What do u do first hair or make up?


Well-Known Member
This question is more towards naturals that are wearing wash n gos...

When my hair is str8 I always do make up/clothes first but when doing wash n go its harder lol

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I do hair first, then wash my face to remove any oil, spray droplets, etc. I do makeup last after putting on my shirt (I do my hair w/o a shirt on due to the oils and stuff I use)...can't have no greasy/lipstick/foundation-stained collar! :nono:
I get dressed, then do make-up, then hair. I just can't do my hair w/o my face being on lol.....nothing looks right.

When wearing a wng I do those first then dress, make-up. I don't actually style the wng until after my make-up is done. I pull it back w/ a hair zing because I have to have my hair pulled back in order to do my make-up.....my own little quirk lol.
For wash n go or a fresh updo, hair then make up....I always wash my face after a wash n go to remove any product that got on my face

If its a dry style like a twist or braid out, make up then hair...

I like doing my makeup first as much as possible because if my face looks wack, 9 times out of 10 the style won't look so hot to me either. My makeup won't change based on my hair, but my hair might change based on my make up. I hope that makes sense. :)