What to do about a tender head


Well-Known Member
For my daughter. I'm not talking about the general "I don't want to get my hair combed" but the REAL tender scalp to the touch. I can actually SEE that her scalp is tender. And I can feel it too. When she points to the general area, I part it with my fingers (with her wincing the whole time) and I can see the scalp raised up, looking irritated. Mind you, I noticed this after her having an afropuff for a couple of weeks so it's not from too tight hair bands. I have a friend (in her 50s) who has told me that her scalp is tender to the touch as well.

How do you combat this? Scalp massage? Is it like a muscle where if you get blood circulating in the area frequently, there won't be this issue?


The last time I was this tender-headed was when I was natural, as a child. I will always remember the pain. My mother would grease my scalp which did help somewhat.

The first thing that came to mind was massaging the scalp using a soothing, healing essential oil on the tender areas, such as tea tree oil. Lavender essential oil is also very soothing and healing.

There is a recent post with an unusual article about scalp massging. This man says there is a scalp muscle that we can move and stimulate. I'll see if I can find that post.
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My scalp is this way even today. It hurts so much that I can't go to the salon. I would (a grown lady) sit in the chair and actually cry when the hairdresser was COMBING my Relaxed hair! I had to stop going.


  • When combing make sure it is still damp with some leave-in conditioner.
  • Hold the hair down at the scalp with the other hand while running the comb through the length (to keep it from pulling).
  • Do most styles on damp hair, but use only seamless, wide tooth combs.
  • NO BRUSHING TO SCALP if you can help it.
I hope some of this can help!


The little irritated sensitive skin bumps on my scalp are gone, because I normally wear my hair damp. This helps for me.

I hope you and your daughter can get it worked out.
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