Transitioners Club



those w/ two textures... I've got a curly/deeply wavy root w/ straight endz. what's working for you to keep both patterns harmonious?

i am so sick of my relaxed hair that every day i am tempted to cut my relaxed hair off myself. my goal is to transition till Dec. but i don't know if i can take the work of two textures.

Ok I have not relaxed since the first week of May. I am approaching my second month nearing the time for my retouch and the though of tr5ansitioning is on my mind strong. This is why. I am noticing that I am getting growth BUT my ends are still not as thick as my roots. I rememebr when I grew my perm out I was thick from root to ends. I am also condisering this because since I ahve been doing daily rinseing and conditioner washing every 2 new growth is VERY hair is really just wavy. I can pull a comb thru it easily and I have a good inch and 1 1/2 new just waves need my hair buddy to encourage me to stick to my braid outs, cornrows, and maybe goign to get it striaghtened once a month and see how it goes. (If my hair buddy rememebr who she is???) My thing is...I really like to wear my hair straight/....fellow transitioners...what do u ladies u think I will make it? Does any one care to share testimonies or opinions/encouragement?

hey guys transitioner here also
my last relaxer was July 2002. I have more natural hair than relaxed. I alternate between wearing my hair in braids to a curly puff. For the curly puff i use a pantyhose to push my hair back and gel(alcohol free) the front down. I then tie it down tight with a scarf, result=SHINY WAVES
as for the ends(relax and natural) i set them in spiral comes out really hair goal is to have thick, beautiful, big hair like Mel B(Scary Spice)

do you have pics? I'd like to see your style! .. I'm holding on to my relaxed ends...

no, unfortunately i don't have a digital camera Laela
I think i'm about buy that Kodac disposable camera which comes with a cd......but anyhows if you go to your local beauty supply store you can find the rods there. They shaped like a black marker, there are two different colors in the bag one blue the other white, the blue one is for the left side of your hair and the white is for the right. It depends on the kinds of one you choose, sometimes its reversed
I'm new at this my last relaxer was in May of this year. I got braids now. I just want to give my hair a break and plus my mother in law talked me into at least giving it 1 year and 1/2.
I'm a transitioner too. I stopped relaxing in October 2002. I currently have a sew-in weave and I will slowly trim away the relaxed ends and scab hair.
I hope this whole process will take no more than 2 years.

hey guys transitioner here also
my last relaxer was July 2002. I have more natural hair than relaxed. I alternate between wearing my hair in braids to a curly puff. For the curly puff i use a pantyhose to push my hair back and gel(alcohol free) the front down. I then tie it down tight with a scarf, result=SHINY WAVES
as for the ends(relax and natural) i set them in spiral comes out really hair goal is to have thick, beautiful, big hair like Mel B(Scary Spice)

[/ QUOTE ]

do u have a picture of how u style your hair? because my hair sounds just like urs (natural and relaxed ends) and i have noooo idea what to do with my hair!

no, unfortunately i don't have pictures. I will try taking some with a camera that comes with a digital cd, and post them

Hello all

Count me in
, yep, I'm officially transitioning
& soooooooooooo excited

I've read this entire thread & I'm so very inspired by each of u

Ok, let me shed some light on my hair background.... sorry if this gets kinda long

I have been permed for 18 yrs. I've done my own hair for 13 yrs (perms, trims, styles, u name it, I do it
. I even care for others hair as a "paid" hobby

My last touch up was April 19th. I have been airdrying in braids, twists & buns since that date (I've never air dried before). I haven't used my hooded dryer since early April, not even for deep conditioning treatments (I have been warming the conditioner b4 applying). I haven't used a curling iron, blow dryer, flat iron, etc since Sept 1.

I haven't had 1 single problem with relaxers. In fact, I'm very, very happy with the healthy condition of my hair. I LUV MY RELAXED HAIR. I have length, I have thickness, I have volume, I have bounce, I have luster & sheen, I have manageability, I have a perfect regime down to a science, RELAXED HAIR LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL

So why go natural, 1 might ask? Simple. Cuz I LUV MY NATURAL TEXTURE EVEN MORE!!! To the point that I UTTERLY DESPISE the thought of putting a relaxer on top of it. I have never been able to care for my natural hair as EASILY as I am able to now. ....AND WITHOUT HEAT I MAY ADD. That's a big deal in itself!!!
However, I'm not against using heat on my natural hair... just not on my relaxed hair (hooded dryers are ok though


I plan to trim my relaxed hair maybe 1-2" at a time as I gain growth. I have about 2-3" of new growth now. I'm about 5" from waist length. I haven't yet decided when I'll begin my trims... I'm thinking about waiting until I reach waist length then start trimming. (waist length is my hair goal). Once I'm able to achieve shoulder length natural hair, I'm thinking I'd probably be inclined to cut off the relaxed hair then. That's wayyyy down the line. Hopefully my transition will take 2 yrs max!!! (btw, I plan to track my new growth mthly by posting pics in my album. My 1st one's are there under July 2003


So far wonderful. Oddly enough, I'm able to manage my new growth better now without heat than with heat. My biggest hurdle will be getting past 5" of new growth. Some time ago, I managed 5" of new growth without a problem & that was prior to having a regime. No, I wasn't transitioning, I was just too lazy to perm it
. So I know 5" is manageable. But more? Well, we'll see.

Another issue is tangles
. So far so good. But as the natural hair gets longer, I know that's gonna be a major issue.

What scares me the most about transitioning is breakage at the "line". My hair is very strong; breakage is not a problem for me. However, 1 yr into transitioning with the possibility of having stringy ends scares the heck out of me
, ESPECIALLY WHEN i could have left my hair relaxed & just maintained the hair health I was accustomed too.

Ok, that's enough for now. To all of u who have sent inspirational PM's, I luv each of u
. This is definitely a journey that has NEVER EVER crossed by mind b4 ....ironically enough now, going natural is all that I think about. Who knows... maybe this natural kick really isn't for me... but 1 things for sure, I certainly now have a new found appreciation for my natural hair more than I ever imagined i would.

(((( exhaling.... ahhhh, such a spiritual awakening this is becoming

BTW, I can't visit this thread too often cuz my computer is dragging waaaaay too slow here

For real... I'm out this time

Another issue is tangles . So far so good. But as the natural hair gets longer, I know that's gonna be a major issue.

[/ QUOTE ]

So true. No matter how slow and gentle I am when I shampoo, the tangles are getting worse! (I don't have this problem with cond. washes) As much as I hate the smell and slippery feel of CON shampoo, I've started using it as a 2nd lather shampoo the 1x a week I use real shampoo.

Good luck!

Peachtree, congratulations on making the final decision!

I'm also a member of the transitioners club! I never thought I could go without a relaxer but I am loving the texture of my "real" hair. I'm planning the do the same as you and reach my waist length goal before I begin drastic trims off my relaxed hair.

good luck!
Re:Congrats All Transitioners

Congratulations to al of you. I know transitioning is far from easy but it's well worth it in the end.

Transitioning styles :

*Flat twists are great & easy
*Straw Sets- because they last a while and blend the two textures well
*Roller Sets

To moisturize your new growth you need a humecant and a sealant to trap the moisture.

Keep it up you guys.. don't give up!!!!
Re:Congrats All Transitioners

Thanks CK

Karonica & Kedala... I see u ladies are gonna give it a go, huh? I guess we're all the lastest 3 to be inducted to the club.

Wishing u two ladies much success
Re:Congrats All Transitioners

Yeah I am going to give it a go. I was in the restroom at my job a few minutes ago starring in the mirror at my new growth, I'm like yeah this could work...this could really work. So happy natural growth to all ladies on this thread.

Sign me up for the Transitioner's Club!

I have been transitioning since January 20, 2003. I have been using braid outs and buns. I have cut off about 6ins. My hair is below the shoulder and I have been contemplating doing to big chop.

Things that have been helping me through my transition:

cream of nature [the green and white bottle]
loreal mega moisture therapy
shea butter
CD - mimosa, hair milk, hair butter
Keracare Humetco conditioner
Hennalucent - neutral

I use a combination of distilled water and suave coconut conditioner.
Re:Congrats All Transitioners

To moisturize your new growth you need a humecant and a sealant to trap the moisture.

[/ QUOTE ]

How do you seal in the moisture?

I stare at my hair in the work restroom, too. I hate when people are in there b/c I want to be alone with my hair! lol
Re:Congrats All Transitioners

Aloe Vera Gel is a great source for moisture because of it's high water can seal it w/shea butter. If you primarily wear protective styles, it will keep your new growth moisturized and soft.

Re:Congrats All Transitioners

I am also a transitioner now i am at 14 weeks aprox without a relaxer. I just took out my micro braids which i figured just aren't for my fluffy curly hiar type( little spoofs of hair sticking up every where). I have this one little cute curl in the front that make me wonder how my mom could ever relaxe hair this cute. I might get it cut at 6 months, so if you guys see any cute cuts for curly hair let me know
