WHY Kaddy, WHY? (Phyto Review)


Well-Known Member
Why'd you ever tell me about this stuff? After hearing all your rave reviews, I went to Hairboutique.com and ponied up the big bucks. When it came I was so happy, just waiting for the day when I could be phyto-ed. So the day came and now I am HOOKED! Do you realize how expensive this stuff is lady? :lachen: I used to be happy with my 5.99 African Pride, then got introduced to Mizani, and now Phyto.

I will NOT be trying any of their other products, just can't afford them. Shhh--don't even talk about any of their shampoos or conditioners, 'cause I'm not listening!

So here's the official review:

In brief:

Pre-care balm—thumbs down
Relaxer and shampoo—thumbs up
Milky reconstructor—thumbs down.

OK so I got someone to watch the kids and locked myself in the bathroom. Read the directions AGAIN (I’d read them when I first received my relaxer) and assembled all my tools. I took the pre-care balm and greased up thoroughly. I looked like I was about to meet some chick on the corner for a fight. :lol:

I ended up using 2 jars (I have thick hair and I relaxed at 17 weeks. If I’d been a touch more careful I could have only used one). One thing I noticed is that the second jar had a thicker, consistency. The first was not quite runny, but not as thick as I am used to.

The smell
smelled like a chemical relaxer to me. I didn’t notice it smelling less noxious than Mizani or African Pride.

The rinse-out:
I had to shampoo my hair at least 6 times to get it all out. Gotta love color-indicators, without them I’d be bald cause I’d think washing my hair 3-4 times was enough. Everyone who said it feels like you’re rinsing out a deep conditioner is SO right. It feels so soft, not stripped.

The conditioning—
That milky restructerer gave me MONSTER tangles, and this is even though I used the Salerm Wheat Germ Oil Mask afterwards. To be completely fair though, the directions do say to use only what is in the kit. Next time I may try only using the Milky restructerer. If I find tangles again I will know to ditch it in the future.

The end result:
Soft, bouncy hair. Yep, the hair has body and not that limp just-relaxed look. Three days later the PHYTO-ed roots still feel softer than the rest of my hair. I used my usual smoothing technique and my hair is 80% straight, the way I like it. (pre-care balm gave me a pimple close to my hairline, and I've never had that problem with other products of that type)

IN sum:
Mizani has been kicked to the curb and I’ll be sticking with the PHYTO. :creatures

I've decided after my next stretch to go back to relaxing every 12 weeks. Better to use 1 jar per session at 4 sessions=4 jars=$240 than to use 2 jars per session at 3 sessions=6 jars=$360.

May have to revise my review of the milky restructerer. My hair seems to be breaking ALOT less. :scratchch I'll have to wait a few more wash sessions to know for sure.
Glad you had good results. I tried it this past Sunday and am hooked, as well.

...I can't believe we're gonna be spending 10x as much on relaxers as we used to! :eek: