What is the definition of crown breakage?


New Member
I see a lot of posts about crown breakage but I wanted to know if I have something different and more extreme. I have breakage and shorter hair not just in one spot of the top of my head but like a full circle. To the point if I cut my bsl bottom layer I could wear shoulder length bob from the breakage on top :(

So is this the crown breakage most refer to? Anyone overcome this type of breakage?
I believe the breakage you are describing is what I have as well. I associated mine with my first 14 week streatch and air drying and bunning exclusively. I wasn't aware that my hair had severe breakage in that area until I decided it was time for a touch-up - I couldn't wait any longer. I have BSL hair which was not affected - but is very thin in that area now. My hair wasn't receiving enough moisture/protein in that area which caused it become dry and brittle. Even though I wash and DC weekly. I also was using dominican products.

So I have changed up my routine and now I'm using Keracare Dry and Itcy Scalp poo and conditioner and the Keracare Humecto conditioner. I just treated my hair with Aphogee Protein treatment as I will use this every 6 weeks to promote strength and help with my shedding. I also started using WRGO as directed. I'm not going to do a 14 week stretch anymore - I'll stick with 12 weeks. Also - air drying I'm cutting back on that going back to my original routine of roller setting.
I also have this crown breakage, I am working to improve it because it really has compromised my progress. I have been here for almost two years and I am shorter than when I started:ohwell:. I am confident that I will address this issue and move on to having beautiful healthy long hair:yep:.

  • I am using emu and essential oils on the area every day.
  • I am washing and deep conditioning twice per week focusing on maintaining a proper moisture/protein balance
  • I am monitoring this area and journaling to see what helps the most
  • I am taking my vitamins, eating healthy, drinking water, and working out
  • I am moisturizing daily
  • I am wearing a fall and reducing manipulation.
  • I will not stretch longer than 14 weeks
  • I am maintaining a positive attitude and visualizing myself at my next goal:grin:
That's sounds like an excellent plan. I too am not going to let this deter me. I have to work on building strength and thickness back to that area. To look at my hair you would never know. Moisture/protein balance is key. I will pay special attention to this area from now on.

I'm making myself feel a whole lot better because I'm waiting on my new Pibbs 514.