UGH! My edges....i am losing hope...*cries*


Well-Known Member
:perplexed For the past 2 months or so, I have been sporting a wig...I would say I wore it 8-10 hours out of the day. But now, I think it did more harm than good. My edges are almost completely know kinda like the father in Family Matters. That might be a tad exaggerated..but both of my temples are very sparse to the point where I can't wear any hairstyles without drawing attention to these two patches. I have applied MTG and MN and I don't know what else to do! It maybe improving but not as fast as MN users, who have had success have preached. I am starting to think that perhaps my wig caused me to have some form of temporary alopecia? But if so, how come the rest of my head of hair is fine? I had recently cut my hair really short to about ---1/4 of an inch and i am completely natural. I have about 3 to 4 inches stretched. To treat my edges back to health ...I doing a baggie treatment at night after applying MN and MTG.

Please offer any ideas if you can help!!!!!!! Thanks in advance!

xoxo me!
Hi, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I totally feel your pain. I wore a short wig over the winter and while my hair LOVED being left alone... the wig rubbed a bald spot right at the top of my hairline. :( It's just now filling in after about two months. I wore a wig cap (pantyhose material) that my stylist called a "head condom" lol :lachen: Unfortunately I didn't make sure that it covered my ENTIRE hairline before I slapped on the wig... and I paid the price. Not only did the spot have no hair (rubbed completely clean) it was sore to the touch for days afterwards. Since then I paid attention to the tightness (my wigs are adjustable) and between the two it seemed to stop any additional hairloss. The MN is actually working for me. That spot is much thicker (new growth) but there is still a small part of it that is still clear. Just take the time to pamper it and don't do too much manipulation...

ILuvsmuhgrass said:
Hi, I'm so sorry this happened to you. I totally feel your pain. I wore a short wig over the winter and while my hair LOVED being left alone... the wig rubbed a bald spot right at the top of my hairline. :( It's just now filling in after about two months. I wore a wig cap (pantyhose material) that my stylist called a "head condom" lol :lachen: Unfortunately I didn't make sure that it covered my ENTIRE hairline before I slapped on the wig... and I paid the price. Not only did the spot have no hair (rubbed completely clean) it was sore to the touch for days afterwards. Since then I paid attention to the tightness (my wigs are adjustable) and between the two it seemed to stop any additional hairloss. The MN is actually working for me. That spot is much thicker (new growth) but there is still a small part of it that is still clear. Just take the time to pamper it and don't do too much manipulation...


Sorry kinda off topic..but i Noticed in your sig that you take Nioxin vitamins? How do you like them so far? how long did it take you to see results from MN when applied to the bald spot areas?
Do you relax your hair? Do you think that maybe your scalp doesn't like the relaxer? Have you ever considered going natural? That's the only thing that I can think of.