Naturals: Less Definition/Clumping w/ Silicone Based Products?

Priss Pot

Makeup + Bench Pressing
Does this happen to anyone else's hair? Here's what I've noticed:

I've noticed that I get less definition when using products like Organix, Silicon Mix Leave-in (not the conditioner), Rusk Sensories Leave-in, etc.

I can co-wash with Organix Coconut (or Shea Butter), apply the Organix Coconut Split Ends Mender, and my curls are less defined and less clumped together (especially the hairline) and a little bushier, even after applying my usual gel. It does the same when using the Silicon Mix Leave-in and Rusk. Don't get me wrong, the products do still soften, but all of the silicones make it feel different.

But let's say, the next day...I co-wash with a Nature's Gate conditioner, apply Giovanni Direct Leave-in, and my usual gel.....lots of definition and clumping, but with less cones.

I still like the Organix conditioners, but as time goes, I've just been noticing little things about my hair. Especially what it likes and doesn't like.

Has anyone else noticed this with cone-filled products?

*I just wanted to add a little hair update: I had to do away with my tried and true V05/Suave co-washes for a while because even after using a good leave-in and gel, I would still get a little crunchiness.....BUT....if I co-washed with a regular conditioner (Nature's Gate, DevaCurl OneC, etc) I wouldn't get crunchiness (more softness), and my hair would feel as if I never even applied a gel (which is a good thing). Of course the crunchiness only happened when using a gel + cheapie co-wash, not my other tried and true cheapie co-wash + castor oil.

It's been over a year, and I'm still learning :).
Hmm I havent noticed...but I dont leave in Silicone based products. It leaves to much buildup. So Ill wash with them but for my final leave in Ill use V05 or Suave.
I've noticed this but I never thought about it being the cones. I just thought it might be the cheapy products. Anything that seems watery my hair generally doesn't like. It likes creamier products. That's why I don't like the cheapie conditioners like the Suave and the VO5. They make my hair look like fuzz. I'd be like where did my curls go? :confused:
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I've noticed this but I never thought about it being the cones. I just thought it might be the cheapy products. Anything that seems watery my hair generally doesn't like. It likes creamier products. That's why I don't like the cheapie conditioners like the Suave and the VO5. They make my hair look like fuzz. I'd be like where did my curls go? :confused:

OT: Glam your hair in your siggy looks amazing :yep:.
I've noticed the opposite. :ohwell:

I like the idea of using natural products more, though I don't.

I DO only use natural poos as I wash daily. My co-washing conditioners and leave-ins though have 'cones.

An inch ago my hair LOVED the worst of them all: cyclopentasiloxane.

Now...not so much. But the others are all right. Maybe with length the benefits of 'cones decrease for natural hair??
I don't have issues with cones as long as they are lower on the ingredient list. For example, I got really good clumpage with just conditioning with HE Hello Hydration and I left it all in (along with some coconut oil). Logically though, I could see why your hair wouldn't clump as much with cone laden products since they coat each shaft keeping them separate from each other. Just guessing.
I don't have issues with cones as long as they are lower on the ingredient list. For example, I got really good clumpage with just conditioning with HE Hello Hydration and I left it all in (along with some coconut oil). Logically though, I could see why your hair wouldn't clump as much with cone laden products since they coat each shaft keeping them separate from each other. Just guessing.

That makes a lot of sense!