This IS The LHCF Directory


Well-Known Member
For any new members or members that just want quick references, I've tried to gather and categorize a lot of Frequently Requested Post Topics that might assist you. Feel free to add on to the list!

Key Signs
* = outlink

Extending Relaxers
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Lime and coconut milk natural relaxer users?
Dealing with different textures
One you stretch you'll never go back

Hair Treatments &amp; Techniques
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Garlic Treatment
Leave IN Treatments
Steam Cap Treatments
Hot Oil Treatment Q&amp;A
Pre Poo Treatments!
pre relaxer treatments
Hair Treatment to Restore Moisture and Repair
Treatments post relaxer
Sealed Ends?

Hair Recipes

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Hair Potions
Wow coconut milk and olive oil mixed together !

Directions &amp; Intructions
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How To's

Hair Tips

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Protective Styling

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Questions for Bun wearers!
Protective styling for short hair?

Hair Extensions

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Diva's Personal Tips for Braid Success
*Grow Afro Hair Long


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Myths about Natural or Growing Natural Hair

Hair Problems

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Trying to save my ends
Perm, deep condition and then neutralize and wash?
My hair has no elasticity!


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Repairing Hair and Scalp Damage from Relaxers


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Is hair length Hereditary???
Lindy &amp; Other Anti-Protective Stylers!

Hair Tools, Appliances, &amp; Supplies

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Ceramic Hair Irons
What type of tools do you use?
Bone Combs and Seamless Combs....


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African Beauty Secrets???
To clear the air about protein...
Ultimate NEWBIE Links!!

..I'll keep adding links as I find 'em. HTH
That's a great idea. But maybe the name can be changed to Frequently Asked Questions or something like that. When I clicked on here, I thought I was going to see a directory of all the members even though I know you can see the members in the User List.

Just a thought.
<font color="blue">wow, thanks so much for your efforts. it was very kind and considerate of you! I must admit if one doesn't log on frequently, there is alot of info to try and catch up with in order to fully participate in/ understand the discussion. just a few weeks ago, I was trying to gain a list all of the "challenges"!! a couple I heard about but could never find the original post. still I thank you lots for your efforts.
innocent kiss, your a genius!
This idea is right up there with sliced bread!
Great job guys! Keep adding! Maybe as we add new links someone can occasionally go thru them and move them so that they are all on the same page or in the same spot/post instead of having to scroll thru all the definately deserved accolades everytime we're hunting.
Sorry for replying so late! My internet connection was down
I didn't think anyone would even look at the post
It took me about an hour to put just those few links together. *Whew* No problem everybody! HTH
Oh, GodMadeMePretty, thanks for the suggestion! I tried editing the post but I got this error 'This post can no longer be edited because the maximum edit time has expired'. Hopefully, people will look at it anyway