SL Challenge?


New Member
Okay, I am new to this forum so I don't know if there is a shoulder length challenge already. If there is, please direct me to it.

If not, I'd like to pose one to all the girls who like me, have short hair, have recently BC'd to become natural, are scissors junkies or just want start taking their hair growth/length retention more seriously!

This, being the Long Hair Forum, I realize that most of the members here already have hair that far surpasses SL, but the rest of us gotta start somewhere! I have never had SL length hair before, but this year my hair is healthier than it has ever been and I'm looking for a way to push and challenge myself to see SL by 12-31-2010!!!

Again, if there is already a SL challenge, please point me to it. If not, let me know if you are interested and I will post the rules! :yep:

Happy growing!
Okay, I am new to this forum so I don't know if there is a shoulder length challenge already. If there is, please direct me to it.
never had SL length hair before, but this year my hair is healthier than it has ever been and I'm looking for a way to push and challenge myself to see SL by 12-31-2010!!!!

As stated above, there is already a SL challenge. Welcome to the board! With the attitude and the knowledge you have, you are going to be SL in no time. Keep us informed of your progress!

Happy Hair Growing!:grin:
Thanks ladies!!

As I mentioned, I'm new to the board so I didn't know if there was already a challenge like this. I did look though and I appreciate the link!

Will definitely post some pics of my progress too! I LOVES taking pics so I'll definitely share! My siggy shows what my hair looked like just a few days ago. I'll post some new ones next month or so! :grin::yep: