Thin roots, thick ends means what?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed this the last couple months and wanted to get other's opinions/thoughts. On my shed hairs, my hair is much, much thinner at the root when compared to the ends. Like, the ends are super, duper thick and coarse while the roots are thin and almost fine. The words "fine" and "thin" do not go together to describe my hair :lol: so seeing this has me a little worried. The kicker too is that those ends are what's left of my bone straight hair while my root area is (basically) texlaxed. If anything, my roots should be thicker than my ends, right...?

Anyone heard of this or experienced it? Should I be concerned? Or am I worrying over nothing and blowing this all out of proportion?
missyrayne19, it may be signs of thinning. My Komaza analysis detected early signs of thinning. My hair is growing in thinner than the length of my hair although it's not visible to me when inspecting my strands. Reasons for this can be a result of a number of things from relaxer over processing to medicines I've taken or am taking. They advised a number of things to counter the situation: Komaza products, stretching my relaxers and revising my vitamin regimen. I've incorporated all of the recommended items and things are going well. I am unsure if the thinning has self-corrected but I sure hope so. I will do a follow-up analysis later this year to verify.
divachyk hmmm it makes me wonder if I should start taking my vitamins again? My doctor told me when I had my physical a few weeks ago my iron levels were pretty low so I'm on supplements now. The only thing I can think of being a possible culprit is my diet because everything else is the same like it's always been for years

I've thought about doing the komaza analysis. Seems like it might be worth shelling out the money :look:
I was actually gonna say it sounds like your iron levels are low. I think a multivitamin with iron will help solve the problem after a few weeks.
I'm hoping that's all it is, something as simple as that. I'm pretty inconsistent with my supplements too so I'll see if doing it consistently for a whole month will make a difference
In addition to your iron and a good multi, add silica drops. I've been using it for over a year and it's really improved the quality of my hair (and skin, and even the appearance of my veins on my feet and hands. ) I use 15 drops daily along with a Vit D supplement.
Google "silia thicker hair"
In addition to your iron and a good multi, add silica drops. I've been using it for over a year and it's really improved the quality of my hair (and skin, and even the appearance of my veins on my feet and hands. ) I use 15 drops daily along with a Vit D supplement.
Google "silia thicker hair"

Interesting stuff. Where would I buy something like this?
I'd like to add that pumpkin oil has helped me thicken and retain my hair. There is lots of research out there about it.
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Yep, iron could be the culprit.. It was mine, low ferritin count, I still take supplements daily.
missyrayne19, I don't have iron issues yet I have signs of thinning. So, your iron may not be the issue. Make sure you keep your scalp clean as this too can cause issues.
OP, how often are you cleansing your scalp?

Weekly. I always pre-poo with oil right before and (usually) use a sulfate shampoo too

divachyk I used to wash bi-weekly but eventually realized/learned that my scalp didn't like being cleansed so seldom. Changing it to weekly has really helped and I don't think I have any scalp issues anymore because of it
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^^^^ I haven't. I kind of want to see if a few changes made internally and maybe even with some hair habits will make a difference before I take that next step