Where Is Everyone?

I figured that it was because the natural hair movement is kind of old now. A lot of women with type 3 and 4 hair know proper hair care so it's no longer exciting or new to them anymore. You can easily find info on how to care for type 3 and 4 hair nowadays so most women who want to have healthy long hair are already in the know and those who prefer to be bald stay bald and off of hair care boards.
I've been back and forth for a while. Before the upgrade I spent most of my time in the OT forums but had to abandoned it to save my sanity (I can't stand reading bad news all the time). Since the upgrade I've started spending more time here but too noticed there isn't much going on. I decided to keep up my membership for one more year but if this forum is still slow by mid 2016, I may just let it lapse.
We're still here!

I still love talking about hair, just not as much as I used to. I think the upgrade had something to do with it, plus I'm just now kind of figuring out how to post pics on this site. Also, I'm happy with my length, so I'm not interested in growing/retaining as much.

I plan to be around as long as this site is up and running.
ditto once you have your regime/routine down..the need to be in this forum would be null

i poke my head in just to see what new products ppl maybe using my hair care knowledge I'm good with..

not sure if ppl are joining the forum as much if it doesnt have the app

I think most people have a set regimen now so they spend time in other areas on this board. I guess there is only so much you can talk about when it comes to healthcare
The is no new or useful information other than product reviews and sale notices. the best information for retention techniques are in the archives. It was more variety then. The curly girl routine took over and turned everyone into ingredient, heat and regimen nazis. Back then there was info for everyone. It didn't matter if you used heat, relaxed, used silicone or mineral oil. You could wash daily or twice a month. There was support for everyone. The method really didn't matter as long as it produced results. Now everyone is about the wash and go or extended protective styling. There is no in between.

I agree with this. Also, I feel like there's only so much you can say about hair and maybe the limit has been reached. The only new topics I see are about new products but even the products are pretty much the same now just marketed differently. Everything else, I feel, has been said or asked before. I have ventured over to the OT side this year for the first time since I've been a member and I love it over there. I don't know why I didn't check it out sooner.
I've been in the entertainment and ot forums.

I'm fed up with my hair so I'm not actively trying to grow it right now... sad to say.
I have been wondering what happened to everyone as well. I took about a year break and came back to what feels like a ghost town. Every section is quiet. I remember when I first joined people were constantly posting all times of the day and night. My favorites were this one and the entertainment forum.

I would say that it is probably a combination of there not being a LHCF app anymore and the growth in popularity of other social networking apps (youtube, blogger, instagram, etc).
I used to be on all the time when there was an app but now that this forum isn't mobile friendly, I trek to Hairlista where their site is.
I joined back when YouTube was not popular yet. This forum was the only way for me to get information on products, style tips, hair regiments etc.

Now I like YouTube. Instead of stalking fotkis I can subscribe to a persons channel. I am just a visual learner so I can learn better watching a video vs reading a post on how to.
I've not had any issues, thankfully, using my phine. However, I find the new format is wonky. When I log in all the threads appear as unread as opposed to the ones that were posted to since my last session.

I miss logging out then logging in an hour later and having two pages worth of messages to catch up on. Unfortunately, I haven't been on the forum that long but I imagine that it was even better before I joined.
A TON of people are having a hard time getting access to the site after their subscription expires. They will pay the fee and their account won't be upgraded which makes them viewers of the site and unable to contribute. This happened to me (after a month of sending disputes via PayPal and emails to the admin). I also know of about 20 other of my friends on this site experiencing the same thing. I'm sure it's affected a lot.
Unfortunately a LOT of people have just left. A lot left before the change. And then even more left after the change. With this new access issue I think even more will leave. Some people are hanging around but just lurking.

Even though it always gets quieter during the summer, its never been this quiet.
It does seem slower recently than in past years.
I was a member back in the '06-'08; this forum and Nappturality where I was also a member was hopping ALL the time.
I'd locked on '08 and left hair boards altogether, but since BC'ing, I personally am here to re-learn my loose hair, stay focused on getting to my hair length goal and participate in challenges that focus on periodic length checks.
Once I get there, I'll likely get ghost too.
It does seem slower recently than in past years.
I was a member back in the '06-'08; this forum and Nappturality where I was also a member was hopping ALL the time.
I'd locked on '08 and left hair boards altogether, but since BC'ing, I personally am here to re-learn my loose hair, stay focused on getting to my hair length goal and participate in challenges that focus on periodic length checks.
Once I get there, I'll likely get ghost too.

Wow, I forgot about Nappturality! I was a (free) member back in 2002-03 but was a bit too harsh for me.
I mean, I understand the vision, but I like a little bit more flexibility with my hair without being scolded.