What is your

Hmmm...I need to baby my temples this month. They're acting strange...I'm guesing I've been pulling my scarves too tight. I'm going to keep them loose and use essential oils to baby them back to health.

I'm ready to trim some old no-lye relaxed ends. The rest of my hair is texlaxed/natural, and I lost the thickness and texture it has. Those ends must go.
thicknlong said:
For real ??? :eek: Okay. That's it. I'm trying the high(er) protein diet and carrot juice. I hard ever eat any protein.

Yes these make a huge differance my hair used to grow like a snail.
I'm at 12 weeks post relaxer and I have no idea about how to style my hair....
Oh yes, and without co-washing, my hair would be "ewww" ! lol
my problem now is that my hait is thin. i just got a trim but my ends are still thin. styling would be so much easier if my hair was fuller. my left side is extremely thin and im trying to grow it out. and im dealing with a lil breakage but i plan on doing a light protein weekly.
My hair is growing so unevenly! My left side is growing so much faster. Thanks goodness for protective styling. I never wear it down.:(

My best friend told me I was obsessed with this forum, I was like:confused: , she just doesn't understand. She was like "You can start your own hair forum now, you already know how to grow hair...." I was speechless, does anyone understand us?????

My dh says it is time to start going to a beautician again so I can get a "real hairstyle". :perplexed Oh well, at least he agrees it is growing!!
Hidden_Angel said:
WANTING TO TAKE THESES DANGON BRAIDS OUT! :lachen: .. They look like dreads..

other then that I'm very much loving my natural hair:D

Me too. My head is to' up and I still have 3 weeks to go.
texasgrl said:
Yes these make a huge differance my hair used to grow like a snail.

And you have noticeable, SIGNIFICANT improvement ??? I'm trusting your judgement and taking some protein powder....I say the first stmt b/c some ppl SAY they see a difference but what can you see in a few week ? some folks its in there minds. I'm gonna try it.
the same problem since i started. Nursing those temples and front back to health. Whle the back of my head is nice and full, the front/ sides of my hair line are awful thanks to the weave i had prior to LHCF... I mean i am trying to undo the balding temples i have...... I know i complain about it alot , but once your temples are BARE on both sides....
I'm a newbie, so I'm still trying to work out a lot of things with my hair. Right now, I'm still trying to figure out when to do a protein treatment and when my hair has too much protein or too much moisture. I've read the topics-- I just can't figure it out yet. :lol:

The other thing is the last two times I've washed my hair it has ended up a poofy mess. I used to go to the salon all the time but I can't afford it anymore. I hope it turns out well this time!
aurora3140 ya thin ends may be a result of stretching ya relaxers too long. atleast thats what a stylist told me

Wow. Sorry I haven't responded JazzyBear! I didn't think anyone would reply, so I haven't been back to this thread.

I don't think stretching is the problem because my longest stretch ever was 10 weeks and that was unintentional. I was just really busy. However, since joining this forum, I stopped trimming with every touch-up thinking that maybe this was the reason my hair stayed the same length for so long. Now, I'm thinking maybe I can't wait so long, because even though I've gained more length, my hair looks like boo-boo.

I just got a trim last Friday (about an inch), so now I'm working on babying my ends :yep:.