Paging ALL Protective Style Wearers!


Well-Known Member
I need your help. I currently wear my hair down everyday, and I am clueless when it comes to protective styling. My hair is growing and is healthy, but I know protective styling will make my hair look awesome! I plan on wearing this protective style for 3 months straight, after Valentines Day that is

Could you answer the following questions.
<ul type="square"> [*]Do you wash your hair everyday??
[*] What type of ponytail holder should I use?? (silk, rubber band, my hair)
[*]What utensils do I need to make this donut bun?
[*]How do you moisturize your hair daily?
Please feel free to add any more tips!
1. You may wash your hair as often as you wish, but at least once a week is preferable because you're going to be moisturizing your ends and whatever you use needs to be washed out.

2. As long as you don't wind it tight (twice should really be enough) and as long as you keep the hair moisturized, whatever you use shoukd be okay. Except for rubber bands. Those are a big NO. If you want something skinny, Goody makes skinny scrunchies.

3. The easiest way to make the bun in the picture is a Whirlastyle. They come in three sizes. All you need is that and maybe a small, skinny scrunchie. You can buy a whirlastyle at Claire's.

4. I moisturize my hair by applying Salerm 21 silk protein leave-in conditioner to all of my hair and then CDHHB to my hair that's in a ponytail. I then put my hair in a protective style.

If you want to try out other buns here is a link: