Tip for Gel Users


New Member
Well, I've come to accept that for right now, gel is the answer to keeping my hair "calm." I recently found a trick for allowing myself to enjoy using gel more than I used to.

Once you apply the gel - especially if it's a decent-sized dallop, let it dry. It will get a little crunchy and this is what most of us hate about gel. After it dries, take your fingers and start smoothing over your hair as if you were applying more gel. This will loosen up the crunchiness and you'll be left with soft, soft pliable hair that doesn't even feel like it has gel in it!

NOTE: May not work if you're using that nasty brown gel.
Hmmm... I like the crunchyness. Not extreme crunchyness, but a little bit of firmness to define the curls.
Thanks for the tip. I hate that crunchy feeling and no, I am not using that nasty brown gel.
