Thinking about Transitioning


Well-Known Member
I transitioned for 8 months last year and decided to relax. Using what I have learned here, my hair is thriving. However, I am thinking of transitioning again. Can I achieve some swang with natural hair from time to time? I think that's the only thing holding me back. I am thinking of doing a long transition.
Definitely! :D

Before I relaxed I used to press (on occasion). And my hair was silky, bone straight, and bouncy.... looked just like my relaxer, only minus the permanence. The folks who used to do it would wash my hair, DC, then blow dry, and follow-up with a pressing comb. Yeah, i know, a lot of heat. :lol: You dont necessarily need to do it just like that..... i think many naturals achieve the straightness/silkiness with just a maxiglide or other flat iron, right?

But the key for my bounce and swang was using minimal product. I actually didnt use ANY product in my hair, sheen or otherwise.... today, were i doing the same, i might use a light heat protectant, and thats it. For me, with my hair being so thin/fine, less product is more. Meaning, the less product in my hair, to weigh it down and so forth... the more body and movement! :)
I've been natural for almost two years and I definitely wear my hair straightened. I use a maxiglide when I do it myself. Check out my Fotki if you want to see what a natural straightened hairdo can look like.
UMBlessedBeauty_1 said:
I've been natural for almost two years and I definitely wear my hair straightened. I use a maxiglide when I do it myself. Check out my Fotki if you want to see what a natural straightened hairdo can look like.

I just came from looking at your album. Your hair is beautiful!
Miz Jackson said:
I just came from looking at your album. Your hair is beautiful!

Thank you. Hopefully now that I've found this site it will only get better and grow faster:D
I am transitioning from pressed hair to natural. Pressing my hair damaged it to the point that now large portions of it won't revert back. I don't have breakage and it is thriving other than that but now I can't wear my hair nappy like I want to because of pressing. So if you decide to go natural realize that pressing your hair (even if you don't do it often) can keep your hair from reverting back evenly. I mean I really look crazy when I come out of the shower because of my uneven naps:(
Yes, I think u can
I get WAYYYYYY more swing outta my pressed natural hair than I did with my relaxed hair (... & my relaxed hair was SWINGING all over the place, lol)