Thank you to everyone at LHCF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Ok I took my hair down today and did some measuring. Guess what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
My hair grew an inch in one month! I am so excited about this. Never in my life have I ever grown and retained an inch of growth in one month. LHCF has changed the life of my hair completely. I was a true mtg doubter but I told myself I would use the stinky mess everyday since I spent so much money on it. I can't say that all of the growth can be attibuted to the mtg but atleast I know it didn't take my hair out. After getting my perm exactly one month ago I had some serious breakage, almost an inch in some places. But one of the many great things that I learned from this forum was to use protein treatments. This stopped the breakage immediately and my hair continued to grow. Now I am about 2-3 inches/months from reaching my first goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for all of the great advice and professionalism that virtually everyone has displayed on this board.
Congratulations!!! I am glad your regimen is working for you. Keep up the good work...Happy Hair Growing!