The Pros and Cons of Long Hair


New Member
That's called hair anorexia.

I always wondered what ladies meant by this! I definitely do have it, lol and as i say that I think "I don't even have enough hair to be falsely deluded about not having enough hair." :lachen:

But there are moments when the lighting is just right and the shrinkage ain't hurting me too much, I get a side view in the mirror and think

"wooww, that's MINE? I!" :lick:

and it feels full, and 'long' and I feel PROUD of myself! :blush: LOL Rare moments. Most of the time I'm too worried about the length I WANT to have, or lost because of a) b) or c) mistake, dwelling on the future or the past.

Let's love the hair we got on our heads right NOW!



New Member
Im collarbone/shoulder length:
- Easy to style without really styling
- It bounces all over the place
- Ponytails for bad hair days

- sometimes it scares me (I think there is something crawling on me and i find out it is just my hair)
- people putting their hands in my hair for weave checks ( I know I cut off my hair last year and it has grown back already, doesnt make it any less of my own hair)
- Tying it up not for the health of my hair, but so it wont scare me awake.
- Bangs always falling in my face and mouth

****Now this is just at collar/soulder length-I'm terrified for longer lengths****


Well-Known Member
APL stretched. Natural

-On a bad hair day, I can just put it up ( this is big for the style challenged w/short hair!!!!)
-Looks great whether I style curly wavy or straight
-SO has more to play with
-BIG hair gets lots of compliments
-Lots of fluffy hair makes me feel playful
-Keeps my ears warm on cold nights

- Much more conditioner needed.
- I shut my fro in the car door, and windows
- People always want to touch it
- I am more reluctant to try color ( fear of damage and starting over AGAIN)