When you trim your ends....?


Well-Known Member
Are you trimming to even your hair out or you doing the s&d method or trimming certain parts of your hair? Because sometimes I see pics of people trims and hair doesn't look damaged but it's not even. I trim for to be even but think I'm delaying growth, idk...
Hi, I trim my hair about every 12 weeks and i do this to keep my ends healthy. I noticed that when when i trim on a regular basis my ends come out nice and full after every touch-up. I am gonna start dusting my ends about every 4 weeks as well.
Well, my stylist just trimmed my splits a week ago. My hair still isn't completely even, but it feels a lot healthier which is all that really matters to me at this point. Once I get past SL, I probably would start to trim to keep even as well because it looks a little neater
I trim to clean up my ends. By cleaning up, I mean removing knots and splits. I don't care as much about evenness since my hair is usually put up in some way. Be careful not to trim too often if your goal is more length.

On average, hair grows about .5 inches a month. If you're trimming that much off every 4-6 weeks, you're cutting off all your new growth. I'm currently trimming once every 3 months.
I'm natural, and I'm still trying to settle on a trimming schedule. But right now, I trim about .5" every 4 months.

I never wear my hair straight, so I'm not concerned with having even, blunt ends. I trim to keep my ends healthy and free from splits.
I'm natural and rarely wear my hair straight. Even if I did it would be curled so not concerned with eveness at this point. I probably won't try to even up my hair until BSL.

I guess I don't really trim. I dust the ends of my hair every 8 to 12 weeks taking off 1/4 to 1/8 inch. I either just take off the ends of my twist if my hair is twisted. Or if I am getting ready to twists, I take small sections and dust the ends of the small sections before I put it up. As my ends get better I hope to dust more every 12 weeks vs. 8.
My hair is uneven in the back. I am waiting until it grows to shoulder length so it can match up with the hair in front which is already shoulder length. I hate having my hair uneven. So after that I will be trimming it so it can be even and healthy looking. I do both trimming and S&D.

I trim regularly every 8-12 weeks even if there is no damage. Better to prevent damage from happening then cutting off inches of length.
Im natural and dont wear it straight. Only like 4times à year. I dust when wearing twists.but i used to never trim. Ill now dust every....4months .cant confirm. My method now is really listening to my hair. Not Only focusing on à schedule . For the moment Im good