Which vitamins increase hair growth?

I think taking a hair multi is the best you can do for your healthy hair growth. That's because it will probably contain the individual supps that have worked for some as well as others that worked for others when the ones mentioned didn't. But really what will increase hair growth rate isn't necessarily the supplement that worked for someone else but rather the one supplement you in particular were lacking in your diet so that your growth was below the optimum. So taking a multi, IMO, is the sure way to increase your growth because the secret ingredient that was missing from your previous regimen will most likely be included. Also taking a multi is less likely to cause side-effects because the nutrients balance each other so you're not ODing on any. IF you are taking a multi already, please pay attention to the total quantity of each element you will get and look up toxicity levels so you don't exceed them. Maybe you can alternate if you find you can't avoid getting too much of say Vitamin A when you take both a regular multi and a hair one. Or maybe you can do some research and find a hair supplement that doesn't repeat all the ones you're already getting from your regular multi.
I've taken Biotin For Years and Never Experienced any Side-Effects, so I will stick with that for awhile. I am also taking Spirulina and Chlorella and all in all they are working for Me.