Does anyone else not want super long hair?


Well-Known Member
I've been realizing that while I'm on my hair journey, I'm no longer really interested in having super long hair (BSL+) because I realize it will be more of an hassle than anything. I'm thinking about stopping my "journey" around BSB or between APL and BSL for two main reasons:

1) Hair longer than that would require too much time, effort, money, product, etc. to take care of. I am strongly considering heat training my hair anyway, but if I was to grow my hair past BSB, I would most likely become a frequent salon-goer.

2) I LOVE weave, so if I really wanted hair past that length, I would just get a sew-in, which for me is much easier to maintain than having my real hair be anything past BSB.

I know I can't be the only one who feels this way, so do any of you other ladies feel like super long hair is overrated for you?
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I have zero interest in BK hair. I want to have long hair to say I've done it and then I will cut it. I don't think I look good with long hair nor do I want to spend the kind of time it would take to have long, healthy, natural hair.

I think I will grow for another year and then trim to BSl and chill

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I can't really say. I've never had hair long enough to say it would be too much. I did see in one of the threads they showed a lady with a lot of hair. Yeah, I wouldn't want all that. :nono: But I don't know how long is long enough.

Because I don't wear my hair straight, I am thinking I need at least MBL to be able to do what I want to do with it. But I know I'm not going to do a lot with my hair so once it gets long enough to bun easily and to put into some twist that I can throw in an updo easily, I'm pretty much finished.

I just want hair that's easy to throw up and out of the way :look: I have about 75% shrinkage so that may be a lot of hair :ohwell:

I do understand where you are coming from. We all don't want the same things from our hair. When I was relaxed APL was enough.
I figured since the site is called Long Hair Care Forum, I would assume majority or in fact, ALL the members here want some type of long length, but I understand.
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Op I kinda feel you. I don't think I want grow past bsl (which on me is closer to mbl). Even at bsb now my hair is more work and tangled easier than it ever has so wl and above ain't for me.

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I get what you're saying. My sister had TB length dreads, and has since cut to SL because it's too much of a hassle for her. But I'm all about that WHip length, for myself. She thinks I'm nuts. :grin:
Eh I rather wear my own hair. Why pay for it when you grow it? If you want a short look, you can always opt for a short wig/weave.
speaking as a person with super long hair... taking care of long hair is not *that* difficult . hair growth is gradual and you slowly adjust your routine as your hair grows. you probably wont even realize that it is taking you longer to do certain things.
You think Ive been paying the $6.50 for fun?!? :))
No m'am, Im here for....what the name of the site implies!
I reached what I thought was my ultimate goal of BSL some months back, &although everyone tells me it is, it just doesnt feel long, especially seeing all the WL+ ladies here. I def dont consider it "super long"...yet! I do think I suffer from hairanorexia, so the longer& bigger it gets the better! And the easier to take care of, I can get away with ponytails & french braids now.
Weaves are a no go for me, not only do I hate the idea of attaching another chicks hair to mine, but I must admit I love the attention real hair receives, especially from the fellasLol. Hell, Im unmarried, I attract most of my dates due to mesmerizing them with hair;)
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Interesting....but I still want that HL hair.

lol Same here.

For me, I seek long hair because I want to prove to myself that I can. I've never had hair past my shoulders and neither has any female in my family (my older brother had dreads down his back at one point) so I'd like to attain that. Plus, I want to inspire the Haitian women and little girls I encounter in my congregation and show them that their hair can grow and become long, and help them see their hair differently.

But I can see where you're coming from, OP. Having long hair means sacrificing more time and energy to maintenance.

Do what makes you happy! :yep:
Let me share my experience... (hope it helps)

I put my hair in weave for my boyfriend's graduation, just for a change. He liked it so much a few months I did it again. After 6 months I had so much retention, I thought 'I'm gonna try to hide my hair for a year'. After approx 20months in total I revealed almost BSL hair and I had never had hair anywhere near that length/health before.

I walk down the street now and catch my reflection in shop windows and I think.. OMG, that's all mine!! :yay: It seems so fickle but I never knew something as simple as growing my hair could bring me so much joy and such a sense of achievement.

In summary I'm simply saying... don't knock it until you've tried it, it might not be as bad as you think. And if on the journey you get fed up, ditch the journey and enjoy where you're at.

The world would be a dull place if there weren't some girls who had ringleted hair down to their rears :gorgeous: and some who shaved the sides and wore bleached spikes down the middle. :afro2:
Full BSL (low bra) or layered MBL is my length limit, I also don't mind having FULL apl hair

You don't have to want tail bone length hair to be a member of this site. The knowledge here goes beyond growing and retaining length. Healthy hair care practices, transitioning, maintaining natural hair, self trimming, self coloring, self relaxing, styling, roller setting, information on products and tools can also be found on this site. Some people just want to know how to maintain their own hair without being dependent on a stylist. People can want to maintain healthy hair at any length, wanting healthy hair is not mutually exclusive with wanting long hair. Since "the healthy hair care forum" doesn't exist, they would most likely be members of this site.
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I don't think I want anything more than BSL.. I'm lazy with my hair as it is and I'm like OP I like weave..
I hear you OP. I don't want past APL to be honest.

I think some of it is definition of what long hair is in the real world. Where I'm from--past SL is considered LONG. Everyone is chewed off from heavy heat, relaxers and ripping out weave and everything else from poor health practices.. Everrtime my friend's hair hits the top of her shoulders everyone Ooooo's and ahhhh's at how long it is until her relaxer eats it away. lol. The rest of us keep pixies and NL. I'm the only one learning Healthy Hair practices.

So in relation to my environment, yes I want long hair. But for me that would be APL. Then I'll keep it at that length. I just want enough to make a healthy sized bun and some swang in my bangs. lol.

Considering the energy and time it's taking me NOW just learning how to care for my TWA? I can't imagine MBL or HL for *me* and my lifestyle.
You hit the nail on the head for why I'm here MilkChocolateOne. Thanks for stating that so clearly! :yep:
Full BSL (low bra) or layered MBL is my length limit, I also don't mind having FULL apl hair

You don't have to want tail bone length hair to be a member of this site. The knowledge here goes beyond growing and retaining length. Healthy hair care practices, transitioning, maintaining natural hair, self trimming, self coloring, self relaxing, styling, roller setting, information on products and tools can also be found on this site. Some people just want to know how to maintain their own hair without being dependent on a stylist. People can want to maintain healthy hair at any length, wanting healthy hair is not mutually exclusive with wanting long hair. Since "the healthy hair care forum" doesn't exist, they would most likely be members of this site.
Nope you aren't alone. My final stop will be full BSL/partial MBL. Long enough that buns, french braids, etc look full and cute but not so long that my favorite styles are too tedious to complete - mainly roller and rod sets. I have never wanted "super" long hair.
OP I can see where you're coming from. I'm SL now and I believe in enjoying the length one is at now, while still having that hope/want/deisre for longer hair. I don't know what the future will bring, and I don't know if I stay wanting long hiar, even after I reach it. I'm growing my hair to see how long it can be, but I get bored so easily, and I've never been one for commitment, so my hair is up in the air.
I would like long hair but not super long. I really wan to just get to mbl and then cut. Just a personal goal. However, I do like admiring the super long hair on others!
I do think that once I get to my goal of BSB, I might feel differently. But from what I see from women in real life, on Youtube, and even some women on here, hair past BSL becomes very time consuming and expensive (going through bottles of conditioner every month is not something I'm a fan of.) I can see the appeal of having real long hair past BSL, because of the stereotypes about Black women not being able to grow long hair, but I already spend a lot of time on my hair now and it's only around SL, so I can only imagine how much more time it would take if my hair was MBL/WL. Who knows, nothing is set in stone, but from what I can see now, I would be perfectly content with JUST having healthy BSB hair.
Eh I rather wear my own hair. Why pay for it when you grow it? If you want a short look, you can always opt for a short wig/weave.

For me, styling weaves is much easier than styling my real hair if it was, let's say, WL. Virgin Indian/Brazilian hair acts MUCH differently that Afro-textured hair. Plus with weaves, it would give me the option of coloring, frying, dying, and laying to the side my hair as much as I want without worrying about damaging my real hair. It also allows me to play with different textures and lengths. I'm not a fan of wigs or short weaves TBH; I feel like if it's gonna be fake, let it be dramatic!
My goal has always been MBL and I'm starting to rethink that because BSL is kicking my butt. Yall can have the knee length challenges.
I feel yah OP. just from wearing different length weaves I know that beyond BSL is too much for me. I think I'll be happy at full BSL or even a little shorter.
Might sound strange, but as my hair gets longer (full MBL right now), it's easier because I don't have to worry about "styling" it. I can wear the waves from the bun I sleep in, if it's straight - or I can wash n' go and it will hang right. Either way, the longer it gets, the better it looks without having to do anything! Super-long hair is actually the lazy way out, IMO.
If I was still relaxed I probably would have wanted it to be waist length. But as a natural waist length was too much for me. I just don't have time for all that. I'm gonna stay mbl or shorter from now on.
Nope, never have. I would be happy at full BSL almost MBL. The one and only reason for me would be due to anything longer than that may not flatter my face and body. Layered BSL or MBL is perfect!