We Finally Moved-Prayer Request


New Member
So, we moved frm Minnesota to cut expenses, like rent. We are now between Nashville, TN and Huntsville, AL. We need your prayers. You all ahve been such a blessing in the prayer department to us in the past, I am coming before you again.

Hubby is waiting for his license so we can head to FL, but, we continue t struggle int he meanwhile. Neither of us are working right now, even though I ahve put in applications for work and he he is looking. My car note is way past due and other bilsl are due. Family is supporting us best as they can. Pleas pray for us to find work and funds ASAP to meet these financila applications. Also, please pray that hubby can get his license quickly! Thank you!

God bless all of you, as I continue to pray for you all!
THank you so much ladies! AHHHH! I'm also going through withdrawls because my computer is in storage and I ahve to use the library.

I'm keepin' the faith and keepin' ya'll in my prayers.