What are you using to stimulate your scalp?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever used cayenne pepper paste? I don't know if I could ever put it in my hair but I have heard of it.

There are somethings I just won't do.

I have! I forgot to mention that I put cayenne pepper in my oil mix. You are supposed to wait a week or two after you mix it to use it in order to get max benefits.

It has a feel-good tingle to it :grin:


Well-Known Member
I also stimulate my scalp with my fingers ie: scalp massages.

not normally with any oils or such


New Member
Hmm cayene pepper all I can think of is how hot it is..I couldn't imagine puttin it on my scalp



Well-Known Member
I noticed that the more active I became with exercise my hair grew.
I suffer from mild alopecia and I see the area getting smaller.

The overall blood circulation through exercising helped my hair tremendously.


New Member
I use sulfur and bhringraj oil right now. I also have rosemary in a lot of my products and it makes my scalp tingle.


Well-Known Member
**Rolland Una Oxygenating Treatment
MegaTek (when I remember)
Cinnamon oil (coconut/olive infused oil)

Carrie A

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I put lavander and peppermint oil in my shampoo. I was doing acv rinses, but I've been slacking on those :perplexed


New Member
Yes Ive heard alot about emu oil...I know the Hydrathermal Naturals lines using emu oil in their line and I love their products!

sensi sweetie

New Member
I use my fingers too! I love really getting in there with the pads of my fingers and massaging away. Just did a scalp massage with pure argan oil cut with organic jojoba :lick:


Well-Known Member
iadded pepermint oil and rosemary oil in my Deep Conditioners for added tingling sensations :shocked::lol: ilovee it!! :grin:

This is what I do except I don't add it to my DC but rather my cowashing conditioner (V05) and apply to dry hair, leave on for however long I'm feeling that day and then rinse. The tingling lasts me at least 2 days :lol:

ETA: Just peppermint oil, tea tree oil and olive oil. No rosemary oil for me.


Well-Known Member
:giggle: Yes Isis33, because it's impossible to read every thread on the forum and I rarely read entire threads and sometimes will respond to a thread w/o reading any of the other responses, a mention is the sure way to get me to know you addressed me. Every once in a while, I'll get an alert and no mentions will show up so I may do a search to see who mentioned me and might spot posts like yours but again, I'll only do that if someone mentioned me and it didn't show up, so I might've not known of your post till weeks later.

Thanks virtuenow for the mention and giving her the 411.


Well-Known Member
Currently using:

Hydratherma Naturals Follicle Booster

Currently using Vadik Herbs Brahmi Oil

I recently came across this line and this product stood out to me. I have it on my list.

How long have you been using? How do you like it? Can you give a review?

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