Book Recommendation & Quick Testimony


Active Member
I used to read about 30-35 books a month as a child, so last weekend I decided to start back reading again. Before I was a Christian, I used to read books by Eric Jerome Dickey, Omar Tyree, Zane, etc. and I decided (for me) that books of that nature wouldn't be conducive for my walk, especially since I'm single.

So I set out to find some good urban Christian books, and I just finished reading Tia McCollors "A Heart of Devotion" and I thought it was a great read. Mind you...I'm guessing some of you may already be familiar with this author, but I am SOOOO late in the game! :lachen:

Anyhoo, I felt like the book was very relatable. I like how she exposed real-life situations and I could see myself thinking/responding/identifying with the characters in many ways.

One thing I decided to do in response to this book was to go on a 1-year consecration and devotion with God where I focus on Him and growing spiritually in Him, and no longer be concerned by meeting a guy. The last couple months have been a battle for me as I am one of the few young adults in my church who is not yet married, engaged, or even dating :ohwell: I decided to devote this year to strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Bridegroom and wait patiently until He finds me "ripe" for a husband.
This book really helped me to see that there should be no "rush" in getting married, and it's time I walk in the wholeness and completness I claim to have in Jesus. I shouldn't feel like my biological clock is ticking at 25! :look: It wasn't until I began this consecration that I realize how much I was consumed with "being found by my Boaz". I'd go to Christian events with the hope of possibly approached by a guy. I can't speak for everyone else but it was always in the back of my mind to look good and go the extra mile for that reason. Once I made this decision for consecration, it was eye-opening and liberating as my intentions are now 100% for God and Him alone.

I know God will bring someone for me in His way and His timing, as He is the author and finisher of my faith. I trust His ways so much more than mine, and my eyes have been opened to the fact that I am not "lacking" in anything just because I'm single. The abundance of time I have for ministry and serving are priceless because I know once I become a wife and mother, I won't have this much time for Him because my time will be divided for my husband and kids.

God really spoke to me through this book and the Holy Spirit minstered to my heart. I will appreciate and enjoy my single years, because I may never get to spend hours upon hours serving the kingdom like I get to do now when I get to the next season in my life.

So I recommend this book, and I hope my testimony helps other single women out there. Be patient and wait on the Lord!
I feel the same way I am 25 years old and single also . It gets hard sometimes, I used to feel so much pressure to be married by the age of 30,but I recently decided that I am going to focus my time on God , family and friends. I am going to use this time get closer to God and to get to know myself better. Thanks for the book recommendation , I'm going to download it on my kindle tonight.

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Thanks for sharing OP. I think it would be nice if we used this thread to share some good Christian books with each other:D.
Wow, I think we are the same person. I swore I could have wrote that post myself. I havent read or heard of that book but I am also 25, single, always trying to be 'approachable' for my Boaz, but I have devoted this year for me and Jesus. Its sooooo hard but some days are better than others.

I know this is where I need to be. I have times where I really want to be in a relationship but then I know myself. Once I get into it, I subconsciously look for ways to get out because I want something better. Its a vicious cycle of being a maneater. I figure I am looking for something but looking in all the wrong places. So I decided to give God an opportunity to thoroughly do a work in me and allow myself an opportunity to let God have his way in me. I am always shorting myself out. Running to the next feel good thing and not letting God purify my heart of the scars and bruises of the past. I dont want to get married and give my husband hell because I am so jacked up from previous relationships.
Thanks for sharing testimony and the book recommendation, I definitely can relate!

I used to read about 30-35 books a month as a child, so last weekend I decided to start back reading again. Before I was a Christian, I used to read books by Eric Jerome Dickey, Omar Tyree, Zane, etc. and I decided (for me) that books of that nature wouldn't be conducive for my walk, especially since I'm single.

So I set out to find some good urban Christian books, and I just finished reading Tia McCollors "A Heart of Devotion" and I thought it was a great read. Mind you...I'm guessing some of you may already be familiar with this author, but I am SOOOO late in the game! :lachen:

Anyhoo, I felt like the book was very relatable. I like how she exposed real-life situations and I could see myself thinking/responding/identifying with the characters in many ways.

One thing I decided to do in response to this book was to go on a 1-year consecration and devotion with God where I focus on Him and growing spiritually in Him, and no longer be concerned by meeting a guy. The last couple months have been a battle for me as I am one of the few young adults in my church who is not yet married, engaged, or even dating :ohwell: I decided to devote this year to strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Bridegroom and wait patiently until He finds me "ripe" for a husband.
This book really helped me to see that there should be no "rush" in getting married, and it's time I walk in the wholeness and completness I claim to have in Jesus. I shouldn't feel like my biological clock is ticking at 25! :look: It wasn't until I began this consecration that I realize how much I was consumed with "being found by my Boaz". I'd go to Christian events with the hope of possibly approached by a guy. I can't speak for everyone else but it was always in the back of my mind to look good and go the extra mile for that reason. Once I made this decision for consecration, it was eye-opening and liberating as my intentions are now 100% for God and Him alone.

I know God will bring someone for me in His way and His timing, as He is the author and finisher of my faith. I trust His ways so much more than mine, and my eyes have been opened to the fact that I am not "lacking" in anything just because I'm single. The abundance of time I have for ministry and serving are priceless because I know once I become a wife and mother, I won't have this much time for Him because my time will be divided for my husband and kids.

God really spoke to me through this book and the Holy Spirit minstered to my heart. I will appreciate and enjoy my single years, because I may never get to spend hours upon hours serving the kingdom like I get to do now when I get to the next season in my life.

So I recommend this book, and I hope my testimony helps other single women out there. Be patient and wait on the Lord!
Wow, I think we are the same person. I swore I could have wrote that post myself. I havent read or heard of that book but I am also 25, single, always trying to be 'approachable' for my Boaz, but I have devoted this year for me and Jesus. Its sooooo hard but some days are better than others.

I know this is where I need to be. I have times where I really want to be in a relationship but then I know myself. Once I get into it, I subconsciously look for ways to get out because I want something better. Its a vicious cycle of being a maneater. I figure I am looking for something but looking in all the wrong places. So I decided to give God an opportunity to thoroughly do a work in me and allow myself an opportunity to let God have his way in me. I am always shorting myself out. Running to the next feel good thing and not letting God purify my heart of the scars and bruises of the past. I dont want to get married and give my husband hell because I am so jacked up from previous relationships.

That was very open and honest and I just want to say I appreciate your candor, and I believe young women of God need to be more honest about the issues we face, so that we can help each other along this walk...
I used to read about 30-35 books a month as a child, so last weekend I decided to start back reading again. Before I was a Christian, I used to read books by Eric Jerome Dickey, Omar Tyree, Zane, etc. and I decided (for me) that books of that nature wouldn't be conducive for my walk, especially since I'm single.

So I set out to find some good urban Christian books, and I just finished reading Tia McCollors "A Heart of Devotion" and I thought it was a great read. Mind you...I'm guessing some of you may already be familiar with this author, but I am SOOOO late in the game! :lachen:

Anyhoo, I felt like the book was very relatable. I like how she exposed real-life situations and I could see myself thinking/responding/identifying with the characters in many ways.

One thing I decided to do in response to this book was to go on a 1-year consecration and devotion with God where I focus on Him and growing spiritually in Him, and no longer be concerned by meeting a guy. The last couple months have been a battle for me as I am one of the few young adults in my church who is not yet married, engaged, or even dating :ohwell: I decided to devote this year to strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Bridegroom and wait patiently until He finds me "ripe" for a husband.
This book really helped me to see that there should be no "rush" in getting married, and it's time I walk in the wholeness and completness I claim to have in Jesus. I shouldn't feel like my biological clock is ticking at 25! :look: It wasn't until I began this consecration that I realize how much I was consumed with "being found by my Boaz". I'd go to Christian events with the hope of possibly approached by a guy. I can't speak for everyone else but it was always in the back of my mind to look good and go the extra mile for that reason. Once I made this decision for consecration, it was eye-opening and liberating as my intentions are now 100% for God and Him alone.

I know God will bring someone for me in His way and His timing, as He is the author and finisher of my faith. I trust His ways so much more than mine, and my eyes have been opened to the fact that I am not "lacking" in anything just because I'm single. The abundance of time I have for ministry and serving are priceless because I know once I become a wife and mother, I won't have this much time for Him because my time will be divided for my husband and kids.

God really spoke to me through this book and the Holy Spirit minstered to my heart. I will appreciate and enjoy my single years, because I may never get to spend hours upon hours serving the kingdom like I get to do now when I get to the next season in my life.

So I recommend this book, and I hope my testimony helps other single women out there. Be patient and wait on the Lord!

Yes great book. I actually have two copies. And she is a sweet lady as well. She has two more she wrote around that time which are great as well.
i also used to read a lot as a child, and i still do. in varsity i tried 'getting into' christian literature but i gave up when i found a lot of it (at the time) to be too preachy and unreal. to this day, seeing any book by karen kingsbury makes me want to run out of the bookstore. not hating on her, but just giving an example of the kind of writing that turned me off 'christian' novels.
it wasn't until a friend recommended francine rivers 'mark of the lion' series that i realised that 'christian' novels can be inspiring without being preachy and sickly-sweet. that said, i have read a couple of her books that i had to look at the cover several times to make sure it was her because they were so...mills&boon like.

anyway. francine rivers is good, especially the mark of the lion series, and the lineage of grace series. my absolute favourite is redeeming love, which i've read about six times.

some other writers of christian fiction:
frank e. perretti (strongly recommend 'the oath')
ted dekker (esp. the 'circle' trilogy)