Thinning edges & Nape!!!!


Well-Known Member
I've been using MTG/Castor Oil Mix on my edges and nape but it is not working. Could it be because I still pull my hair back too tight in a bun most days? I'm not sure how to protect my ends and get my eges/nape back on track. Please help!


Well-Known Member
What appears to be working for mine, they aren't completely grown in but thicker than they have been in years:

1. Moisture
2. If I must brush, using a baby hair brush, no hard bristles or vigorous brushing.
3. I relax the nape only twice a years
4. I do not apply heat to these areas (only blow dryer, no curling/straightening implements)
5. Protecting these areas when I'm sleeping so they do not rub.
6. When wearing a instant weave, I wear a headband and tuck the bottom combs under the band, it never pulls on my hair.
7. NO tight pony tails or buns.

1. Castor Oil
2. MTG
3. Surge
4. Infusium 23

Good luck!


New Member
The products you are using are good for thinning edges, but you have to do your part and NOT wear your hair pulled back tight. That tension will counteract your efforts.

I had a similar problem with the ponytail syndrome. You have to find another style if you want to see results. Try a loose ponytail, also try adding rosemary oil to your mix. HTH.


New Member
Thinning edges and nape are something hereditary for me (mother and grandmother). They have ALWAYS been thick, just very short. Lately, I have noticed that I am able to pull them out and see them out the corner of my eye. That's a first since I can remember :D . What I've been doing is stretching my relaxers, keeping them moisturized with Doo Gro Medicated and Surge and whatever other moisturizer I use. I used to wear a satin head band mostly to straighten and hide my rough edges and nape but tieing it too tight set me back, last year.

ETA: I also do massaging and trims/dusting (more often than the rest of my hair) on my edges and nape
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Well-Known Member
My nape
OOh my gosh
It grows and just seems to die :lol:
Im thinkin of just fadin it on up, doesnt really make that big of a difference in my length or thickness I figure why not..
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Well-Known Member
I've always had these issues as well. My front edges are actually long, but it's just the 2 side-temple areas that are very baldish. :mad: And my nape never grows . anyways, it's changing for the better now. I have a new stylist and he relaxes the edges at the very last minutes. He also starts the relaxer process from the topback as opposed to the bottomback. (hair parted in 4's and start in the back at the top and work your way down. then do the top of your head) i hope that makes sense. but it really noticed a difference in the length of the back of my hair, right after the first time he relaxed it. I have hope now....