Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Brides

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I understand what your saying...however since you didn't want a family in the first place or a husband, did u ever end up praying for one? And then if not....

Oh, no, I wanted a family, even since I was a teenager. It bugged me to no end seeing my friends say they did not to have children or have them after the age of 25 start their families so early. I had prayed for a family but had not made any changes in my life since my friends had stayed the same. I was so frustrated and fed up with people and myself at the time, that my mindset was "get rid of it if I don't need it. I give up! Take it!"

After a sexual demonic attack, in tears, I realized this idol called sex was going to destroy me one day. "God, I cannot keep going like this. I need a husband or this lust thing needs to go. Just take it and tell me what to do!" Like a dog to vomit I turned back, but this time, it started to taste nasty and the texture was gross. LOL!

I wish I could say I waited until marriage to start having sex again. The night the Holy Spirit yanked me out a dead sleep and my future DH recited the sinner's prayer with me changed both our lives. Moving in together, miscarriage, another pregnancy, marriage, learning how to be interdependence, learning about the Lord the hard way, his mother's death, children's health problems...definitely not a Hallmark moment my life has been.

If you can avoid the path I took and simply sacrifice all of self on the cross, please, please do it!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I have just recently gotten out of a relationshi and my heart is hurting and YHWH sent me to read this thread.... and I read something I needed to hear... thank You Abba..
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

This is an excellent series on this topic. You have to register, but it's free. "God is a Matchmaker" by Derek Prince.


nicola.kirwan I have this book! It was gifted to me by my mother. It's an excellent read. I did a search on Amazon and there are used copies for less than $1. I highly recommend it to any single Christian who desires marriage.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br


Thanks for sharing your testimony..
. :Rose:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Just marking my place in this thread. I have faith that I'll be updating this really soon.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Beautiful Brides :yep:

Thank you for keeping the love of this thread 'alive'.

And Yes... :yep:

I called each of you...

Beautiful Brides :love5:
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Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

^^Thank you for bumping this again. I couldn't remember the thread title at all. It's so needed. It is a good thing....not saying the only thing nor the thing for everyone else...but it is a good thing...a great marriage under G-d.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Let Your wil be done Lord, Your will, not mine
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I thought God answered my prayers when I posted my story in this thread, boy was I wrong. He was more like an answer from Satan.He's now my ex-dh. I haven't 100% figured out where I went wrong because I truly believed that God had answered my prayers, maybe one day but it wasn't then. Oh well, like someone said up thread- Lord, let your will be done, not mine.

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I thought God answered my prayers when I posted my story in this thread, boy was I wrong. He was more like an answer from Satan.He's now my ex-dh. I haven't 100% figured out where I went wrong because I truly believed that God had answered my prayers, maybe one day but it wasn't then. Oh well, like someone said up thread- Lord, let your will be done, not mine.


:bighug: :bighug: :bighug:

You will always be 'Asper' Woman...one who is followed in love. :love3:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

You're so sweet, thank you! :)
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

You're so sweet, thank you! :)

You are a special sister and friend to many and even more a powerful witness and handmaiden of the Lord.

Literally God is saying, 'forgetting those things which are 'behind'...

Literally, He has said and what has been said is not a lie.

Keep going forward, Beautiful Ladybelle (Beautiful 'Asper'), keep going forward. Soon you'll 'see' why. :yep: Very soon.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

You are a special sister and friend to many and even more a powerful witness and handmaiden of the Lord.

Literally God is saying, 'forgetting those things which are 'behind'...

Literally, He has said and what has been said is not a lie.

Keep going forward, Beautiful Ladybelle (Beautiful 'Asper'), keep going forward. Soon you'll 'see' why. :yep: Very soon.

*tear. That means a lot. (((hugs)) and thank you!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Thank you for this thread, ladies.

I am still holding onto hope and praying to be in God's will. I know he does everything in HIS (perfect) time so I am standing on Philippians 4:4-8 ("Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God... and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.")

There is a man who I am dating and I have gone to the Lord about it and waiting for confirmation. How will I know?
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I always enjoy visiting this thread hoping to read more stories on how God answered marriage prayers.

I would like to have a story to share one day, but I feel that it is so far away. *le sigh*
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Today I had a guest speaker at my church. He is a missionary from Jamaica.
He gave his marriage testimony and I thought I'd share to encourage my fellow singles.

At age 6, God told him who his wife was going to be and gave him the location of where she lives currently. She lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a different country altogether.
So, he decided that he would wait faithfully for the one God had told him about. At age 20, God gave him the name of his wife: Josephine Andrews. He continued to trust in God, despite his friends & family mocking him for not dating. He held onto God's promise.

At age 27, he was a semi-famous track athlete and traveled to sporting events in Europe.
During this time, a young lady by the name of Josephine Andrews from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania enjoyed writing letters sharing the gospel, to people around the world. She wrote a letter to him and he wrote a letter back to her. Their correspondence became more frequent until she came out to live with him and the rest is history.

He's 83 now and they have been married for 54 years! :)

He really encouraged me to hold onto God's promise; although the world views me as strange and jarring because I choose not to date. God has my perfect match out there and I will faithfully wait for him. :))
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Today I had a guest speaker at my church. He is a missionary from Jamaica.
He gave his marriage testimony and I thought I'd share to encourage my fellow singles.

At age 6, God told him who his wife was going to be and gave him the location of where she lives currently. She lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a different country altogether.
So, he decided that he would wait faithfully for the one God had told him about. At age 20, God gave him the name of his wife: Josephine Andrews. He continued to trust in God, despite his friends & family mocking him for not dating. He held onto God's promise.

At age 27, he was a semi-famous track athlete and traveled to sporting events in Europe.
During this time, a young lady by the name of Josephine Andrews from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania enjoyed writing letters sharing the gospel, to people around the world. She wrote a letter to him and he wrote a letter back to her. Their correspondence became more frequent until she came out to live with him and the rest is history.

He's 83 now and they have been married for 54 years! :)

He really encouraged me to hold onto God's promise; although the world views me as strange and jarring because I choose not to date. God has my perfect match out there and I will faithfully wait for him. :))

Sarophina: Wow! Two Score and Ten plus Four years. God is God and there is no other.

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful testimony on true marriage... Man and Wife. :Rose:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

Today I had a guest speaker at my church. He is a missionary from Jamaica.
He gave his marriage testimony and I thought I'd share to encourage my fellow singles.

At age 6, God told him who his wife was going to be and gave him the location of where she lives currently. She lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; a different country altogether.
So, he decided that he would wait faithfully for the one God had told him about. At age 20, God gave him the name of his wife: Josephine Andrews. He continued to trust in God, despite his friends & family mocking him for not dating. He held onto God's promise.

At age 27, he was a semi-famous track athlete and traveled to sporting events in Europe.
During this time, a young lady by the name of Josephine Andrews from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania enjoyed writing letters sharing the gospel, to people around the world. She wrote a letter to him and he wrote a letter back to her. Their correspondence became more frequent until she came out to live with him and the rest is history.

He's 83 now and they have been married for 54 years! :)

He really encouraged me to hold onto God's promise; although the world views me as strange and jarring because I choose not to date. God has my perfect match out there and I will faithfully wait for him. :))

:cry2: *happy tears* :)
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I have truly been blessed by this thread. Thank you ladies :bighug:
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I wanted to share a courtship story to encourage my fellow singles. This was taken from Young ladies christian fellowship. ylcf.org

This lady shares how God answered her marriage prayers.

On May 18, 2004

Ebonie McLendon and Oshebar Hardman were united as one in Jesus Christ in Marriage. We pray that our Testimony will encourage others and show that if you put God first He will Give you the desires of your heart…..(Psalms 37:4)
Now introducing
Mr. and Mrs. Oshebar Hardman

Her Story…

GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, and ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!! I give all glory and honor to God who is the head of our life.
Before I met my Husband…
April 29, 2002. I made a covenant with God that I will forever serve and worship Him. I was at a point of no return! I decided to start an intimate relationship with God allowing Him to lead my lifestyle. Part of that intimacy with God was a 2 year dating sabbatical. I used this time to be purged of all uncleanliness, because God can only use a clean vessel (2 Timothy 2:19-21). I began to read His word, meditate on His word day and night (Psalms 1: 2), study His word, and show myself approved (2 Timothy 2:15). Now don’t get me wrong. Two years by yourself and wondering if you will ever marry can be difficult. There were MANY times when I became LONELY. There were times when I asked God, why me?, Don’t I deserve a companion? Aren’t I good enough? Lord are you punishing me? There were times that I was tempted but quickly remembered by covenant. My covenant with God was to serve Him and Him only, and asked Him to give me the fruits of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:21-23). I also asked for the faith of Job (Goodness, I know you are thinking, why did you ask for that!). On that date I wrote my vision and made it plain (Habakkuk 2:2-4). I wrote specifics on what I wanted in a husband, (From his spiritual groundedness, to the way he treats his mother, to the way he makes me laugh, to him loving me the way Christ loved the church, to his height and complexion, etc…I was Specific! ( Philippians 4:6). I also stated that I wanted to only COURT my husband, God’s way, In the Spiritual Realm, not secular (That means, NO SEX, NO WORLDLY DATING VIEWS, ONLY BIBLICAL- TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT THE WORLD THINKS) I didn’t want to DATE the way the World defines dating. I also stated that I wanted my relationship in COURTING to be a 2 – 3 month process…..I thought, “What human validation do you need for what God has already ordained”…BUT FIRST, I knew that whatever I desired, God would give to me, BUT in His time…..so I waited. and waited…….Weeks went by….months went by……years went by….BUT in the MEANtime while waiting, God became my husband (Isaiah 54:5). I needed to develop myself and become the woman, the wife, and the vessel God wanted me to be and use. God says in His word.. Proverbs 18:22 ”He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.” So I knew he had to FIND ME, and all I can do is WAIT. Also, I knew I needed to be the wife to Christ FIRST, to prepare me for the role as wife for my husband…… We met…In February 2004, I hosted/facilitated a 40 days of Purpose bible study group at my home. The sessions were each Sunday for 6 weeks. We shared our intimate thoughts and experienced spiritual breakthrough each and every week. I knew that the next 40 days would be a profound transformation in my life, I felt it. I just didn’t know how profound. I did know however that I would be able to see my purpose in life clearer than I had ever seen before. Around the 2nd – week of class was my birthday. At church we had a One night revival on my birthday. Service was good as usual, but something unusual occurred. During a part in the sermon the Bishop had us to hug our neighbor and speak something to them(What I don’t remember), BUT I REMEMBER THIS….I was seated on the left side of the church, minding my own business. I started to hug different individuals, and all of a sudden I looked to my far right and notice a particular female “Kendra” running from her seat, in the front of the church, then right in front of me. (Now keep in mind there were probably 800 – 1000 folks that night, but I only saw her) She looked me dead in the eyes(it was like she was looking through me), pointed at me and said “ What you have been praying for and waiting on is coming, it’s coming this week”. That was on March 11th. That Sunday on March 14th, Oshe showed up at my front door. Now at the time, I didn’t put two and two together. A member in the 40 days group “Beth” invited him, and honestly I felt he was a little suspect. I had seen him around church for 2 years. I never saw him dating one woman, so it seemed he was single, BUT I ALWAYS SAW WOMAN FLOCK AROUND HIM. So I just categorized/judged him as a player. Plus, honestly in undergrad I had always negatively categorized men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity(I went to an HBCU so I’d seen some things) as “nasty ques”. So that combination was not enticing at all….Moving on…He showed up at my door. We had our discussion and YALL, when everyone left, I HAD TO REPENT TO GOD!!!!!!!!! I had JUDGED HIM UNFAIRLY. This brother was SPIRITUALLY GROUNDED!!! I was so drawn to him and constantly prayed about it. I tried to fight the feelings but I couldn’t. He was constantly in my thoughts. I DIDN’T LET HIM KNOW!! I acted uninterested. I WANTED HIM TO FIGURE ME OUT(The advice of my grandma and momma). We would correspond occasionally throughout the week – I still only said just enough, I wanted to leave some mystery to myself. On Sundays I made sure what I cooked was to his liking…He didn’t know it, but I would plan all week what the meal would be, and added that extra down south flavor, that only “Big momma” had. We would have collard greens, sweet potato pie, red velvet, mac and cheese, corn bread, smothered chicken, etc… Each week, I was soooooooo excited and nervous at the same time, and prayed that I would remain focus on leading the discussions. The group discussions were more and more intimate and I found myself falling in love with him. (Of course he didn’t know) He eventually asked me out on a date. The first time I declined, then the second time I declined. On the 3rd time I accepted (Momma said, make a man chase you, If he wants you, he’ll go out of his way to try to get youJ) The rest of course is history. He officially asked me to court him. He knew my views on courting and that I only wanted to date/court my husband. Our views were IDENTICAL!!!! We began to spend so much time together. His thoughts were my thoughts, my thoughts were his thoughts. We finished each others sentences. We knew our spirits were connected. I knew he was my husband. He fit everything on my list that I made 2 years ago and then some.(Ephesians 3:20) Our purposes in life are the same and we knew our role as husband and wife were the remaining pieces of the puzzle needed to propel us both into God’s purpose for both of our lives. God kept giving us affirmation, after affirmation, after affirmation, to marry….we knew we needed to be obedient. When God says move, you gotta move, sooooooooooooo….. He proposed on May 11, 2004 on bended knee. I kneeled down with him as we prayed together and 7 days later on May 18, 2004 we married. We had a private/intimate ceremony with both parents and family.Unbeknownst to Me…..
Oshe had watched me over the past 2 years. He remembered a testimony “verbatim” I gave in front of the church in 2002.
Oshe had been praying for a wife for the past year, but really became focused on the next phase of his life after he was baptized in September 2003..
Oshe didn’t know he was being invited to my home that particular Sunday. He was actually apart of another group. His initial plans were to just come and get a Sunday dinner just on this one time occasion cause he heard of the type of meals that were cooked.
God had changed the plans of Oshe that week. He was scheduled to go out of town that week, but something happened, and plans were canceled……God knew.
Oshe also had previous plans to travel every weekend there after for awhile, but he canceled/postponed all those plans so he could be at my home each and every week.


(Please note….this is our story/miracle, tailored made by GOD just for us. If you recall, Jesus never did a miracle the same way in the bible, But what holds true is HIS WORD. And HE DOESN’T LIE. He might not come when you want Him to, BUT He comes RIGHT ON TIME. We pray that you are encouraged)To woman everywhere I say KEEP THE FAITH!! You HAVE TO FOLLOW God’s Word COMPLETELY!!! You can NOT compartmentalize your life!! Follow what the bible says about reading and living His word DAILY, about SEXUAL PURITY (WE HAD NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE), about your attitude (2 Timothy 2:22-26), and about TURSTING GOD IN EVERY FACET OF YOUR LIFE. Top ten Scriptures that helped me during my singleness: 1)Galatians 6:9, 2)1 Corinthians 15:58 3)Mark 11:22-24, 4)John 15:7, 5)Hebrews 10:36, 6) Hebrews 11:6, 7)1 Peter 4:12-138)1 John 3:22, 9)Ephesians 1:17 – 18, 10) Proverbs 31: 10 – 31
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I can't even tell ya'll how many times her testimony has encouraged me!

Matthew 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Be encouraged ladies!!!!!
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

I wanted to share a courtship story to encourage my fellow singles. This was taken from Young ladies christian fellowship. ylcf.org

This lady shares how God answered her marriage prayers.

On May 18, 2004

Ebonie McLendon and Oshebar Hardman were united as one in Jesus Christ in Marriage. We pray that our Testimony will encourage others and show that if you put God first He will Give you the desires of your heart…..(Psalms 37:4)
Now introducing
Mr. and Mrs. Oshebar Hardman

Her Story…

GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME, and ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!! I give all glory and honor to God who is the head of our life.
Before I met my Husband…
April 29, 2002. I made a covenant with God that I will forever serve and worship Him. I was at a point of no return! I decided to start an intimate relationship with God allowing Him to lead my lifestyle. Part of that intimacy with God was a 2 year dating sabbatical. I used this time to be purged of all uncleanliness, because God can only use a clean vessel (2 Timothy 2:19-21). I began to read His word, meditate on His word day and night (Psalms 1: 2), study His word, and show myself approved (2 Timothy 2:15). Now don’t get me wrong. Two years by yourself and wondering if you will ever marry can be difficult. There were MANY times when I became LONELY. There were times when I asked God, why me?, Don’t I deserve a companion? Aren’t I good enough? Lord are you punishing me? There were times that I was tempted but quickly remembered by covenant. My covenant with God was to serve Him and Him only, and asked Him to give me the fruits of the Spirit ( Galatians 5:21-23). I also asked for the faith of Job (Goodness, I know you are thinking, why did you ask for that!). On that date I wrote my vision and made it plain (Habakkuk 2:2-4). I wrote specifics on what I wanted in a husband, (From his spiritual groundedness, to the way he treats his mother, to the way he makes me laugh, to him loving me the way Christ loved the church, to his height and complexion, etc…I was Specific! ( Philippians 4:6). I also stated that I wanted to only COURT my husband, God’s way, In the Spiritual Realm, not secular (That means, NO SEX, NO WORLDLY DATING VIEWS, ONLY BIBLICAL- TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT THE WORLD THINKS) I didn’t want to DATE the way the World defines dating. I also stated that I wanted my relationship in COURTING to be a 2 – 3 month process…..I thought, “What human validation do you need for what God has already ordained”…BUT FIRST, I knew that whatever I desired, God would give to me, BUT in His time…..so I waited. and waited…….Weeks went by….months went by……years went by….BUT in the MEANtime while waiting, God became my husband (Isaiah 54:5). I needed to develop myself and become the woman, the wife, and the vessel God wanted me to be and use. God says in His word.. Proverbs 18:22 ”He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.” So I knew he had to FIND ME, and all I can do is WAIT. Also, I knew I needed to be the wife to Christ FIRST, to prepare me for the role as wife for my husband…… We met…In February 2004, I hosted/facilitated a 40 days of Purpose bible study group at my home. The sessions were each Sunday for 6 weeks. We shared our intimate thoughts and experienced spiritual breakthrough each and every week. I knew that the next 40 days would be a profound transformation in my life, I felt it. I just didn’t know how profound. I did know however that I would be able to see my purpose in life clearer than I had ever seen before. Around the 2nd – week of class was my birthday. At church we had a One night revival on my birthday. Service was good as usual, but something unusual occurred. During a part in the sermon the Bishop had us to hug our neighbor and speak something to them(What I don’t remember), BUT I REMEMBER THIS….I was seated on the left side of the church, minding my own business. I started to hug different individuals, and all of a sudden I looked to my far right and notice a particular female “Kendra” running from her seat, in the front of the church, then right in front of me. (Now keep in mind there were probably 800 – 1000 folks that night, but I only saw her) She looked me dead in the eyes(it was like she was looking through me), pointed at me and said “ What you have been praying for and waiting on is coming, it’s coming this week”. That was on March 11th. That Sunday on March 14th, Oshe showed up at my front door. Now at the time, I didn’t put two and two together. A member in the 40 days group “Beth” invited him, and honestly I felt he was a little suspect. I had seen him around church for 2 years. I never saw him dating one woman, so it seemed he was single, BUT I ALWAYS SAW WOMAN FLOCK AROUND HIM. So I just categorized/judged him as a player. Plus, honestly in undergrad I had always negatively categorized men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity(I went to an HBCU so I’d seen some things) as “nasty ques”. So that combination was not enticing at all….Moving on…He showed up at my door. We had our discussion and YALL, when everyone left, I HAD TO REPENT TO GOD!!!!!!!!! I had JUDGED HIM UNFAIRLY. This brother was SPIRITUALLY GROUNDED!!! I was so drawn to him and constantly prayed about it. I tried to fight the feelings but I couldn’t. He was constantly in my thoughts. I DIDN’T LET HIM KNOW!! I acted uninterested. I WANTED HIM TO FIGURE ME OUT(The advice of my grandma and momma). We would correspond occasionally throughout the week – I still only said just enough, I wanted to leave some mystery to myself. On Sundays I made sure what I cooked was to his liking…He didn’t know it, but I would plan all week what the meal would be, and added that extra down south flavor, that only “Big momma” had. We would have collard greens, sweet potato pie, red velvet, mac and cheese, corn bread, smothered chicken, etc… Each week, I was soooooooo excited and nervous at the same time, and prayed that I would remain focus on leading the discussions. The group discussions were more and more intimate and I found myself falling in love with him. (Of course he didn’t know) He eventually asked me out on a date. The first time I declined, then the second time I declined. On the 3rd time I accepted (Momma said, make a man chase you, If he wants you, he’ll go out of his way to try to get youJ) The rest of course is history. He officially asked me to court him. He knew my views on courting and that I only wanted to date/court my husband. Our views were IDENTICAL!!!! We began to spend so much time together. His thoughts were my thoughts, my thoughts were his thoughts. We finished each others sentences. We knew our spirits were connected. I knew he was my husband. He fit everything on my list that I made 2 years ago and then some.(Ephesians 3:20) Our purposes in life are the same and we knew our role as husband and wife were the remaining pieces of the puzzle needed to propel us both into God’s purpose for both of our lives. God kept giving us affirmation, after affirmation, after affirmation, to marry….we knew we needed to be obedient. When God says move, you gotta move, sooooooooooooo….. He proposed on May 11, 2004 on bended knee. I kneeled down with him as we prayed together and 7 days later on May 18, 2004 we married. We had a private/intimate ceremony with both parents and family.Unbeknownst to Me…..
Oshe had watched me over the past 2 years. He remembered a testimony “verbatim” I gave in front of the church in 2002.
Oshe had been praying for a wife for the past year, but really became focused on the next phase of his life after he was baptized in September 2003..
Oshe didn’t know he was being invited to my home that particular Sunday. He was actually apart of another group. His initial plans were to just come and get a Sunday dinner just on this one time occasion cause he heard of the type of meals that were cooked.
God had changed the plans of Oshe that week. He was scheduled to go out of town that week, but something happened, and plans were canceled……God knew.
Oshe also had previous plans to travel every weekend there after for awhile, but he canceled/postponed all those plans so he could be at my home each and every week.


(Please note….this is our story/miracle, tailored made by GOD just for us. If you recall, Jesus never did a miracle the same way in the bible, But what holds true is HIS WORD. And HE DOESN’T LIE. He might not come when you want Him to, BUT He comes RIGHT ON TIME. We pray that you are encouraged)To woman everywhere I say KEEP THE FAITH!! You HAVE TO FOLLOW God’s Word COMPLETELY!!! You can NOT compartmentalize your life!! Follow what the bible says about reading and living His word DAILY, about SEXUAL PURITY (WE HAD NO SEX UNTIL MARRIAGE), about your attitude (2 Timothy 2:22-26), and about TURSTING GOD IN EVERY FACET OF YOUR LIFE. Top ten Scriptures that helped me during my singleness: 1)Galatians 6:9, 2)1 Corinthians 15:58 3)Mark 11:22-24, 4)John 15:7, 5)Hebrews 10:36, 6) Hebrews 11:6, 7)1 Peter 4:12-138)1 John 3:22, 9)Ephesians 1:17 – 18, 10) Proverbs 31: 10 – 31

What a Beautiful testimony and what a Beautiful Heart 'YOURS' Sarophina to share this. God will bless you 1000-fold for the seeds of love, faith and hope and affirmation that you've planted and watered today.

God shall indeed give the 'increase'... Yes He will. :yep: In Jesus' Name...

:amen: and :amen:

Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br


Thank youuuuuuuu!!!! I've been trying to find a website like this about testimonies of courtship..!! Thank you
If God has given you a word, then stand on that word and believe God no matter what it looks like. I prayed for confirmation so many time that I’m sure I worked God’s very last nerve. That’s how bleak my situation looked in the natural. Sweetie, there was a time when my husband was seeing someone else. Word got back to me that he really cared about this person and that he said he could marry someone like her. Girl, my friend got that bit of information and couldn’t wait to run back and tell me all about it. With that bit of news the devil meant for me to give up. I cried, I felt like a fool and my heart was so heavy, but there was just a little bit of something on the inside of me that said, “Keep praying and seeking God.” A few days later I saw my husband. We spoke. He gave me a warm hug and whispered in my ear. He didn’t whisper anything provocative or disrespectful, just something to let me know that he remembered one tiny detail about me. With that hug and those words I had peace and the word that my friend had given me -- I tossed it aside because it meant nothing. There were times when all I had to go on was God’s word. No sign….nothing. That is how my faith got to be where it is today. And one night I was driving home from Bible Study and God said to me, “Have I ever lied to you? Everything that I said I would do for you I have done. Why would I let you down now?” And another thing, when God showed me my husband I was so new and fresh in the Lord that I shared the news with everyone and was oblivious to the fact that they thought I was an idiot and there were times when I was embarrassed, but you know what? God meant for me to tell the people that I told. First, the people I told couldn’t hold water, so anything I told them in “confidence” they would share it with other people. And it’s ok, because many people got to see first hand, with their own eyes how good God is, how faithful God is and how real God is. The people who laughed at me…..they don’t laugh at me anymore and it’s not because of anything I did; it’s because God is good. What I went through was painful and some days I didn’t think I would make it, but a lot of times what we go through isn’t for ourselves, but for other people. Someone is always watching and I had people watching me. They were waiting for me to curl up and die (figuratively speaking), but God said, “Nope…I’m getting ready to show them something.” People say all the time that they believe God and they trust God, but do they really? God wants us to trust Him so much that when He gives us a Word, we don’t second guess it. Sorry to be so long winded, but I say all that to say keep trusting God and keep believing God. When you let go and trust God with your whole heart you will begin to see Him move like never before.

i know you wrote this three years ago but it has helped me so much. i am the youngest of six, three divorced siblings. since i got saved one of my main prayers has been for a Godly long lasting marriage i will not take anything else but God's best. Now thats easier said than done, i have been waiting on God and i am 30 and still waiting. i am not grumbling as i would rather wait on God than do something silly. God told me three months ago that this was my season for marriage and i sometimes fret and worry about it when im lonely but you my dear sister have reminded me who MY God is and He dont play with His word. Im a worship leader in my church and its sunday morning im getting ready to worship in a few hours. God bless you abundantly surely we conquer by the word of our testimony!
My husband and I met in high school but God answered my childhood prayers and brought us together.
When I was a young kid (like 12 or 13) I prayed for some specific things that I wanted for my husband...in a childlike, innocent way lol.

I prayed that I'd meet my husband while I was young and that he'd have a nickname (lol idk why). I prayed that we'd be married with kids by 23. I also prayed that I'd have 3 girls ( I never wanted a boy until I got older). Wellll, I met my husband at 16, his name is Goldie (his real name lol), we got married at 19/20 and we had 2 kids by the time we were 23. Today we have 3 girls. I promise, I was not intentionally trying to fulfill my childhood prayers...I actually forgot about them but God reminded me after the fact.

This might seem juvenile, but the Bible talks about God wanting us to have "childlike faith". When I was a kid, I prayed for those things just simply believing they would happen because God loved me and wants me to have the desires of my heart...plain and simple...no doubt...no fear...just childlike faith. It's a reminder in my life to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

i know you wrote this three years ago but it has helped me so much. i am the youngest of six, three divorced siblings. since i got saved one of my main prayers has been for a Godly long lasting marriage i will not take anything else but God's best. Now thats easier said than done, i have been waiting on God and i am 30 and still waiting. i am not grumbling as i would rather wait on God than do something silly.

God told me three months ago that this was my season for marriage and i sometimes fret and worry about it when im lonely but you my dear sister have reminded me who MY God is and He dont play with His word.

Im a worship leader in my church and its sunday morning im getting ready to worship in a few hours. God bless you abundantly surely we conquer by the word of our testimony!

Isn't is interesting how God will lead and guide us to remind us of what He has promised and has fulfilled for us.

God watches over His 'Word' to perform it and PERFORM (bring it to pass) He Will. God's Word shall not return unto Him void. It will accomplish that which He sends it to prosper.
Re: Wives: Please Share How God Answered Your Marriage Prayers - Encourage Future Br

My husband and I met in high school but God answered my childhood prayers and brought us together.
When I was a young kid (like 12 or 13) I prayed for some specific things that I wanted for my husband...in a childlike, innocent way lol.

I prayed that I'd meet my husband while I was young and that he'd have a nickname (lol idk why). I prayed that we'd be married with kids by 23. I also prayed that I'd have 3 girls ( I never wanted a boy until I got older). Wellll, I met my husband at 16, his name is Goldie (his real name lol), we got married at 19/20 and we had 2 kids by the time we were 23. Today we have 3 girls. I promise, I was not intentionally trying to fulfill my childhood prayers...I actually forgot about them but God reminded me after the fact.

This might seem juvenile, but the Bible talks about God wanting us to have "childlike faith". When I was a kid, I prayed for those things just simply believing they would happen because God loved me and wants me to have the desires of my heart...plain and simple...no doubt...no fear...just childlike faith. It's a reminder in my life to trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding.

Such a beautiful and pure testimony. God bless you, Hubby and your precious daughters, in every area of your lives for always. :Rose: