Tips on going natural/transitioning

Thanks for the tip. She doesn't like the panty hose either - not because it's breaking her hair, but she thinks it's ugly.
She wants me to buy her some headbands.
Karonica said:
Thanks for the tip. She doesn't like the panty hose either - not because it's breaking her hair, but she thinks it's ugly.
She wants me to buy her some headbands.

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She may like scarves better. I found them to be more flexible than the headbands AND they didn't give me those awful headaches.
I'm currently using this one scarf for my puffs, just to lay it down and then either wearing that scarf (if it matches my outfit) or using these goody elastic no breakage headbands I bought at Target this weekend.
patience said:
deeplyrooted said:
gabrielle2 said:
OFF TOPIC...but hey deeplyrooted..i am a BAMA STATE GRAD also! class of 96

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I'm a
alumni, but you should be able to see me at the Magic City Classics ... inbetween kickin' tail via the alumni association to get some stuff fixed on that campus.
You can access my graduation pics by typing in englishdegree (all as one word) for the graduation album.

class of 2004 representin'.

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See you at the Classic...Class of 97 here!!!!

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A-S ... A-S ... A-S----U ! ! ! ! Woooohhh ! ! ! ! Wooooh ! ! ! Woooh ! ! !

Just practicing my chanting. See ya there.
This is a great post, how in the world did I miss it? I just cut about 2.5 inches due to color damage, so it is back to short hair. Not quite my great TWA, but short. My signature is wrong.

To all of you ladies wanting to do this, GO FOR IT!!!!

You must change your mind along with your hair.
I am a transitioner and i am just trimming my ends as i go along. I have a natural hair mentor from nappturality. she gives good tips whenever i have a question. i did notthink there were many natural sisters here, but glad i found this post.
Bumping once again.
Well...I can finally contribute a tip to this post that I just learned recently...

If you have thick help tame your edges and "hair humps"...tie a satin scarf on over night (not too tight). I tried this last night and had good results from it.
I had completely forgotten about the scarf since I have been using my satin bonnet. Your hair won't be super flat...but it helps!

Also...believe that tip about not combing and playing in your hair when it's dry! I learned the hard way...
Blessed1, I'm transitioning w/o the BC! I'm not done, so I can't say I've successfully completed, but I've been transitioning for a year this month, and everything is going well. I plan to cut off the rest of the relaxed ends at the end of the year!
Excellent thread!

I haven't visited the hair advice part of the forum in a while, but I'm popping in now because I just got my natural hair pressed at a salon. This was the first time I set foot in a salon since 1998!!
(I posted some pictures in my brand new fotki album - see my signature)

The advice here is great. The only thing I can add is to make sure that you bring your own detangling comb to the salon if you go there to get it pressed. I did not bring mine this morning and made the mistake of telling the lady that I'm not tender-headed. (Why??? Why did I say that??) She yanked and tugged at my hair like she was trying to get rid of my hair or something.
She did all of this detangling AFTER she had me sit under the dryer. This is why I normally stay away from salons. I like the final result, though, so I'm going to quit whining. Still, remember to bring your own detangling comb if you choose to subject yourself to the salon visit.

oh--and I like N4U2LM's hair, too. It reminds me of mine.
nice thread...nice tips....
keep them coming...all I can add that it is truely a journey, learning to love ur hair.
i have just ordered good hair by lonnice b brittenum. i should be getting it soon.many people reccomend it fo transitioning. good luck to all those going natural
JamBrit said:
i have just ordered good hair by lonnice b brittenum. i should be getting it soon.many people reccomend it fo transitioning. good luck to all those going natural

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May I ask you what is this and where you ordered it from?
ayanapooh said:
Blessed1, I'm transitioning w/o the BC! I'm not done, so I can't say I've successfully completed, but I've been transitioning for a year this month, and everything is going well. I plan to cut off the rest of the relaxed ends at the end of the year!

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I'm right there with ayanapooh. I've been transitioning for a year and 4 months. I'm desperately trying to make it to two years but I may be right there with ayanapooh and starting off the new year as a full blown curly head...that would put me at 1 year and 9.5 months.
This is great information. I'm actually relaxed right now but strecthing out my touch-ups is lately reminding me of how much I really do love and miss my natural wave. I'm gonna keep this thread as my favorite just in case I decided to transition in the future, Thanks for posting this.
well, THIS is goin in my favorite threads folder!!! EXCELLENT tips!!!

i, personally, know how tough it is to get used to the fact that i cant comb my hair the way i USED to! im getting used to it, though...
Maestradiva77 said:
BLESSED1 said:
anyone successfully transition without doing the big chop?

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I did.

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Did you gradually trim off the relaxed ends? What style did you wear the most?
Blessed, I transitioned for 1 year and 2 months, then finally cut off the remaining 3 inches. It has been WONDERFUL to be ALL natural!
Help! My hair is nappy(4b I guess), and I cannot get it to grow. It is VERY fine, and breaks easily. When I was younger, my mother took care of my hair, and it was very long and healthy, and now it barely reaches my sholders and is dry. I don't perm/relax it, and never have; it's always been straighened using a hot comb. I use Nexus Therappe Shampoo and Frederic Fekkai Moisturizing Conditioner with Shea Butter which seem to have helped, but I think the hot comb and the "hair grease" reverse whatever repair the shampoo/conditioner are doing....
I love this thread, not sure if it's been mentioned.

But for those who are *just* starting out, beware of initial scab hair, I thought this would be my hair texture, and it was scary, but only lasted for two inches, i'm onto 2.5 inches, and the last 1/2 inch is quite a nice texture.

I've only started (last touch was may 21st) and i've been oiling my hair instead of moisturizing it, which has caused me to have super dry and brittle growth, so beware of oil overload too.

Bobbie said:
Maestradiva77 said:
BLESSED1 said:
anyone successfully transition without doing the big chop?

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I did.

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Did you gradually trim off the relaxed ends? What style did you wear the most?

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At the beginning of my transition, I was getting my hair professionally pressed. I got frequent trims to gradually get rid of the relaxed hair.
I transitioned without the big chop. I wore braided extensions back to back. When I wasn't in braids, both hair textures looked the best together when I did small twists. At some point you have to give the extentions a break and actually get to know your hair and what works for it. The worst thing I did to my hair was hot comb it... every day! I grew the natural hair that I wanted, but it was a fried MESS! The thing about transitioning is you have to realize that growing natural hair doesn't mean "Oh, now I can do ANYTHING to it and not suffer hair damage". You have to realize that there's 1) beautiful & healthy natural hair, and 2) ugly & damaged natural hair.
I am beginning to realize that water is my best friend. I used to run screaming at the sight of water now I happily spritz my hair nightly with water and apply my moisturizer mixed with EVOO. The result is soft-drying hair that I can't keep my hands out of.

Also, beware those unexpected sources of hair friction that can dry out and damage your hair. I have been wearing a bun and noticed that my bun was always ruffled by the time I got to work each morning. Then it occurred to me that my hair was rubbing against the head-rest of my car seat. Sure enough, an inspection of the head-rest showed an accumlation of broken hairs. I immediately got a satin head rap from the BSS and wrapped it around my the head-rest. No more hair friction while driving for me

I used to dread wash-day because it meant my straight syle was going to be destroyed. Now I look foward to CO washes and my weekly shampoo, deep conditioner. Hair day used to be a chore now I actually look foward to dealing with my hair.There is certain amount of freedom knowing that I dont HAVE to get a touch-up anymore. I don't know why I relaxed so long in retrospect.
Sridevi said:

I used to dread wash-day because it meant my straight syle was going to be destroyed. Now I look foward to CO washes and my weekly shampoo, deep conditioner. Hair day used to be a chore now I actually look foward to dealing with my hair.There is certain amount of freedom knowing that I dont HAVE to get a touch-up anymore. I don't know why I relaxed so long in retrospect.

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Gosh, I couldn't have said it better myself! I hated ruining my straight style! Now, I LOVE washing my hair!