Bored with your bun-Lots of PS styles for everyday

I got real excited till' I clicked the link.... My 4a/b dont do that!


Really? The first one I clicked seemed like what I have seen on 4a/b women and I have tried myself. All she did was braid her hair from the front to the back. I have seen many styles on youtube like that with braids and flat twists. I tried it myself this morning, but couldn't figure out how to flat twist my 4a/b hair neatly. My hair is not long enough to bun, but I could use a zing and have the back out. I just need to learn how to braid and twist.
wow! those are inspiration. Unfortunately that's too much manipulation for my hair and I'm too dang lazy!

Thanks for sharing tho'! Some of those updo would be great for parties and formals.
I think some of the braid twist based buns can be braided throughout the length then re-done every 3 days then just take the back down moisturize and scarf it up then next day just smooth the front and pin the back up again. No more work than a baggie bun I do daily.

Can't find the link to the tutorial, but I tried the 4-Twist Bun (not the real name). It was quick and easy - took less than 5 minutes:



To do:

1. Make a ponytail
2. Divide ponytail into 2 parts
3. Pin 1 part out of the way
4. Divide remaining tail into 2 parts
5. Twist 1 part until it winds down onto head (kinda like a pin curl) and pin
6. Repeat with next part
7. Unpin remaining hair
8. Split into 2 parts
9. Twist/wind and pin part 1
10. Twist/wind and pin part 2


Lucia found the link - Thanks!
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Can't find the link to the tutorial, but I tried the 4-Twist Bun (not the real name). It was quick and easy - took less than 5 minutes:



To do:

1. Make a ponytail
2. Divide ponytail into 2 parts
3. Pin 1 part out of the way
4. Divide remaining tail into 2 parts
5. Twist 1 part until it winds down onto head (kinda like a pin curl) and pin
6. Repeat with next part
7. Unpin remaining hair
8. Split into 2 parts
9. Twist/wind and pin part 1
10. Twist/wind and pin part 2


thanks for posting, this is style number 3 in the first link, she does 5 styles.
how far are you in your transition? TIA
Really? The first one I clicked seemed like what I have seen on 4a/b women and I have tried myself. All she did was braid her hair from the front to the back. I have seen many styles on youtube like that with braids and flat twists. I tried it myself this morning, but couldn't figure out how to flat twist my 4a/b hair neatly. My hair is not long enough to bun, but I could use a zing and have the back out. I just need to learn how to braid and twist.

Naw :nono:

cute loose braid styles don't work with hair. Within a day my hair would look fuzzy. Only styles that have lots of tension and small parts. but those are time consuming and not nearly as cute imo.