Why does it feel like????


New Member
WHy does it feel like my hair isnt growing????
Why does it feel like everyone else is gaining progress and not me???
Why does it feel like I have reached terminal length????
WHy am I soooo frustrated????:wallbash:
Im jealous everytime I see someone with progress because they have found a reggie that works for them and I still havent. I wanna just give up!:sad: I wanted my hair to grow at least an inch before I went back to school at the end of august!!! It has literally beenthe same length since I came back from school in the middle of May!!!I never wear my hair down, I always use protective styles and rearly use heat!!Come on now!!WHat amI doing wrong!!!!:wallbash:

Aww :hugs: Don't give up. I'm sure your hair is growing but it probably doesn't seem like because you're so focused on it. Ya know that saying, a watched pot never boils. Have you been taking pictures to document your progress? I know every time I take pics every three months or so, I can see the progress. Try not to worry so much about length. Try to get your hair in tip top shape and as healthy as possible and length will come. Don't put yourself on a time limit to get X amount of inches by X time because if you do that you'll be disappointed if you don't reach that goal. Cheer up honey! HTH!
I wash my hair once a week without using heat. But there isnt a specific shampoo or conditioner that I use because Im still in the process of finding the riht products for my hair!its harder than what I thought!!!:wallbash:
Aww :hugs: Don't give up. I'm sure your hair is growing but it probably doesn't seem like because you're so focused on it. Ya know that saying, a watched pot never boils. Have you been taking pictures to document your progress? I know every time I take pics every three months or so, I can see the progress. Try not to worry so much about length. Try to get your hair in tip top shape and as healthy as possible and length will come. Don't put yourself on a time limit to get X amount of inches by X time because if you do that you'll be disappointed if you don't reach that goal. Cheer up honey! HTH!

Its just hard. My ultimate goal is when I get married(who knows when that will be) To not have weave in my hair and be "natural" knowing that I am walking down the isle with hair that is allll mine!!!!:rolleyes: just dreaming of that day!!!! Its hard not to focus on it whenihave nothing else to do!!!! :wallbash:
Its just hard. My ultimate goal is when I get married(who knows when that will be) To not have weave in my hair and be "natural" knowing that I am walking down the isle with hair that is allll mine!!!!:rolleyes: just dreaming of that day!!!! Its hard not to focus on it whenihave nothing else to do!!!! :wallbash:

And you WILL reach that goal! Nothing is wrong with dreaming just try not to let it make you crazy. :drunk: Are you on any growth aides? That ovation/mega-tek thread has blown up. Maybe it's something you could consider to reach your goals a bit faster.
I also get discouraged sometimes. When I am not seeing the kind of growth I hoped for, then it helps me to ask myself whether my hair changed in any other way. Is it healthier? Is it thicker? Does it break less? If you are taking progress photos it really helps you see these small changes that you may not have noticed otherwise.
And you WILL reach that goal! Nothing is wrong with dreaming just try not to let it make you crazy. :drunk: Are you on any growth aides? That ovation/mega-tek thread has blown up. Maybe it's something you could consider to reach your goals a bit faster.

Nope I dont take any growth aides and dont know which is the best to take and i dont know where to find them... let me know what to do.
I also get discouraged sometimes. When I am not seeing the kind of growth I hoped for, then it helps me to ask myself whether my hair changed in any other way. Is it healthier? Is it thicker? Does it break less? If you are taking progress photos it really helps you see these small changes that you may not have noticed otherwise.

It might be healthier but im not sure I took some photos about 3 1/2 weeks ago!!! and I see no changE!!!!!:wallbash:
Nope I dont take any growth aides and dont know which is the best to take and i dont know where to find them... let me know what to do.

There's no "one size fits all" way of deciding which growth aid is best. I can point you in the right direction of research to get you started. HTH!

Here's the Ovation Cell Therapy/Mega-Tek thread:

For a natural growth aid, you could try Moe Growth Oil:

Others like sulfur based products that you put on your scalp only:
Boundless Tresses (BT) made by our member StillALady
Beemine made by another member (sorry can't remember her screen name)
It might be healthier but im not sure I took some photos about 3 1/2 weeks ago!!! and I see no changE!!!!!:wallbash:

It's allright. *hugs* Sometimes hair has to attain a certain amount of health to it before it really takes off in the growth area.

I feel you on the regimen frustration thought. I'm still working out the kinks in my regimen. But, my hair is healthy. I do the elasticity test every week and the hair has been passing with flying colors. Minimal breakage and shedding. Those are the first steps to promoting hair growth.

One thing is for certain, stressing about it can seriously stunt your hair growth. I'm more focused on growing my edges in, and, after stressing about it for a month, I realized that it grew much more when I didn't think about them as much. I still kept the area moisturized and added my essential oil concoction to it. I just wasn't constantly inspecting the area in the mirror.

Don't worry. I'm sure your hair will start blossoming soon. Be patient.
LHCF is a godsend, but can be overwhelming to beginners.

IMO, it is not just the products that you use....but the method of handling your hair (shampooing, conditioning, detangling, moisturizing) that makes a HUGE difference.

Oneof the best things I would sugguest for a newbie is to COPY the regimen of someone with similar hair as your. Not your fantasy hair...but someone with the same hair...but healthier or a little longer.

So if you are natural..... pay attention to what other naturals do and the products they use. If you are shoulder length and relaxed ......pay attention to what other successful relaxed, shoulder-length folks do.

It will just be wasteful to follow the regimen of someone with much longer hair or a different texture than yours.

Align yourself with the "IN PROGRESS" folks that are struglling with the same issues as you.

There are challenges for every hair length (Neck, Collarbone, Armpit, etc.) and every styling option (Rollerset, Twista, wigs, braids...)

:yep: Just start reading.....