Why so much HATE in the hair salon? Kinda long..

This story had me rolling!! I am so glad the mom stepped in. These hair dresser stay coming at you to cut your hair. It just begs the question: are they as eager to cut their own hair as they are their clients?

:look: What hair? Most stylists that I see don't have any.
Her hair stylist (We'll call her Miss Thing) looks at her hair and says. "Oh girl you have mad split ends" (here we go) and then she says "Girl, your hair is dry and damaged" (here we really go). "I'm going to have cut your hair" (Miss Thing went there).
:rolleyes: :nono: This reminds me of my former stylist. So many stylists are like plumbers or auto mechanics. They can be such shysters.

I hate this, especially when they make kids their victims. It may be the parents' money but it's the kid's hair and self-confidence.

I'm glad that you were ready to step in, and I love what the mom said! :lol:
I'm so glad you were ready to step in for that girl. She didn't know that she had a hair super hero ready to swoop in and save her.:superman:

To Cute:giggle:

I also agree, stylist should not be able to cut a minors hair with out permisson from a parent. I would hate to think what would have gone down had the mother came in after the lil girls hair had been cut:grin:.
Some LHCF members who are also stylists or becoming stylists should open a new concept salon geared to long healthy hair, relaxed or natural they would get mad rich off that.

I have been thinking the same thing!!

:orders: :orders: :orders: :orders:

Calling all stylists... please take note of the above statement. It is so true! :grin:
You are a great storyteller. I felt I was right there, probably also because I work in SW Atlanta, so I kinda was close by and know the, let's say environment and its inhabitants, outside of the AUC ivory tower....
You are a great storyteller. I felt I was right there, probably also because I work in SW Atlanta, so I kinda was close by and know the, let's say environment and its inhabitants, outside of the AUC ivory tower....

LOL! Girl then you know what I'm talking about! The women in the hair salons on that side of town are no joke. Three inch finger nails, tri color weaves, and apple bottom jeans! My friend had already told me she wasn't in it so I was on my own in that salon..:lachen:
I was right there with you. You are an excellent storyteller. I wanted you to step in while "Miss Thing" was combing the child's hair too hard.:whip:

I wanted you to tell her put down the rat tail comb and back away and no one will get hurt!
so glad you wanted to say something! This was clearly a situation where someone needed to speak up and end a vicious cycle.

What is it with this incessant trimming business!?!?!? It is ridiculous. If you think about, every time you cut your hair shaft, you are just exposing another end... you are not getting rid of something magical... just cutting it down and exposing yet another blunt end to be worn down over the years!

Question: Do these stylists ever have apl or mbl or wl hair? I would not trust their sense of direction unless they themselves had a bush of healthy hair sprouting from their head! Would you ever go to a dentist with rotten teeth?
That is serious mad boldness that the stylist would even make that suggestion knowing that chile was that young and not even asking where was her Mom or guardian or if she was alone coming in there.

Wow waaaay beyond bold.
My old stylist... my hubby knew her growing up and used to call her the black pocahantas... anyway, he suggested I go to her shop... she has long mbl hair... that beeyotch did NOT want ANYBODY ELSE to have long hair. My hair has always been at LEAST apl... this ***** took me all the way up to barely shoulder length... said my ends were FRIED... it wouldn't look good when she did it if she left the ends raggedy.

She always wanted to cut my hair... I made the mistake of telling her the first day I met her that I wanted to have hair just as long as hers... she smirked and then ended up "trimming" about 4 inches off.

Now, my ends i have come to realize grow at different times... the left may be longer and then in a few months the right has caught up... Now, I am about an inch away from BSL, and I can't WAIT til I get up to MBL, so I can march RIGHT BACK UP IN THERE, and tell her I just want a wash and wrap... no trim until I come back for my touch up in a few weeks, and then I'll just never come back.

She could STYLE, but jealousy ruined it for her... even my step mom doesn't wanna go back, because she ALWAYS ended up getting her hair cut. It's been 1.5 years and and my step mom hasn't grown an inch.

What would you have said, OP, if the mom hadn't stepped in? I was thinking something like, "Girl, you better ask her mom before you touch her hair... you know how folks be acting about their kids..." Like to try to play it off so she doesn't get all ghetto with you, but still helpin the girl to get off the hook? Or is that a little too nice?
I'm really happy the girl's mother intervened...it still annoys me about how the stylist was detangling the girl's hair :nono:

I must say, that post was entertaning as h3ll to read, lmao
My mom took me to a salon when I was little. The lady cut a section of my hair (it was tailbone length and THICK)and my mother grabbed me and we left...she was fussing that lady as we were leaving too lol.
Girl you are too funny! This is the funniest post I've ever read!!!!! :lachen:


LOL! Girl then you know what I'm talking about! The women in the hair salons on that side of town are no joke. Three inch finger nails, tri color weaves, and apple bottom jeans! My friend had already told me she wasn't in it so I was on my own in that salon..:lachen:
You would think long and healthy hair would bring in more clients. Especially black hair salons. People ask me who does my hair all the time. They either recognize it's healthy, or they think it's a good weave. Either way, they want to know who does it. I spend an insane amount of money on hair products. I would pay 3 times that much for someone to take care of my hair and keep it healthy.:wallbash:

My sentiments exactly. But they don't think for themselves that way.

BEAUTICIANS(the Delilah ones).............are ya'll gettin' this???:grin:
OP, you have my blood pressure up. The suspense! The agony. I was on the edge of my couch. I need to catch my breath.

Anyway, I'm glad that you were there to attempt to take up for the girl. I'm also glad that God had the daughter on the mom's mind cause it would've been a blood bath in there.
This was a great story with a happy ending. Thanks for the laugh OP, even though I was mad at first for what that witch was about to do to that little girl.
I had a similar situation happen to me when I first moved back to s.c. My hairstylist in ATL took very good care of my hair so when I came home I went to a salon that A friend recommended for a relaxer. Well, I thought the hs was trimming my ends but while under the dryer I noticed I could not feel my hair on my back so I looked in a mirror (beside me) and saw what looked like shoulder length hair (my hair was near waist length) I was steaming. When I got from under the dryer I told her about it and she said my hair was damaged, of course I knew it was not and I told her so. and on top of that my hair did not look like it was relaxed if anything it looked worse. I was angry about that for weeks....
Hatin a%@ stylist man..OOOOOO that burns me up ... I can't stand chicks who have the audacity to cut healthy hair... glad her momma came in...smh..
That "stylist" is wrong and she knows it! That's why she didn't bust an explanation as to why the hair shouuld be cut when momma walked in. And I'm smh at the friend that came with the lil girl who smirked when she saw that the girl had to get her hair cut. Your so called friends can be ur biggest haters!
Good story op. I wanted to hear more lol. That was very nice of of you to want to speak up and help the young girl out. Wish there were more aware and kind people out there like you. I can't count how many times I've gone into a salon an was pressured for a trim. Just the other day my new stylist asked an I said no nicely. Figured out it's mostly just about money. About 2 years ago when i was charged an extra $25 for a trim. Never again I told myself. Glad her mom came in though. Good lookin out.
Hmmmm, glad this mother stepped in on time. Women can be fierce when someone is messing with their child. Mess with our hair :lachen: ... you might as well dig your own grave.