm almost at the end of my first 6 week journey. I have activity at my crown with hairs growing in. So regular weekly use of fenugreek and amla is definitely helping. Again, consistent habits help just as much as the product.

Will extend this out for an another 6 week trial.
So I'm almost at the end of my first 6 week journey. I have activity at my crown with hairs growing in. So regular weekly use of fenugreek and amla is definitely helping. Again, consistent habits help just as much as the product.

Will extend this out for an another 6 week trial.

@mzteaze Thats fantastic!! Fenugreek is incredible,glad it’s working for you :)

Happy Hair Growing!